MA PhD(Psychology), Case Western Reserve University
Joe is the Principal Scientist of the Christchurch Health and Development Study. He trained as an experimental social psychologist and worked in the US, UK, and Australia, before coming to New Zealand.
He was awarded a Gold Medal for Research Excellence in 2017, and was a member of the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor Expert Panel on Cannabis.
Research Interests
- The psychosocial causes and consequences of substance use, abuse, and dependence
- Mental health and substance use epidemiology
- The social and psychological determinants of maladaptive behaviour including aggression and violence.
Otago Profile
During its more than 30 years of existence, researchers from the Christchurch Health and Development Study (CHDS) have published an average of one paper every month.
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Ruiz, B., Broadbent, J. M., Thomson, W. M., Ramrakha, S., Boden, J., McLeod, G., Moffitt, T. E., Caspi, A., & Poulton, R. (2025). Caries trajectories from childhood to adulthood associated with mental disorders in midlife. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/jphd.12665 Journal - Research Article
Hobbs, M., Deng, B., Woodward, L., Marek, L., McLeod, G., Sturman, A., … Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Eggleton, P., … Boden, J. (2025). Childhood air pollution exposure is related to cognitive, educational and mental health outcomes in childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal birth cohort study. Environmental Research. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2025.121148 Journal - Research Article
Deng, B., Boden, J., Ye, N., Morgenroth, J., Campbell, M., Eggleton, P., McLeod, G., & Hobbs, M. (2025). Life in green: Associations between greenspace availability and mental health over the lifecourse: A 40-year prospective birth cohort study. Environment International, 195, 109223. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.109223 Journal - Research Article
Bell, C., Sulaiman-Hill, R., Tanveer, S., Porter, R., Dean, S., Schluter, P. J., Beaglehole, B., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Factors associated with mental health outcomes in a Muslim community following the Christchurch terrorist attack. BJPsych Open, 10, e209. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2024.774 Journal - Research Article
Deng, B., McLeod, G., Mackenbach, J. D., Dhakal, B., Eggleton, P., Marek, L., … Boden, J., & Hobbs, M. (2024). Typologies of residential mobility in childhood and associations with sociodemographic characteristics: A prospective birth cohort study in Aotearoa New Zealand. Child Indicators Research. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12187-024-10175-w Journal - Research Article
Journal - Research Article
Ruiz, B., Broadbent, J. M., Thomson, W. M., Ramrakha, S., Boden, J., McLeod, G., Moffitt, T. E., Caspi, A., & Poulton, R. (2025). Caries trajectories from childhood to adulthood associated with mental disorders in midlife. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/jphd.12665
Hobbs, M., Deng, B., Woodward, L., Marek, L., McLeod, G., Sturman, A., … Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Eggleton, P., … Boden, J. (2025). Childhood air pollution exposure is related to cognitive, educational and mental health outcomes in childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal birth cohort study. Environmental Research. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2025.121148
Deng, B., Boden, J., Ye, N., Morgenroth, J., Campbell, M., Eggleton, P., McLeod, G., & Hobbs, M. (2025). Life in green: Associations between greenspace availability and mental health over the lifecourse: A 40-year prospective birth cohort study. Environment International, 195, 109223. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.109223
Journal - Research Article
Bell, C., Sulaiman-Hill, R., Tanveer, S., Porter, R., Dean, S., Schluter, P. J., Beaglehole, B., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Factors associated with mental health outcomes in a Muslim community following the Christchurch terrorist attack. BJPsych Open, 10, e209. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2024.774
Deng, B., McLeod, G., Mackenbach, J. D., Dhakal, B., Eggleton, P., Marek, L., … Boden, J., & Hobbs, M. (2024). Typologies of residential mobility in childhood and associations with sociodemographic characteristics: A prospective birth cohort study in Aotearoa New Zealand. Child Indicators Research. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12187-024-10175-w
Deng, B., Campbell, M., McLeod, G. F. H., Boden, J., Marek, L., Sabel, C. E., … Hobbs, M. (2024). Construction of a consistent historic time-series area-level deprivation metric for Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Population Review, 50, 145-180. Retrieved from
Ruhe, T., Marek, L., Bowden, N., Wiki, J., Theodore, R., Hobbs, M., Thabrew, H., Richards, R., Milne, B., Hetrick, S., Boden, J., & Kokaua, J. (2024). The natural and built environments where Pacific children and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand live: A nationwide cross-sectional geospatial study. New Zealand Population Review, 50, 99-124. Retrieved from
Wiki, J., Theodore, R., Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Ruhe, T., Kokaua, J., Boden, J., Thabrew, H., Hetrick, S., Milne, B., & Bowden, N. (2024). How health are the environments of tamariki and rangatahi Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand? A nationwide cross-sectional geospatial study. New Zealand Population Review, 50, 71-98. Retrieved from
Eggleton, P., Campbell, M., Hobbs, M., McLeod, G. F. H., & Boden, J. (2024). Investigating misclassification in exposure to the Canterbury earthquake sequence using a birth cohort study. New Zealand Population Review, 50, 7-41. Retrieved from
Wiki, J., Theodore, R., Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Ruhe, T., Kokaua, J., Boden, J., … Bowden, N. (2024). How healthy are the environments of tamariki and rangatahi Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand? A nationwide cross-sectional geospatial study | He pēhea nei te hauora o ngā tamariki me ngā rangatahi Māori kei Aotearoa? He rangahau mokowā ā-nuku topenga ā-motu. New Zealand Population Review, 50, 71-98. Retrieved from
Crossin, R., Dikstaal, J., McKerchar, C., Cleland, L., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Sex-specific analysis of acute alcohol use in suicides and reporting of alcohol as a contributor to suicide deaths in New Zealand 2007-2020: A cross-sectional study of coronial data. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1604), 62-72. Retrieved from
Ruhe, T., Marek, L., Bowden, N., Wiki, J., Theodore, R., Hobbs, M., … Richards, R., … Boden, J., & Kokaua, J. (2024). The natural and built environments where Pacific children and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand live: A nationwide cross-sectional geospatial study | Ngā taiao tūturu me ngā taiao hanga e noho ana ngā tamariki me ngā taiohi moananui-a-kiwi i Aotearoa: He ranahau mokowā ā-nuku motuhanga ā-motu. New Zealand Population Review, 50, 99-124. Retrieved from
Eggleton, P., Campbell, M., Hobbs, M., McLeod, G. F. H., & Boden, J. (2024). Investigating misclassification in exposure to the Canterbury earthquake sequence using a birth cohort study | Te Whakatewhatewha i te Whakarōpūtanga Hē o te Noho Whakaraerae ki te Raupapa Rū Whenua o Waitaha mā te Whakamahi i te Rangahau Pūtoi Whānautanga. New Zealand Population Review, 50, 7-41. Retrieved from
Noble, A. J., Adams, A. T., Satsangi, J., Boden, J. M., & Osborne, A. J. (2024). Prenatal cannabis exposure is associated with alterations in offspring DNA methylation at genes involved in neurodevelopment, across the life course. Molecular Psychiatry. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1038/s41380-024-02752-w
Sulaiman-Hill, R., Schluter, P. J., Tanveer, S., Boden, J. M., Porter, R., Beaglehole, B., Dean, S., Thaufeeg, Z., & Bell, C. (2024). The psychosocial impacts of the 15 March terrorist attack on the Christchurch Muslim community: A descriptive, cross-sectional assessment. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58(11), 977-989. doi: 10.1177/00048674241276802
Kerr, J. A., Tyler, N., Foulds, J. A., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Adolescent firesetting as a risk marker for adult externalizing and internalizing problems: Analysis of a 40-year birth cohort study. Criminal Justice & Behavior. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/00938548241262497
Hobbs, M., Marek, L., McLeod, G. F. H., Woodward, L. J., Sturman, A., Kingham, S., Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Epton, M., Eggleton, P., … Boden, J. (2024). Exploring the feasibility of linking historical air pollution data to the Christchurch Health and Development study: A birth cohort study in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Spatial & Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 50, 100675. doi: 10.1016/j.sste.2024.100675
Deng, B., McLeod, G. F. H., Boden, J., Sabel, C. E., Campbell, M., Eggleton, P., & Hobbs, M. (2024). The impact of area-level socioeconomic status in childhood on mental health in adolescence and adulthood: A prospective birth cohort study in Aotearoa New Zealand. Health & Place, 88, 103246. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2024.103246
Buchanan, M., Newton-Howes, G., Cunningham, R., McLeod, G. F. H., & Boden, J. M. (2024). The role of social support in reducing the long-term burden of cumulative childhood adversity on adulthood internalising disorder. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s00127-024-02674-6
Davies, J. N., Harty, S. C., & Boden, J. M. (2024). The roles of extraversion and neuroticism in the relationship between childhood adversity and adolescent substance misuse. Personality & Mental Health. doi: 10.1002/pmh.1611
Dhakal, B., McLeod, G. F. H., Insch, A., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Modified inverse propensity weighting method to alleviate estimation errors in the model with multiple endogenous variables. MethodsX, 12, 102513. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102513
