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Dowson CA, Kuijer RG, Town GI, Mulder RT. Impact of panic disorder upon self-management educational goals in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chron Respir Dis 2010;7(2):83-90.

Garfinkel D, Mangin D. Addressing polypharmacy: Feasibility study of a systematic approach for discontinuation of multiple medications in older adults. Arch Intern Med 2010;170(18):1648-54.

Healy D, Mangin D, Mintzes B. The ethics of randomized placebo controlled trials of antidepressants with pregnant women. Int J Risk Saf Med 2010;22(1):7–16.

Healy D, Mangin D, Mintzes B. Pregnant risk. [Letter] The Hastings Report, The Hastings Centre for Bioethics 2010.

Hudson B. Vitamin B-12 deficiency. BMJ 2010;340:c2305

Hudson B. Decision aids and screening. Information v promotion [Letter]. BMJ 2010;341:c6650.

Mangin DA. Urinary tract infection in primary care: How doctors deliver care is as influential as the treatment itself. [Editorial] BMJ 2010;340:c657.

Mangin D. All people over 75 years with a five-year CVD risk of ≥15% should be treated with statins unless specifically contraindicated: No. J Prim Health Care 2010;2(4):333-5.

Mangin D, Kerse N. When is enough enough? Avoiding polypharmacy in the elderly. [Editorial] Best Practice Journal, April 2010.

Mangin D. Good Care at the End of Life. Pharmacy Today, April 2010.

Savage RL. Leflunomide in combination therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. [Editorial]. Drug Safety 2010;33(6):523-26.

Savage RL. Can serious drug-related hyponatraemia be avoided? Changing patterns in spontaneous reports of medicine-related hyponatraemia lead to new prescribing advice. Drug Safety 2010:33(10):943.

Savage RL. Is statin-induced rhabdomyolysis avoidable? An example of preventability assessment from the New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Centre. Drug Safety 2010;33(10):952.

Savage RL. Abatacept and vasculitis. WHO Signal pp4-8, September 2010.

Savage RL. Dronedarone – acute renal failure and decreased creatinine clearance. WHO Signal pp9-11, September 2010.

Savage RL. Simvastatin/Ezetimibe and spinal stenosis: a patient safety signal. WHO Signal pp12-14, September 2010.

Starfield B, Mangin D. An international perspective on the basis for pay for performance. Quality in Primary Care 2010;18(6):399-404.


Healy D, Mangin DA The once and future psychiatry. Academic Medicine 2009 84(4):418-20.

Mintzes B and Mangin D. Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines: a counter argument. Future Medicinal Chemistry 2009;1(9):1556-60. doi:10.4155/fmc.09.136

Savage RL, Kunac DL & Johansson J. Appraising the post-marketing safety of medicines: A description of national and international pharmacovigilance with a focus on medicines used in chronic pain. Curr Anaesth Crit Care 2009;20(5-6):215-20.
doi: 10.1016/j.cacc.2009.07.013


Mintzes B, Mangin DA, Hayes L (editors). Understanding and responding to pharmaceutical promotion ­ a practical guide. World Health Organisation / Health Action International, 2009.

Book Chapters

Mangin DA. Promotion, professional practice and patient trust. [Chapter 9] In: Understanding and responding to pharmaceutical promotion ­a practical guide. Eds: Mintzes B, Mangin DA, Hayes L. World Health Organisation/Health Action International, 2009.

Mintzes B, Toop L, Mangin DA. Promotion to consumers: Responding to patient requests for advertised medicines. [Chapter 5] In: Understanding and responding to pharmaceutical promotion ­ a practical guide. Eds: Mintzes B, Mangin DA, Hayes L. World Health Organisation/Health Action International, 2009.


Vitry A, Lexchin J, Sasich L, Dupin-Spriet T, Reed T, Bertele V, Garattini S, Toop L and Hurley E. Provision of information on regulatory authorities' websites. Intern Med J 2008;38(7):559-67.


Mangin D, Sweeney K, Heath I. Preventive health care in elderly people needs rethinking. BMJ 2007;335(7614):285-7.

Mangin D and Toop L. The quality and outcomes framework: what have you done to yourselves? [Editorial] Br J Gen Pract 2007;57(539):435-7.

Mangin D and Toop L. Urinary tract infection in primary care. [Editorial] BMJ 2007;334:597.

Toop L and Mangin D. Quality and outcomes framework: Evidence of net benefit is lacking. [Letter] BMJ 2007;335:1170.

Toop L and Mangin D. Industry funded patient information and the slippery slope to New Zealand. BMJ 2007;335:694-95 (6 Oct), 2007.

Wilson K, Dowson C, Mangin D. Prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use in Christchurch, New Zealand: children attending general practice versus paediatric outpatients. N Z Med J 2007;120:1-9.


Corwin, Paul and Lalahi, Kalo. Complementary and alternative medication and alternative therapy use by nursing home residents. N Z Fam Physician 2006;33(2):101-3.

Gill EA, Corwin PA, Mangin DA and Sutherland MG. Diabetes care in rest homes in Christchurch, New Zealand. Diabetic Medicine 2006;23(11):1252-6.

McGeoch GRB, Willsman KJ, Dowson CA, Town GI, Frampton CM, McCartin FJ, Cook JM, Epton MJ. Self-management plans in the primary care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respirology 2006;11(5): 611-18.

Mangin, Dee. Management of uncertainty. BMJ 2006;333:693.

Mangin D, Toop L. Direct to consumer advertising in New Zealand. Is the end in sight? Best Practice 2006;2:4-5.

Toop LJ, Mangin DA. The impact of advertising prescription medicines directly to consumers in New Zealand: lessons for Australia. Australian Prescriber 2006;29(2).

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