Hetrick, S. E., Hobbs, M., Fortune, S., Marek, L., Wiki, J., Boden, J. M., Theodore, R., Ruhe, T., Kokaua, J. J., … Bowden, N. (2024). Proximity of alcohol outlets and presentation to hospital by young people after self-harm: A retrospective geospatial study using the integrated data infrastructure. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58(2), 152-161. doi: 10.1177/00048674231203909
Journal - Research Other
Crossin, R., Ball, J., & Boden, J. (2024). Alcohol and suicide: The facts. The Briefing, (31 October). Retrieved from
Greenwood, C. J., Letcher, P., Laurance, E., Boden, J. M., Foulds, J., Spry, E. A., Kerr, J. A., … Olsson, C. A. (2024). The Monitoring Illicit Substance Use Consortium: A study protocol. JAACAP Open. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jaacop.2024.03.002
Sulaiman-Hill, R., Porter, R., Schluter, P., Beaglehole, B., Dean, S., Tanveer, S., Boden, J., & Bell, C. (2024). Research following trauma in minority ethnic and faith communities: Lessons from a study of the psychosocial sequelae of the Christchurch mosque terror attacks. BJPsych Open, 10(1), 1-4. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2023.641
Journal - Research Article
Donovan, K. A., Beaglehole, B., Frampton, C. M. A., Currie, M., Boden, J. M., & Jordan, J. (2023). Tōku Oranga: The subjective wellbeing and psychological functioning of postgraduate and medical students in Ōtautahi Christchurch. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 136(1586), 51-62. Retrieved from
Telfar, S., McLeod, G. F. H., Dhakal, B., Henderson, J., Tanveer, S., Broad, H. E. T., Woolhouse, W., … Boden, J. M. (2023). Child abuse and neglect and mental health outcomes in adulthood by ethnicity: Findings from a 40-year longitudinal study in New Zealand/Aotearoa. Child Abuse & Neglect, 145, 106444. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106444
Hobbs, M., McLeod, G. F. H., Mackenbach, J. D., Marek, L., Wiki, J., Deng, B., … Boden, J. M., Dhakal, B., … Horwood, L. J. (2023). Change in the food environment and measured adiposity in adulthood in the Christchurch Health and Development birth cohort, Aotearoa, New Zealand: A birth cohort study. Health & Place, 83, 103078. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2023.103078
Ruberu, T. L. M., Rajapaksha, R. M. D. S., Heitzeg, M. M., Klaus, R., Boden, J. M., Biswas, S., & Choudhary, P. (2023). Validation of a Bayesian learning model to predict the risk for cannabis use disorder. Addictive Behaviors, 146, 107799. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107799
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., Wilkins, C., Rychert, M., Adamson, S., Potiki, T., Pomerleau, A. C., … Noller, G., … Bagshaw, S., … Boden, J. (2023). The New Zealand drug harms ranking study: A multi-criteria decision analysis. Journal of Psychopharmacology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/02698811231182012
Tanveer, S., Schluter, P. J., Beaglehole, B., Porter, R. J., Boden, J., Sulaiman-Hill, R., Scarf, D., Dean, S., … Bell, C. (2023). The COVID Psychosocial Impacts Scale: A reliable and valid tool to examine the psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 20, 5990. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20115990
Hobbs, M., Bowden, N., Marek, L., Wiki, J., Kokaua, J., Theodore, R., Ruhe, T., Boden, J., … Milne, B. (2023). The environment a young person grows up in is associated with their mental health: A nationwide geospatial study using the integrated data infrastructure, New Zealand. Social Science & Medicine, 326, 115893. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115893
Boden, J. M., Foulds, J. A., Cantal, C., Jones, R., Dent, J., Mora, K., & Goulding, J. (2023). Predictors of methamphetamine use in a longitudinal birth cohort. Addictive Behaviors, 144, 107714. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107714
Ball, J., Zhang, J., Stanley, J., Boden, J., Waa, A., Hammond, D., & Edwards, R. (2023). Early-onset smoking and vaping of cannabis: Prevalence, correlates and trends in New Zealand 14–15-year-olds. Drug & Alcohol Review, 42(3), 592-603. doi: 10.1111/dar.13597
Beaglehole, B., Boden, J. M., Bell, C., Mulder, R. T., Dhakal, B., & Horwood, L. J. (2023). The long-term impacts of the Canterbury earthquakes on the mental health of the Christchurch Health and Development Study cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57(7), 966-974. doi: 10.1177/00048674221138499
Beaglehole, B., Bell, C., Mulder, R., & Boden, J. (2023). Pathways to post-traumatic growth and post-traumatic stress following the Canterbury earthquakes in a cohort of 40-year-olds. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57(7), 975-982. doi: 10.1177/00048674221134501
Ruiz, B., Broadbent, J. M., Thomson, W. M., Ramrakha, S., Boden, J., Horwood, J., & Poulton, R. (2023). Is childhood oral health the 'canary in the coal mine' for poor adult general health? Findings from two New Zealand birth cohort studies. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology, 51, 838-846. doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12772
Johnson, J. S., Cote, A. C., Dobbyn, A., Sloofman, L. G., Xu, J., Cotter, L., … Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, including Boden, J. M., Pearson, J. F., … Jordan, J., Kennedy, M., … Huckins, L. M. (2023). Mapping anorexia nervosa genes to clinical phenotypes. Psychological Medicine, 53, 2619-2633. doi: 10.1017/s0033291721004554
Monk, N. J., McLeod, G. F. H., Mulder, R. T., Spittlehouse, J. K., & Boden, J. M. (2023). Childhood anxious/withdrawn behaviour and later anxiety disorder: A network outcome analysis of a population cohort. Psychological Medicine, 53, 1343-1354. doi: 10.1017/s0033291721002889
Boden, J. M., Foulds, J. A., Newton-Howes, G., & McKetin, R. (2023). Methamphetamine use and psychotic symptoms: Findings from a New Zealand longitudinal birth cohort. Psychological Medicine, 53, 987-994. doi: 10.1017/S0033291721002415
Journal - Research Other
Kerr, J. A., Gillespie, A. N., O'Connor, M., Deane, C., Borschmann, R., Dashti, S. G., … Boden, J. M., … Patton, G. C. (2023). Intervention targets for reducing mortality between mid-adolescence and mid-adulthood: A protocol for a machine-learning facilitated systematic umbrella review. BMJ Open, 13(10), e068733. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068733
Buchanan, M., Walker, G., Boden, J. M., Mansoor, Z., & Newton-Howes, G. (2023). Protective factors for psychosocial outcomes following cumulative childhood adversity: Systematic review. BJPsych Open, 9, e197. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2023.561
Douglas, K., Bell, C., Tanveer, S., Eggleston, K., Porter, R., & Boden, J. (2023). UNITE Project: uUnderstanding neurocognitive impairment after trauma exposure: Study protocol of an observational study in Christchurch, New Zealand. BMJ Open, 13, e072195. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072195
Rippin, L., McLeod, G., Henderson, J., & Boden, J. (2023). Paternal depression among fathers in the Christchurch Health and Development Study [Research letter]. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 136(1577), 88-90. Retrieved from
Osborne, A. J., Broadbent, J. M., Morton, S. M. B., Boden, J. M., & Poulton, R. (2023). What have we learned from longitudinal studies in Aotearoa New Zealand? Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 53(4), 425-428. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2023.2208778
Buchanan, M., Newton-Howes, G., McLeod, G., & Boden, J. (2023). Life course development following childhood adversity: Methods and findings from the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Longitudinal & Life Course Studies. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1332/175795921x16783739382061
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Greenwood, C. J., Letcher, P., Laurance, E., Boden, J. M., Foulds, J., Spry, E. A., Kerr, J. A., … Olsson, C. A. (2023). The Monitoring Illicit Substance USE Consortium: A study protocol for investigating low prevalence substance use behaviours in population cohort studies. Drug & Alcohol Review, 42(Suppl. 1), 205. doi: 10.1111/dar.13749
Lee, R. M., Shoorangiz, R., Foulds, J. A., Almuqbel, M. M., Le Heron, C., Cleland, L., Keenan, R. J., Mulder, R., Porter, R. J., Newton-Howes, G., Douglas, K. M., Butler, A. P. H., Boden, J. M., & Melzer, T. R. (2023). Long-term impacts of cannabis on resting state functional networks: Are there any? In K.-L. Horne (Ed.), Proceedings of the 39th International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research (AWCBR). (pp. 57). Retrieved from
Buchanan, M., Newton-Howes, G., Cunningham, R., McLeod, G. F. H., & Boden, J. M. (2023). The role of social support in reducing the long-term burden of cumulative childhood adversity on adulthood internalising disorder. Proceedings of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists (NZCCP) National Conference. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Noble, A. J., Adams, A. T., Satsangi, J., Boden, J. M., & Osborne, A. J. (2023, August). Prenatal cannabis exposure alters offspring DNA methylation at genes involved in schizophrenia and neurodevelopment, across the life course. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Genomics Satellite, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Ruhe, T., Bowden, N., Theodore, R., Stanley-Wishart, B., Hetrick, S., Thabrew, H., … Boden, J., & Kokaua, J. (2022). Identification of mental health and substance use-related conditions among Pasifika young people in Aotearoa New Zealand: A cross-sectional study using the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). Pacific Health Dialog, 21(10), 663-672. doi: 10.26635/phd.2022.147
Theodore, R., Bowden, N., Kokaua, J., Ruhe, T., Hobbs, M., Hetrick, S., … Boden, J. (2022). Mental health inequities for Māori youth: A population-level study of mental health service data. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1567), 79-90. Retrieved from
Vlasiuk, E., Rosengrave, P., Roberts, E., Boden, J. M., Shaw, G., & Carr, A. C. (2022). Critically ill septic patients have elevated oxidative stress biomarkers: Lack of attenuation by parenteral vitamin C. Nutrition Research, 108, 53-59. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2022.10.010
Cant, N., Buchanan, M., Carr, A., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Cannabis use and patterns of psychotic symptomatology in a longitudinal birth cohort. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1562), 25-33. Retrieved from
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Acute alcohol use and suicide deaths: An analysis of New Zealand coronial data from 2007-2020. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1558), 65-78. Retrieved from
Ruiz, B., Broadbent, J. M., Thomson, W. M., Ramrakha, S. K., Boden, J., Horwood, L. J., & Poulton, R. (2022). Childhood caries experience in two Aotearoa New Zealand birth cohorts: Implications for research, policy and practice. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 52(3), 265-282. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2022.2061018
Noble, A. J., Pearson, J. F., Noble, A. D., Boden, J. M., Horwood, L. J., Kennedy, M. A., & Osborne, A. J. (2022). DNA methylation analysis using bisulphite-based amplicon sequencing of individuals exposed to maternal tobacco use during pregnancy, and offspring conduct problems in childhood and adolescence. Reproduction, Fertility & Development, 34(7), 540-548. doi: 10.1071/rd21108
Tyler, N., Foulds, J. A., Dhakal, B., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Adult externalizing and suicidal behavior in children who set fires: Analysis of a 40 year birth cohort study. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 85(4), 373-386. doi: 10.1080/00332747.2022.2045845
Cleland, L., McLeod, G. F. H., Dhakal, B., Fenton, A., Welch, J.-L., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Childhood maltreatment and the menopause transition in a cohort of midlife New Zealand women. Menopause, 29(7), 816-822. doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000001976
Monk, N. J., McLeod, G. F. H., Mulder, R. T., Spittlehouse, J. K., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Expanding the system: A brief psychosocial complex systems model of internalising disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 303, 297-300. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.02.014
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., McLeod, G. F. H., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2022). The association between alcohol use disorder and suicidal ideation in a New Zealand birth cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56(12), 1576-1586. doi: 10.1177/00048674211064183
Watson, H. J., Thornton, L. M., Yilmaz, Z., Baker, J. H., Coleman, J. R. I., Adan, R. A. H., … Boden, J. M., … Horwood, L. J., … Jordan, J., Kennedy, M., … Bulik, C. M. (2022). Common genetic variation and age at onset of anorexia nervosa. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 2, 368-378. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsgos.2021.09.001
McLeod, G. F. H., Cleland, L., Welch, J., Spittlehouse, J. K., Fenton, A., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2022). Menopause status and climacteric symptoms in a birth cohort of mid-life New Zealand women. Climacteric, 25(3), 271-277. doi: 10.1080/13697137.2021.1948005
McLeod, G. F. H., Horwood, L. J., Darlow, B. A., Boden, J. M., Martin, J., Spittlehouse, J. K., Carter, F. A., Jordan, J., Porter, R., Bell, C., Douglas, K., … McIntosh, V. V. W., … Vierck, E. (2022). Recruitment and retention of participants in longitudinal studies after a natural disaster. Longitudinal & Life Course Studies, 13(2), 287-306. doi: 10.1332/175795921X16168462584238
Journal - Research Other
Chambers, T., Boden, J., Hobbs, M., & Bowden, N. (2022). Why New Zealand must consider restricting alcohol sponsorship of broadcast sports as part of a wider law reform. The Conversation. Retrieved from
Boden, J., Hetrick, S., Bowden, N., Fortune, S., Marek, L., Theodore, R., Ruhe, T., Kokaua, J., & Hobbs, M. (2022). Empowering community control over alcohol availability as a suicide and self-harm prevention measure: Policy opportunity in Aotearoa New Zealand. Lancet Regional Health: Western Pacific, 29, 100631. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2022.100631
Rucklidge, J. J., Blampied, F. M., Manna, L., Sherwin, A., Bagshaw, S., Mulder, R. T., & Boden, J. (2022). Protocol for a randomised placebo-controlled trial investigating the efficacy and safety of a vitamin-mineral formula targeting dysregulated emotions in teenagers: The balancing emotions of adolescents with micronutrients (BEAM) study. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 30, 101027. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2022.101027
Hirota, T., McElroy, E., Fujiwara, T., & Boden, J. (2022). Longitudinal data analysis in child and adolescent mental health. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 1038190. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1038190
McLeod, G. F. H., Fenton, A., Manning, B., Insch, A., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Just because you can...does not mean you should: An examination of efficacy and potential harms from non-prescribed supplements taken by members of the Christchurch Health and Development Study at age 40. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1560), 114-116. Retrieved from
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., Rychert, M., Wilkins, C., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Measuring drug harm in New Zealand: A stocktake of current data sources. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1554), 93-104. Retrieved from
Ball, J., Crossin, R., Boden, J., Crengle, S., & Edwards, R. (2022). Long-term trends in adolescent alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use and emerging substance use issues in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 52(4), 450-471. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2022.2060266
Crossin, R., Boden, J. M., Wilkins, C., & Adamson, S. (2022). The New Zealand Illicit Drug Harms Index: How can it inform a health-based approach to drug use? New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1552), 8-10. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Crossin, R., Cleland, L., McLeod, G. F. H., Beautrais, A., Witt, K., & Boden, J. M. (2022). A multi-methods study to understand the relationship between alcohol and suicide in Aotearoa New Zealand. Drug & Alcohol Review, 41(Suppl. 1), 15. doi: 10.1111/dar.13537
Hobbs, M., McLeod, G., Mackenbach, J., Marek, L., Wiki, J., Deng, B., … Boden, J., … Horwood, J. (2022). Change in the food environment and change in measured adiposity in adulthood: A longitudinal study from the Christchurch Health and Development birth cohort, Aotearoa New Zealand. Obesity Reviews, 23(Suppl. 2), (pp. 45). doi: 10.1111/obr.13503
Hobbs, M., McLeod, G., Mackenbach, J., Marek, L., Wiki, J., Deng, B., Eggleton, P., Boden, J., … Horwood, J. (2022). Change in the food environment and change in measured adiposity in adulthood: A longitudinal study from the Christchurch Health and Development birth cohort, Aotearoa New Zealand. Proceedings of the 19th International Medical Geography Symposium (IMGS). 7. Retrieved from
Deng, B., Hobbs, M., McLeod, G., Eggleton, P., Campbell, M., Boden, J., & Mackenbach, J. (2022). Using evidence from the Christchurch Health and Development birth cohort study to improve our understanding of the links between greenspaces and mental health: Preliminary findings. Proceedings of the 19th International Medical Geography Symposium (IMGS). 38. Retrieved from
Lee, R. M., Cleland, L., Foulds, J. A., Shoorangiz, R., Almuqbel, M. M., Le Heron, C., Keenan, R., Mulder, R., Porter, R., Newton-Howes, G., Douglas, K., Butler, A., Boden, J. M., & Melzer, T. R. (2022). Early cannabis use and its impact on the ageing brain: An MRI study of a New Zealand longitudinal birth cohort. In K. Horne (Ed.), Proceedings of the 38th International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research (AWCBR). (pp. 51). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Boden, J. (2022, August). What ingredients does a child need to thrive? Lessons from the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Verbal presentation at the George Abbott Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Ip, H. F., van der Laan, C. M., Krapohl, E. M. L., Brikell, I., Sánchez-Mora, C., Nolte, I. M., … Miller, A., … Boden, J., Pearson, J., Horwood, L. J., Kennedy, M., Poulton, R., … Boomsma, D. I. (2021). Genetic association study of childhood aggression across raters, instruments, and age. Translational Psychiatry, 11, 413. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01480-x
Adamson, S. J., Martin, A., Deering, D. E. A., & Boden, J. M. (2021). New Zealand women's experience of intimacy within heterosexual relationships: Influence of partners' perceived pornography use. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 47(7), 656-668. doi: 10.1080/0092623x.2021.1937416
McLeod, G. F. H., Horwood, J., Boden, J. M., & Woodward, L. J. (2021). Parental use of physical punishment in a birth cohort. New Zealand Medical Journal, 134(1534), 17-30. Retrieved from
Boden, J. M., Crossin, R., Cook, S., Martin, G., Foulds, J. A., & Newton-Howes, G. (2021). Parenting and home environment in childhood and adolescence and alcohol use disorder in adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69, 329-334. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.12.136
Noble, A. J., Pearson, J. F., Boden, J. M., Horwood, L. J., Gemmell, N. J., Kennedy, M. A., & Osborne, A. J. (2021). A validation of Illumina EPIC array system with bisulfite-based amplicon sequencing. PeerJ, 9, e10762. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10762
Hobbs, M., Mackenbach, J. D., Wiki, J., Marek, L., McLeod, G. F. H., & Boden, J. M. (2021). Investigating change in the food environment over 10 years in urban New Zealand: A longitudinal and nationwide geospatial study. Social Science & Medicine, 269, 113522. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113522
Munn-Chernoff, M. A., Johnson, E. C., Chou, Y.-L., Coleman, J. R. I., Thornton, L. M., Walters, R. K., … Boden, J. M., … Horwood, L. J., … Pearson, J. F., … Jordan, J., Kennedy, M. A., … Agrawal, A. (2021). Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies. Addiction Biology, 26, e12880. doi: 10.1111/adb.12880
Journal - Research Other
Sulaiman-Hill, R. C., Porter, R., Tanveer, S., Boden, J., Beaglehole, B., Schluter, P. J., Dean, S., & Bell, C. (2021). Psychosocial impacts on the Christchurch Muslim community following the 15 March terrorist attacks: A mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ Open, 11(10), e055413. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055413
Ball, J., Zhang, J., Hammond, D., Boden, J., Stanley, J., & Edwards, R. (2021). The rise of cannabis vaping: Implications for survey design. New Zealand Medical Journal, 134(1540), 95-98. Retrieved from
Bell, C., Beaglehole, B., Bell, R., Tanveer, S., Sulaiman-Hill, R., Boden, J., & Porter, R. (2021). Learning from previous disasters: Potential pitfalls of epidemiological psychosocial research in the COVID-19 environment. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 55(7), 646-649. doi: 10.1177/0004867421998783
Theodore, R., Ratima, M., Potiki, T., Boden, J., & Poulton, R. (2021). Cannabis, the cannabis referendum and Māori youth: A review from a lifecourse perspective. Kōtuitui, 16(1), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2020.1760897
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Noble, A. J., Pearson, J. F., Kennedy, M. A., Boden, J. M., Horwood, L. J., & Osborne, A. J. (2021). Does DNA methylation link the association between maternal tobacco use during pregnancy and altered offspring neurodevelopment. Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian & Oceanic Biochemists & Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB). (pp. 292). Retrieved from
Ball, J., Zhang, J., Boden, J., Waa, A., Stanley, J., Hammond, D., & Edwards, R. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of early-onset cannabis use in Aotearoa New Zealand. Drug & Alcohol Review, 40(Suppl. 1), (pp. S45). doi: 10.1111/dar.13384
Hobbs, M., Mackenbach, J., Wiki, J., Marek, L., McLeod, G., & Boden, J. (2021). Investigating change in the urban food environment over 10 years in New Zealand: A longitudinal study. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity Annual Meeting (ISBNPA XChange): Thinking Independently Together: Let's Dance Around the World. (pp. 42). International Society of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Boden, J. (2021, September). Trauma exposure and consequence over the life course: Evidence from the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Verbal presentation at the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) New Zealand Scientific Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Johnson, E. C., Demontis, D., Thorgeirsson, T. E., Walters, R. K., Polimanti, R., Hatoum, A. S., … Boden, J., … Pearson, J. F., … Horwood, J., … Kennedy, M. A., … Agrawal, A. (2020). A large-scale genome-wide association study meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder. Lancet Psychiatry, 7, 1032-1045. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30339-4
McKetin, R., Boden, J. M., Foulds, J. A., Najman, J. M., Ali, R., Degenhardt, L., … Weatherburn, D. (2020). The contribution of methamphetamine use to crime: Evidence from Australian longitudinal data. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 216, 108262. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108262
Boden, J., Blair, S., & Newton-Howes, G. (2020). Alcohol use in adolescents and adult psychopathology and social outcomes: Findings from a 35-year cohort study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54(9), 909-918. doi: 10.1177/0004867420924091
Boden, J. M., Cleland, L., Dhakal, B., & Horwood, L. J. (2020). Attitudes towards cannabis and cannabis law change in a New Zealand birth cohort. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1515), 79-88. Retrieved from
Bryois, J., Skene, N. G., Folmann Hansen, T., Kogelman, L. J. A., Watson, H. J., Liu, Z., … Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, including Boden, J., … Jordan, J., … Kennedy, M., … Pearson, J., … Sullivan, P. F. (2020). Genetic identification of cell types underlying brain complex traits yields insights into the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. Nature Genetics, 52, 482-493. doi: 10.1038/s41588-020-0610-9
Osborne, A. J., Pearson, J. F., Noble, A. J., Gemmell, N. J., Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., … Kennedy, M. A. (2020). Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of heavy cannabis exposure in a New Zealand longitudinal cohort. Translational Psychiatry, 10, 114. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-0800-3
Lee, J. O., Jeong, C. H., Yuan, C., Boden, J. M., Umaña-Taylor, A. J., Noris, M., & Cederbaum, J. A. (2020). Externalizing behavior problems in offspring of teen mothers: A meta-analysis. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 49, 1146-1161. doi: 10.1007/s10964-020-01232-y
Beaglehole, B., Moor, S., Zhang, T., Hamilton, G. J., Mulder, R. T., Boden, J. M., Frampton, C. M. A., & Bell, C. J. (2020). Impact of the Canterbury earthquakes on dispensing of psychiatric medication for children and adolescents: Longitudinal quantitative study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 216(3), 151-155. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2019.273
Sanders, J., Munford, R., Boden, J., & Johnston, W. (2020). Earning, learning, and access to support: The role of early engagement in work, employment skills development and supportive relationships in employment outcomes for vulnerable youth in New Zealand. Children & Youth Services Review, 110, 104753. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.104753
Foulds, J. A., Boden, J. M., McKetin, R., & Newton-Howes, G. (2020). Methamphetamine use and violence: Findings from a longitudinal birth cohort. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 207, 107826. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.107826
Boden, J. M., Dhakal, B., Foulds, J. A., & Horwood, L. J. (2020). Life-course trajectories of cannabis use: A latent class analysis of a New Zealand birth cohort. Addiction, 115(2), 279-290. doi: 10.1111/add.14814
Lee, J. O., Horwood, L. J., Lee, W. J., Hackman, D. A., McLeod, G. F. H., & Boden, J. M. (2020). Social causation, social selection, or common determinants? Examining competing explanations for the link between young adult unemployment and nicotine dependence. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 22(11), 2006-2013. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntz131
Spittlehouse, J. K., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2020). Sexual orientation and mental health over the life course in a birth cohort. Psychological Medicine, 50, 1348-1355. doi: 10.1017/S0033291719001284
Journal - Research Other
Boden, J. M. (2020). New Zealand’s Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill: A viable approach to drug law reform. Australian Health Review, 44, 818. doi: 10.1071/AHv44n6_ED3
Fischer, B., Daldegan-Bueno, D., Bell, R., Boden, J. M., Bullen, C., Farrell, M., … Newcombe, D. (2020). The Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines (LRCUG): A ready-made targeted prevention tool for cannabis in New Zealand. Public Health in Practice, 1, 100046. doi: 10.1016/j.puhip.2020.100046
Bradley, H. A., Campbell, S. A., Mulder, R. T., Henderson, J. M. T., Dixon, L., Boden, J. M., & Rucklidge, J. J. (2020). Can broad-spectrum multinutrients treat symptoms of antenatal depression and anxiety and improve infant development? Study protocol of a double blind, randomized, controlled trial (the 'NUTRIMUM' trial). BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth, 20, 488. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03143-z
Fischer, B., Daldegan-Bueno, D., & Boden, J. M. (2020). Facing the option for the legalisation of cannabis use and supply in New Zealand: An overview of relevant evidence, options and considerations. Drug & Alcohol Review, 39, 555-567. doi: 10.1111/dar.13087
Poulton, R., Robertson, K., Boden, J., Horwood, J., Theodore, R., Potiki, T., & Ambler, A. (2020). Patterns of recreational cannabis use in Aotearoa-New Zealand and their consequences: Evidence to inform voters in the 2020 referendum. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 50(2), 348-365. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2020.1750435
Boden, J. M., & Monk, N. J. (2020). Commentary on Pacek et al. (2020): Cannabis and major depression: A network theory proposal. Addiction, 115, 944-945. doi: 10.1111/add.14949
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Noble, A., Pearson, J., Boden, J., Horwood, J., Kennedy, M., & Osborne, A. (2020). Understanding the interaction between maternal tobacco use during pregnancy and adult offspring with conduct disorder. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1524), (pp. 144). Retrieved from
Other Research Output
Boden, J. (2020, July). Drugs, crime and other sensational stories from a career in research. University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Journal - Research Article
Prickett, T. C. R., Spittlehouse, J. K., Miller, A. L., Liau, Y., Kennedy, M. A., Cameron, V. A., Pearson, J. F., Boden, J. M., Troughton, R. W., & Espiner, E. A. (2019). Contrasting signals of cardiovascular health among natriuretic peptides in subjects without heart disease. Scientific Reports, 9, 12108. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48553-y
Boden, J. M., Newton-Howes, G., Foulds, J., Spittlehouse, J., & Cook, S. (2019). Trajectories of alcohol use problems based on early adolescent alcohol use: Findings from a 35 year population cohort. International Journal of Drug Policy, 74, 18-25. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.06.011
Beaglehole, B., Bloomer, C., Zhang, T., Hamilton, G., Boden, J. M., Mulder, R. T., Bell, C., & Frampton, C. (2019). The impact of the Canterbury earthquakes on dispensing for older person's mental health. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34, 1599-1604. doi: 10.1002/gps.5171
Watson, H. J., Yilmaz, Z., Thornton, L. M., Hübel, C., Coleman, J. R. I., Gaspar, H. A., … Roberts, M., … Boden, J. M., … Horwood, L. J., … Pearson, J. F., … Jordan, J., Kennedy, M., … Bulik, C. M. (2019). Genome-wide association study identifies eight risk loci and implicates metabo-psychiatric origins for anorexia nervosa. Nature Genetics, 51, 1207-1214. doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0439-2
Beaglehole, B., Foulds, J., Mulder, R. T., & Boden, J. M. (2019). Dispensing of medication for alcohol use disorder: An examination of large databases in a New Zealand context. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1495), 42-47. Retrieved from
Beaglehole, B., Mulder, R. T., Boden, J. M., & Bell, C. J. (2019). A systematic review of the psychological impacts of the Canterbury earthquakes on mental health. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(3), 274-280. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12894
Borschmann, R., Becker, D., Spry, E., Youssef, G. J., Olsson, C. A., Hutchinson, D. M., … Boden, J. M., … for the Cannabis Cohorts Research Consortium. (2019). Alcohol and parenthood: An integrative analysis of the effects of transition to parenthood in three Australasian cohorts. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 197, 326-334. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.02.004
Mulder, R., Zarifeh, J., Boden, J., Lacey, C., Tyrer, P., Tyrer, H., Than, M., & Troughton, R. (2019). An RCT of brief cognitive therapy versus treatment as usual in patients with non-cardiac chest pain. International Journal of Cardiology, 289, 6-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2019.01.067
Bell, C. J., Foulds, J. A., Horwood, L. J., Mulder, R. T., & Boden, J. M. (2019). Childhood abuse and psychotic experiences in adulthood: Findings from a 35-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 214, 153-158. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2018.264
Richards, A., Horwood, J., Boden, J., Kennedy, M., Sellers, R., Riglin, L., … Harold, G. T. (2019). Associations between schizophrenia genetic risk, anxiety disorders and manic/hypomanic episode in a longitudinal population cohort study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 214, 96-102. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2018.227
Newton-Howes, G., Cook, S., Martin, G., Foulds, J. A., & Boden, J. M. (2019). Comparison of age of first drink and age of first intoxication as predictors of substance use and mental health problems in adulthood. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 194, 238-243. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.10.012
Walker, G. H., Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2019). Examining the associations between offending trajectories in adolescence/young adulthood and subsequent mental health disorders. Journal of Criminal Justice, 62, 94-100. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2018.09.008
Journal - Research Other
Boden, J. M. (2019). Cannabis in New Zealand: A conundrum, and some good news. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1500), 9-11. Retrieved from
Boden, J. M., & Spittlehouse, J. K. (2019). What we know, and don't know, about cannabis, psychosis and violence. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1499), 76-77. Retrieved from
Boden, J. M., & Fergusson, D. M. (2019). Cannabis law and cannabis-related harm. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1488), 7-10. Retrieved from
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
McLeod, G. F. H., Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., & Carter, F. A. (2019). Childhood predictors of adult adiposity: Findings from a longitudinal study. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1507), 11-21. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Osborne, A., Pearson, J., Noble, A., Gemmell, N., Horwood, J., Boden, J., Hore, T., … Kennedy, M. (2019). Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in the Christchurch Health and Development Study reveals potential for epigenetic effects of cannabis use on pathways involved neurodevelopment and neuronal signalling. Proceedings of the 16th Asian Conference on Transcription. (pp. 55). Retrieved from
Beaglehole, B., Frampton, C., Boden, J., Mulder, R., & Bell, C. (2019). The impact of the Canterbury earthquakes on psychiatric medication dispensing for children & adolescents and older persons. Proceedings of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) New Zealand Conference. Retrieved from
Osborne, A., Pearson, J., Gemmell, N., Boden, J., Horwood, J., & Kennedy, M. (2019). Methylome impacts of cannabis use in the Christchurch Health and Development Study. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29(Suppl. 3), (pp. S851). doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2017.08.125
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Pearson, J., Osborne, A., Noble, A., Kennedy, M., Horwood, J., & Boden, J. (2019, August-September). Epigenetic impact of cannabis use in the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Noble, A., Pearson, J., Boden, J., Horwood, J., Kennedy, M., & Osborne, A. (2019, August-September). Understanding the relationship between maternal tobacco smoking and offspring conduct disorder: Are metastable epialleles present? Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Glass, M., Boden, J., Potiki, T., & Lennox Thompson, B. (2019, July). Legalising cannabis: Will it be wise, or why did we? Hear what the experts think. Panel discussion at the University of Otago Winter Symposium Series, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Munn-Chernoff, M. A., Johnson, E. C., Chou, Y.-L., Coleman, J. R. I., Thornton, L. M., Walters, R. K., … Boden, J. M., … Horwood, L. J., … Pearson, J. F., … Jordan, J., Kennedy, M. A., … Agrawal, A. (2019). Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/741512
Osborne, A. J., Pearson, J. F., Noble, A. J., Gemmell, N. J., Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., … Kennedy, M. A. (2019). Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of heavy cannabis exposure in a New Zealand longitudinal cohort. bioRxiv. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Beaglehole, B., Mulder, R. T., Frampton, C. M., Boden, J. M., Newton-Howes, G., & Bell, C. J. (2018). Psychological distress and psychiatric disorder after natural disasters: Systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 213(6), 716-722. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2018.210
Thornton, L. M., Munn-Chernoff, M. A., Baker, J. H., Juréus, A., Parker, R., Henders, A. K., … Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., Pearson, J. F., … Jordan, J., Kennedy, M. A., … Bulik, C. M. (2018). The Anorexia Nervosa Genetics Initiative (ANGI): Overview and methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 74, 61-69. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2018.09.015
Sanders, J., Munford, R., & Boden, J. (2018). Improving educational outcomes for at‐risk students. British Educational Research Journal, 44(5), 763-780. doi: 10.1002/berj.3462
McLeod, G. F. H., Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., & Fergusson, D. M. (2018). Early childhood education and later educational attainment and socioeconomic wellbeing outcomes to age 30. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 53(2), 257-273. doi: 10.1007/s40841-018-0106-7
Carter, F., Taylor, M. J., Weston, M. J., Quigley, T. A., Beveridge, J. H., Green, R. A. J., Duffy, S., & Boden, J. M. (2018). Crisis resolution: Consumer, family and referrer perspectives on care. New Zealand Medical Journal, 1476(131), 40-49. Retrieved from
Sillins, E., Horwood, L. J., Najman, J. M., Patton, G. C., Toumbourou, J. W., Olsson, C. A., … Fergusson, D., … Boden, J. M., … for the Cannabis Cohorts Research Consortium. (2018). Adverse adult consequences of different alcohol use patterns in adolescence: An integrative analysis of data to age 30 years from four Australasian cohorts. Addiction, 113(10), 1811-1825. doi: 10.1111/add.14263
McLeod, G. F. H., Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., & Carter, F. A. (2018). Childhood predictors of adult adiposity: Findings from a longitudinal study. New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1472), 10-20. Retrieved from
Boden, J. M., Sanders, J., Munford, R., & Liebenberg, L. (2018). The same but different? Applicability of a general resilience model to understand a population of vulnerable youth. Child Indicators Research, 11(1), 79-96. doi: 10.1007/s12187-016-9422-y
Sanders, J., Munford, R., & Boden, J. (2018). The impact of the social context on externalizing risks: Implications for the delivery of programs to vulnerable youth. Children & Youth Services Review, 85, 107-116. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.12.022
Newton-Howes, G., Mulder, R., Ellis, P. M., Boden, J. M., & Joyce, P. (2018). Predictive utility of personality disorder in depression: Comparison of outcomes and taxonomic approach. Journal of Personality Disorders, 32(4), 513-526. doi: 10.1521/pedi_2017_31_311
Journal - Research Other
Blampied, M., Bell, C., Gilbert, C., Boden, J., Nicholls, R., & Rucklidge, J. J. (2018). Study protocol for a randomized double blind, placebo controlled trial exploring the effectiveness of a micronutrient formula in improving symptoms of anxiety and depression. Medicines, 5(2), 56. doi: 10.3390/medicines5020056
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Boden, J. M., Cook, S., Martin, G., & Newton-Howes, G. (2018). Alcohol use in the Christchurch health and development study cohort. Drug & Alcohol Review, 37(Suppl. 3), (pp. S20). doi: 10.1111/dar.12862
Boden, J. M. (2018). Contextualising the harms associated with cannabis use. Drug & Alcohol Review, 37(Suppl. 3), (pp. S20). doi: 10.1111/dar.12862
Chapter in Book - Research
Boden, J. M. (2017). Forgetting everything we think we know: High self-esteem and violence. In P. Sturmey (Ed.), Wiley handbook of violence and aggression. John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781119057574.whbva046
Boden, J. M. (2017). Alcohol policies. In A. Deckert & R. Sarre (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of Australian and New Zealand criminology, crime and justice. (pp. 801-814). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-55747-2_53
Journal - Research Article
Sanders, J., Munford, R., & Boden, J. M. (2017). Pathways to educational aspirations: Resilience as a mediator of proximal resources and risks. Kōtuitui, 12(2), 205-220. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2017.1367312
Taylor, M. R., Boden, J. M., Rucklidge, J. J., & Farmer, R. R. (2017). The function of reward sensitivity and temporal discounting in the relationship between risk and ADHD in adults. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 46(1), 36-46.
Foulds, J., Boden, J., Horwood, J., & Mulder, R. (2017). High novelty seeking as a predictor of antisocial behaviour in early adulthood. Personality & Mental Health, 11(4), 256-265. doi: 10.1002/pmh.1393
Sanders, J., Munford, R., & Boden, J. (2017). In Transition: Patterns of development and change among vulnerable young people. Child Indicators Research, 10(3), 761-780. doi: 10.1007/s12187-016-9402-2
Sanders, J., Munford, R., & Boden, J. (2017). Culture and context: The differential impact of culture, risks and resources on resilience among vulnerable adolescents. Children & Youth Services Review, 79, 517-526. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.07.007
Beaglehole, B., Frampton, C. M., Boden, J. M., Mulder, R. T., & Bell, C. J. (2017). An evaluation of Health of the Nation Outcome Scales data to inform psychiatric morbidity following the Canterbury earthquakes. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(11), 1098-1105. doi: 10.1177/0004867417714879
Mihiroa Gillies, W., Boden, J. M., Friesen, M. D., Macfarlane, S., & Fergusson, D. M. (2017). Ethnic differences in adolescent mental health problems: Examining early risk factors and deviant peer affiliation. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 26(10), 2889-2899. doi: 10.1007/s10826-017-0792-7
Mulder, R., Boden, J., Carter, J., Luty, S., & Joyce, P. (2017). Ten month outcome of cognitive behavioural therapy v. interpersonal psychotherapy in patients with major depression: A randomised trial of acute and maintenance psychotherapy. Psychological Medicine, 47(14), 2540-2547. doi: 10.1017/S0033291717001106
Foulds, J. A., Boden, J. M., Newton-Howes, G., Mulder, R. T., & Horwood, L. J. (2017). The role of novelty seeking as a predictor of substance use disorder outcomes in early adulthood. Addiction, 112(9), 1629-1637. doi: 10.1111/add.13838
Newton-Howes, G., Foulds, J. A., Guy, N. H., Boden, J. M., & Mulder, R. T. (2017). Personality disorder and alcohol treatment outcome: Systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 211(1), 22-30. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.116.194720
Foulds, J., Newton-Howes, G., Guy, N. H., Boden, J. M., & Mulder, R. T. (2017). Dimensional personality traits and alcohol treatment outcome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction, 112(8), 1345-1357. doi: 10.1111/add.13810
Bell, C. J., Boden, J. M., Horwood, L. J., & Mulder, R. T. (2017). The role of peri-traumatic stress and disruption distress in predicting symptoms of major depression following exposure to a natural disaster. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(7), 711-718. doi: 10.1177/0004867417691852
Boden, J. M., Lee, J. O., Horwood, L. J., Grest, C. V., & McLeod, G. F. H. (2017). Modelling possible causality in the associations between unemployment, cannabis use, and alcohol misuse. Social Science & Medicine, 175, 127-134. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.01.001
Journal - Research Other
Boden, J. M., & McLeod, G. F. H. (2017). Epidemiological foundations for the insurance hypothesis: Methodological considerations. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 40, e109. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X16001345
Porter, R. J., Boden, J. M., Miskowiak, K., & Malhi, G. S. (2017). Failure to publish negative results: A systematic bias in psychiatric literature. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(3), 212-214. doi: 10.1177/0004867416683816
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mulder, R., Boden, J., Troughton, R., Zarifeh, J., Lacey, C., & Than, M. (2017). Managing non-cardiac chest pain: An RCT comparing brief CBT with treatment as usual. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(Suppl. 1), (pp. 9-10). doi: 10.1177/0004867417702054
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
McLeod, G. F. H., Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., & Carter, F. A. (2017, May). Prevalence and predictors of adiposity, a known risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Boden, J. M., Sanders, J., Munford, R., Liebenberg, L., & McLeod, G. F. H. (2016). Paths to positive development: A model of outcomes in the New Zealand Youth Transitions Study. Child Indicators Research, 9(4), 889-911. doi: 10.1007/s12187-015-9341-3
Boden, J. M., & Foulds, J. A. (2016). Major depression and alcohol use disorder in adolescence: Does comorbidity lead to poorer outcomes of depression? Journal of Affective Disorders, 206, 287-293. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2016.09.004
McLeod, G. F. H., Horwood, L. J., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2016). Life-stress and reactivity by gender in a longitudinal birth cohort at 30 and 35 years. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 51(10), 1385-1394. doi: 10.1007/s00127-016-1254-z
Carter, F. A., Bell, C. J., Ali, A. N., McKenzie, J. M., Boden, J. M., & Wilkinson, T. J. (2016). Predictors of psychological resilience amongst medical students following major earthquakes. New Zealand Medical Journal, 129(1434), 17-22. Retrieved from
Boden, J. M., van Stockum, S., Horwood, L. J., & Fergusson, D. M. (2016). Bullying victimization in adolescence and psychotic symptomatology in adulthood: Evidence from a 35-year study. Psychological Medicine, 46(6), 1311-1320. doi: 10.1017/S0033291715002962
Boden, J. M., Foulds, J. A., & Horwood, L. J. (2016). Examination of a possible J-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and internalizing disorders in a longitudinal birth cohort. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 162, 88-91. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.02.032
Bell, C., Carter, F., Boden, J., Wilkinson, T., McKenzie, J., & Ali, A. (2016). Psychological impact of the Canterbury earthquakes on university staff. New Zealand Medical Journal, 129(1430), 18-28. Retrieved from
Newton-Howes, G., & Boden, J. M. (2016). Relation between age of first drinking and mental health and alcohol and drug disorders in adulthood: Evidence from a 35 year cohort study. Addiction, 111(4), 637-644. doi: 10.1111/add.13230
Foulds, J. A., Mulder, R. T., Newton-Howes, G., Adamson, S. J., Boden, J. M., & Sellman, J. D. (2016). Personality predictors of drinking outcomes in depressed alcohol-dependent patients. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 51(3), 296-301. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv122
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Boden, J. (2016, October). The psychiatric epidemiology of cannabis use: Evidence from the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Invited presentation at the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists New Zealand Conference: Recover, Rebuild, Regenerate, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Mulder, R. T. (2015). The role of peri-traumatic stress and disruption distress in predicting post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following exposure to a natural disaster. BJPsych Open, 1(1), 81-86. doi: 10.1192/bjpo.bp.115.001180
Lee, J. O., Hill, K. G., Hartigan, L. A., Boden, J., Guttmannova, K., Kosterman, R., … Catalano, R. F. (2015). Unemployment and substance use problems among young adults: Does childhood low socioeconomic status exacerbate the effect? Social Science & Medicine, 143, 36-44. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.08.016
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2015). From evidence to policy: Findings from the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 48(3), 386-408. doi: 10.1177/0004865815589827
Foulds, J. A., Adamson, S. J., Boden, J. M., Williman, J. A., & Mulder, R. T. (2015). Depression in patients with alcohol use disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis of outcomes for independent and substance-induced disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 185, 47-59. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.06.024
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2015). Psychosocial sequelae of cannabis use and implications for policy: Findings from the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50, 1317-1326. doi: 10.1007/s00127-015-1070-x
Carter, F. A., Boden, J. M., Jordan, J., McIntosh, V. V. W., Bulik, C. M., & Joyce, P. R. (2015). Weight suppression predicts total weight gain and rate of weight gain in outpatients with anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48, 912-918. doi: 10.1002/eat.22425
Badiani, A., Boden, J. M., De Pirro, S., Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Harold, G. T. (2015). Tobacco smoking and cannabis use in a longitudinal birth cohort: Evidence of reciprocal causal relationships. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 150, 69-76. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.02.015
Foulds, J. A., Sellman, J. D., Adamson, S. J., Boden, J. M., Mulder, R. T., & Joyce, P. R. (2015). Depression outcome in alcohol dependent patients: An evaluation of the role of independent and substance-induced depression and other predictors. Journal of Affective Disorders, 174, 503-510. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.11.052
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., Horwood, L. J., & Mulder, R. T. (2015). Perceptions of distress and positive consequences following exposure to a major disaster amongst a well-studied cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49(4), 351-359. doi: 10.1177/0004867414560652
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2015). Outcomes for children and families following unplanned pregnancy: Findings from a longitudinal birth cohort. Child Indicators Research, 8(2), 389-402. doi: 10.1007/s12187-014-9241-y
Gibb, S. J., Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2015). Early motherhood and long-term economic outcomes: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25(1), 163-172. doi: 10.1111/jora.12122
Journal - Research Other
Boden, J. M., & McLeod, G. F. H. (2015). Resilience and psychiatric epidemiology: Implications for a conceptual framework. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 38, e95. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X14001460
Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2015). Exploring issues arising from survey non-response. Addiction, 110(9), 1513-1514. doi: 10.1111/add.12968
Fergusson, D. M., Hall, W., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2015). Rethinking cigarette smoking, cannabis use, and psychosis [Comment]. Lancet Psychiatry, 2(7), 581-582. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(15)00208-4
Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2015). Commentary on Hall (2015): The health effects of recreational cannabis use. Addiction, 110(1), 36-37. doi: 10.1111/add.12758
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Newton-Howes, G., & Boden, J. (2015, September). Initiation of drinking and later mental state and addictions outcomes: Findings from the Christchurch Health and Development Study. Verbal presentation at the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists New Zealand Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Boden, J. (2015, August). Back to the future: A peek at the next 40 years of the CHDS. University of Otago Festschrift for David Fergusson. Christchurch, New Zealand. [Public Seminar].
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, M. R., Boden, J. M., & Rucklidge, J. J. (2014). The relationship between ADHD symptomatology and self-harm, suicidal ideation, and suicidal behaviours in adults: A pilot study. Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorders, 6(4), 303-312. doi: 10.1007/s12402-014-0139-9
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., & Mulder, R. T. (2014). Impact of a major disaster on the mental health of a well-studied cohort. JAMA Psychiatry, 71(9), 1025-1031. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.652
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2014). Associations between exposure to stressful life events and alcohol use disorder in a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 142, 154-160. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.06.010
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2014). Childhood socio-economic status and ethnic disparities in psychosocial outcomes in New Zealand. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(7), 672-680. doi: 10.1177/0004867414525839
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2014). Bullying in childhood, externalizing behaviors, and adult offending: Evidence from a 30-year study. Journal of School Violence, 13(1), 146-164. doi: 10.1080/15388220.2013.840642
Gibb, S. J., Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2014). The effects of parenthood on workforce participation and income for men and women. Journal of Family & Economic Issues, 35(1), 14-26. doi: 10.1007/s10834-013-9353-4
Journal - Research Other
Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2014). The psychological impacts of major disasters. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(7), 597-599. doi: 10.1177/0004867414538677
Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2014). Commentary on Prince van Leeuwen et al. (2014): Tobacco and cannabis use. Addiction, 109(2), 312-313. doi: 10.1111/add.12417
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2014). Associations between exposure to life stress and alcohol use disorder in a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30. Alcoholism, 38(Suppl. 1), (pp. 339A). doi: 10.1111/acer.12452
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Boden, J. (2014, June). Associations between exposure to life stress and alcohol use disorder in a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30. Verbal presentation at the 37th Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) Annual Scientific Meeting and the 17th International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ISBRA) Congress, Bellevue, WA.
Other Research Output
Boden, J. (2014, September). Cannabis use and cigarette smoking: Is there a causal relationship? Department of Psychological Medicine Clinical Meeting, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Boden, J. (2014, September). Cannabis use and cigarette smoking: Is there a causal relationship? Department of Psychological Medicine Research Meeting, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Journal - Research Article
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2013). Pathways to economic outcomes at age 30: Income and living standards in a New Zealand birth cohort. New Zealand Sociology, 28(3), 102-135.
Turner, M. A., Boden, J. M., & Mulder, R. T. (2013). Predictors of hospitalization two years after treatment for first-episode psychosis. Psychiatric Services, 64(12), 1230-1235. doi: 10.1176/
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2013). Alcohol misuse and psychosocial outcomes in young adulthood: Results from a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 133(2), 513-519. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.07.015
Gibb, S. J., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2013). Gender differences in paid and unpaid work: Findings from a New Zealand birth cohort. Policy Quarterly, 9(3), 65-71.
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2013). Alcohol misuse and relationship breakdown: Findings from a longitudinal birth cohort. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 133(1), 115-120. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.05.023
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2013). Childhood self-control and adult outcomes: Results from a 30-year longitudinal study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(7), 709-717. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2013.04.008
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2013). Does abortion reduce the mental health risks of unwanted or unintended pregnancy? A re-appraisal of the evidence. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 47(9), 819-827. doi: 10.1177/0004867413484597
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2013). Nine-year follow-up of a home-visitation program: A randomized trial. Pediatrics, 131(2), 297-303. doi: 10.1542/peds.2012-1612
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2013). Alcohol misuse and criminal offending: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 128(1-2), 30-36. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.07.014
Journal - Research Other
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2013). Abortion and mental health: A response to Romans and Steinberg. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 47(12), 1201-1203. doi: 10.1177/0004867413500356
Other Research Output
Boden, J. (2013, August). Alcohol misuse and outcomes in the Christchurch Health and Development Study cohort. Department of Psychological Medicine Clinical Meeting, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Chapter in Book - Research
Boden, J. M. (2012). Self-esteem. In R. J. R. Levesque (Ed.), Encyclopedia of adolescence. (pp. 2567-2575). Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1695-2_101
Journal - Research Article
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2012). Transition to parenthood and substance use disorders: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 125(3), 295-300. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.03.003
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., Horwood, L. J., Miller, A., & Kennedy, M. A. (2012). Moderating role of the MAOA genotype in antisocial behaviour. British Journal of Psychiatry, 200(2), 116-123. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.111.093328
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2012). The links between ethnicity, cultural identity and alcohol use, abuse and dependence in a New Zealand birth cohort. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 47(5), 591-596. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/ags070
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2012). Alcohol misuse and violent behavior: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 122(1-2), 135-141. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2011.09.023
Commissioned Report for External Body
Fergusson, D., Boden, J., & Horwood, J. (2012). Early Start: Evaluation report: Nine year follow-up. Commissioned by Ministry of Social Development. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Social Development. 60p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Fergusson, D., & Boden, J. (2011). Cannabis use in adolescence. In P. Gluckman & H. Hayne (Eds.), Improving the transition: Reducing social and psychological morbidity during adolescence: A report from the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor. (pp. 257-271). Auckland, New Zealand: Office of the Prime Minister's Science Advisory Committee.
Fergusson, D., & Boden, J. (2011). Alcohol use in adolescence. In P. Gluckman & H. Hayne (Eds.), Improving the transition: Reducing social and psychological morbidity during adolescence: A report from the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor. (pp. 235-255). Auckland, New Zealand: Office of the Prime Minister's Science Advisory Committee.
Fergusson, D., Boden, J., & Hayne, H. (2011). Childhood conduct problems. In P. Gluckman & H. Hayne (Eds.), Improving the transition: Reducing social and psychological morbidity during adolescence: A report from the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor. (pp. 59-78). Auckland, New Zealand: Office of the Prime Minister's Science Advisory Committee.
Boden, J. M., & Fergusson, D. M. (2011). The short- and long-term consequences of adolescent alcohol use. In J. B. Saunders & J. M. Rey (Eds.), Young people and alcohol: Impact, policy, prevention, treatment. (pp. 32-44). Chichester, UK: Blackwell.
Journal - Research Article
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2011). Ethnicity and pathways to welfare dependence in a New Zealand birth cohort. Policy Quarterly, 7(2), 14-22.
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2011). Cultural identity and pregnancy/parenthood by age 20: Evidence from a New Zealand birth cohort. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, (37), 19-36.
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., Horwood, L. J., Miller, A. L., & Kennedy, M. A. (2011). MAOA, abuse exposure and antisocial behaviour: 30-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 198, 457-463. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.086991
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2011). Structural equation modeling of repeated retrospective reports of childhood maltreatment. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 20(2), 93-104. doi: 10.1002/mpr.337
Boden, J. M., & Fergusson, D. M. (2011). Alcohol and depression. Addiction, 106(5), 906-914. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03351.x
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2011). Age of menarche and psychosocial outcomes in a New Zealand birth cohort. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 50(2), 132-140.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2010.11.007
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2011). Alcohol and STI risk: Evidence from a New Zealand longitudinal birth cohort. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 113(2-3), 200-206. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2010.08.005
Journal - Research Other
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2011). A further meta-analysis [eLetter]. British Journal of Psychiatry. Retrieved from
Boden, J. M., & Fergusson, D. M. (2011). [Authors' reply to the letter to the editor Depression and smoking]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 198(1), 73-74. doi: 10.1192/bjp.198.1.73a
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Boden, J. (2011). Developmental antecedents of adolescent behaviour disorders in the CHDS cohort. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA). (pp. 64). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2010). Classification of behavior disorders in adolescence: Scaling methods, predictive validity, and gender differences. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119(4), 699-712. doi: 10.1037/a0018610
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2010). Risk factors for conduct disorder and oppositional/defiant disorder: Evidence from a New Zealand birth cohort. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 49(11), 1125-1133. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2010.08.005
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2010). Structural models of the comorbidity of internalizing disorders and substance use disorders in a longitudinal birth cohort. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46(10), 933-942. doi: 10.1007/s00127-010-0268-1
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2010). Cigarette smoking and depression: Tests of causal linkages using a longitudinal birth cohort. British Journal of Psychiatry, 196(6), 440-446. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.109.065912
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2010). Does socioeconomic inequality explain ethnic differences in nicotine dependence? Evidence from a New Zealand birth cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(4), 378-383. doi: 10.3109/00048670903489908
Other Research Output
Boden, J. (2010, June). Age of menarche and psychosocial outcomes. Department of Psychological Medicine Clinical Meeting, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Journal - Research Article
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2009). Ethnic identity and exposure to maltreatment in childhood: Evidence from a New Zealand Birth Cohort. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, (36), 154-171.
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2009). Ethnic identity and criminal offending in a New Zealand birth cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 42(3), 354-368. doi: 10.1375/acri.42.3.354
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2009). Experience of sexual abuse in childhood and abortion in adolescence and early adulthood. Child Abuse & Neglect, 33, 870-876. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2009.04.006
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2009). Reactions to abortion and subsequent mental health. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195(5), 420-426. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.109.066068
Turner, M. A., Boden, J. M., Smith-Hamel, C., & Mulder, R. T. (2009). Outcomes for 236 patients from a 2-year early intervention in psychosis service. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120(2), 129-137. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2009.01386.x
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2009). Situational and generalised conduct problems and later life outcomes: Evidence from a New Zealand birth cohort. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 50(9), 1084-1092. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02070.x
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2009). Tests of causal links between alcohol abuse or dependence and major depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 66(3), 260-266.
Journal - Research Other
Boden, J. M. (2009). Sex differences in the developmental antecedents of aggression [Discussion]. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 32(3-4), 269-270. doi: 10.1017/s0140525x0900140x
Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2009). [Authors reply to Abortion and mental health: Established facts reconsidered]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195(2), 181-182. doi: 10.1192/bjp.195.2.181a
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2009). Abortion and mental health [Correspondence]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 194(4), 377-378. doi: 10.1192/bjp.194.4.377b
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2009). [Authors' reply to Abortion and mental health]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195(1), 83-84. doi: 10.1192/bjp.195.1.83a
Other Research Output
Boden, J. (2009, June). Alcohol, nicotine, and depression: Examining comorbidities between substance use and mental health in the CHDS. Department of Psychological Medicine Clinical Meeting, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Journal - Research Article
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Ethnic identity and intimate partner violence in a New Zealand birth cohort. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 33, 126-145.
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2008). The transmission of social inequality: Examination of the linkages between family socioeconomic status in childhood and educational achievement in young adulthood. Research in Social Stratification & Mobility, 26, 277-295.
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). Early motherhood and subsequent life outcomes. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 49(2), 151-160.
Wilson, J. T., & Boden, J. M. (2008). The effects of personality, social support and religiosity on posttraumatic growth. Australasian Journal of Disaster & Trauma Studies, 1. Retrieved from
Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 95(1-2), 90-96.
Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Cannabis use and later life outcomes. Addiction, 103(6), 969-976.
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). Dentine lead levels in childhood and criminal behaviour in late adolescence and early adulthood. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 62, 1045-1050.
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). The developmental antecedents of illicit drug use: Evidence from a 25-year longitudinal study. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 96(1-2), 165-177.
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). Developmental antecedents of interpartner violence in a New Zealand birth cohort. Journal of Family Violence, 23(8), 737-753. doi: 10.1007/s10896-008-9199-y
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). Exposure to childhood sexual and physical abuse and adjustment in early adulthood. Child Abuse & Neglect, 32(6), 607-619.
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). Neonatal circumcision: Effects on breastfeeding and outcomes associated with breastfeeding. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 44(1-2), 44-49.
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Abortion and mental health disorders: Evidence from a 30-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 193(6), 444-451. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.108.056499
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Is driving under the influence of cannabis becoming a greater risk to driver safety than drink driving? Findings from a longitudinal study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40(4), 1345-1350.
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Ethnic identification, social disadvantage, and mental health in adolescence/young adulthood: Results of a 25 year longitudinal study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42(4), 293-300.
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Educational achievement in Maori: The roles of cultural identity and social disadvantage. Australian Journal of Education, 52(2), 183-196.
Marie, D., Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Links between ethnic identification, cannabis use and dependence, and life outcomes in a New Zealand birth cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42(9), 780-788.
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). Cigarette smoking and suicidal behaviour: Results from a 25-year longitudinal study. Psychological Medicine, 38(3), 433-439.
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). Does adolescent self-esteem predict later life outcomes? A test of the causal role of self-esteem. Development & Psychopathology, 20(1), 319-339.
Journal - Research Other
Boden, J. M. (2008). Social influence and vulnerability [Commentary]. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 31(4), 442-443.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Fergusson, D. M., & Boden, J. M. (2008). Missing data estimation, covariate control and gender effects in the associations between cannabis use and life outcomes: Response to Robbé et al. [Letter to the editor]. Addiction, 103(11), 1908-1909.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Kennedy, M. A., Boden, J. M., Miller, A., Horwood, L. J., & Fergusson, D. M. (2008). Is the CHRNA3-CHRNA5 genomic region really a susceptibility locus for nicotine addiction? Proceedings of the 4th Annual Carney Pharmacogenomics Symposium. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2007). Abortion among young women and subsequent life outcomes. Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health, 39(1), 6-12. doi: 10.1363/3900607
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2007). Recurrence of major depression in adolescence and early adulthood, and later mental health, educational and economic outcomes. British Journal of Psychiatry, 191, 335-342. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.107.036079
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2007). Unemployment and suicidal behavior in a New Zealand birth cohort: A fixed effects regression analysis. Crisis, 28(2), 95-101. doi: 10.1027/0227-5910.28.2.95
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2007). Self-esteem and violence: Testing links between adolescent self-esteem and later hostility and violent behavior. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 42, 881-891.
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., Boden, J. M., & Jenkin, G. (2007). Childhood social disadvantage and smoking in adulthood: Results of a 25-year longitudinal study. Addiction, 102(3), 475-482.
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2007). Anxiety disorders and suicidal behaviours in adolescence and young adulthood: Findings from a longitudinal study. Psychological Medicine, 37, 431-440.
Boden, J. M., Horwood, L. J., & Fergusson, D. M. (2007). Exposure to childhood sexual and physical abuse and subsequent educational achievement outcomes. Child Abuse & Neglect, 31, 1101-1114. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2007.03.022
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2007). Exposure to single parenthood in childhood and later mental health, educational, economic, and criminal behavior outcomes. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64(9), 1089-1095.
Journal - Research Other
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2007). Circumcision status and risk of sexually transmitted infection in young adult males: An analysis of a longitudinal birth cohort [Editorial comment]. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 62(4), 225-226. doi: 10.1097/01.ogx.0000259279.29079.98
Journal - Research Article
Boden, J. M., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2006). Illicit drug use and dependence in a New Zealand birth cohort. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, 156-163.
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2006). Circumcision status and risk of sexually transmitted infection in young adult males: An analysis of a longitudinal birth cohort. Pediatrics, 118, 1971-1977.
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2006). Structure of internalising symptoms in early adulthood. British Journal of Psychiatry, 189, 540-546. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.106.022384
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2006). Cannabis use and other illicit drug use: Testing the cannabis gateway hypothesis. Addiction, 101, 556-569.
Fergusson, D. M., Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2006). Examining the intergenerational transmission of violence in a New Zealand birth cohort. Child Abuse & Neglect, 30, 89-108.
Fergusson, D. M., Horwood, L. J., & Boden, J. M. (2006). Birth order and educational achievement in adolescence and young adulthood. Australian Journal of Education, 50(2), 122-139.
Boden, J. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2006). Self-esteem, risky sexual behavior, and pregnancy in a New Zealand birth cohort. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35, 549-560.
Fergusson, D. M., Poulton, R., Smith, P. F., & Boden, J. M. (2006). Cannabis and psychosis. BMJ, 332, 172-175. doi: 10.1136/bmj.332.7534.172
Journal - Research Other
Boden, J. M. (2006). Motive and consequence in repression. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 29(5), 514-515.
Journal - Research Article
Boden, J. M., Hyland, M. E., & Dale, K. L. (2005). Defensiveness and symptom reporting. Current Psychology, 24(3), 156-173.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Boden, J. M., & Boden, K. L. (2005). A report of the Women's Respite Needs Study. Commissioned by Canterbury District Health Board. Christchurch, New Zealand: Eduspan Ltd. & Newell House Trust. 190p.
Journal - Research Article
DePaulo, B. M., Ansfield, M. E., Kirkendol, S. E., & Boden, J. M. (2004). Serious Lies. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 26(2&3), 147-167.
Journal - Research Article
Boden, J. M., & Dale, K. L. (2001). Cognitive and affective consequences of repressive coping. Current Psychology, 20(2), 122-137.