Emeritus Professor
MB ChB PhD (Otago) FRANZCP FAChAMEmail doug.sellman@otago.ac.nz
Doug Sellman retired from the University in December 2022, bringing to an end a 34-year academic career.
He was Director of the National Addiction Centre, University of Otago, Christchurch from 1996 to 2017 and Professor of Psychiatry & Addiction Medicine within the Department of Psychological Medicine from 2006 to 2022.
He is continuing alcohol law reform advocacy work as a medical spokesperson for Alcohol Action New Zealand, and undertaking a small private clinical practice.
- Department of Psychological Medicine
- National Addiction Centre
Sutcliffe, O., Crossin, R., & Sellman, J. D. (2024). A citizens’ wānanga on alcohol policy in Aotearoa New Zealand: An essay on theoretical underpinnings and practical considerations. Contemporary Drug Problems, 51(2), 89-110. doi: 10.1177/00914509241255317 Journal - Research Article
Cridge, B., Broadbent, J., & Sellman, D. (2022, November). Supporting scientists who communicate contentious issues. Panel discussion at the Science Communicators Association of New Zealand (SCANZ) Conference: Communicating through the Noise, Dunedin, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sutcliffe, O., Crossin, R., & Sellman, J. D. (2021). A citizens' wānanga on alcohol policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. Drug & Alcohol Review, 40(Suppl. 1), (pp. S139). doi: 10.1111/dar.13384 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Sellman, D. (2020). Alcohol is more harmful than cannabis. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1520), 15-18. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal Journal - Research Other
Sellman, D., Adamson, S., Foulds, J., Beaglehole, B., & Mulder, R. (2019). Another government ignores a recommendation to strengthen alcohol regulations. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1498), 7-9. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal Journal - Research Other
Journal - Research Article
Sutcliffe, O., Crossin, R., & Sellman, J. D. (2024). A citizens’ wānanga on alcohol policy in Aotearoa New Zealand: An essay on theoretical underpinnings and practical considerations. Contemporary Drug Problems, 51(2), 89-110. doi: 10.1177/00914509241255317
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Cridge, B., Broadbent, J., & Sellman, D. (2022, November). Supporting scientists who communicate contentious issues. Panel discussion at the Science Communicators Association of New Zealand (SCANZ) Conference: Communicating through the Noise, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Sutcliffe, O., Crossin, R., & Sellman, J. D. (2021). A citizens' wānanga on alcohol policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. Drug & Alcohol Review, 40(Suppl. 1), (pp. S139). doi: 10.1111/dar.13384
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, D. (2020). Alcohol is more harmful than cannabis. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1520), 15-18. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, D., Adamson, S., Foulds, J., Beaglehole, B., & Mulder, R. (2019). Another government ignores a recommendation to strengthen alcohol regulations. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1498), 7-9. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Article
Ford, K., Foulds, J., Coleman, O., Ardagh, M., Pearson, S., Droste, N., Newton-Howes, G., & Sellman, J. D. (2018). Alcohol-related emergency department attendances after the introduction of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1483), 40-49. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Deering, D. E. A., Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., Henderson, C., Sheridan, J., Pooley, S., … Noller, G., & Frampton, C. M. A. (2018). Potential risk for fatal drug overdose perceived by people using opioid drugs. Drug & Alcohol Review, 37(S1), S309-S313. doi: 10.1111/dar.12635
Amer Nordin, A. S., Adamson, S. J., & Sellman, J. D. (2018). Food addiction does not explain weight gain in smoking cessation. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 13(2), 59-62. doi: 10.1017/jsc.2017.4
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, D., & Connor, J. (2018). Why is alcohol in the government's 'too hard basket'? New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1479), 8-10. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sellman, D. (2018, August). Food addicts and smoking. Verbal presentation at the 9th South General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME), Christchurch, New Zealand.
Sellman, D. (2018, August). Alcohol and recreational drugs. Verbal presentation at the 9th South General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME), Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Schroder, R., Sellman, J. D., & Adamson, S. (2017). Development and validation of a brief measure of eating compulsivity (MEC). Substance Use & Misuse, 52(14), 1918-1924. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1343352
Adams, P. J., Sellman, D., Newcombe, D., Adamson, S., White, S., Deering, D., & Todd, F. (2017). Postgraduate alcohol and other drug practitioner training in New Zealand: Significant influences. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs, 78(3), 468-474. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2017.78.468
Sellman, D., Connor, J., Robinson, G., & McBride, S. (2017). Alcohol reform – New Zealand style: Reflections on the process from 1984 to 2012. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 15(1), e1398. doi: 10.1002/ppi.1398
Sellman, D., Schroder, R., Deering, D., Elmslie, J., Foulds, J., & Frampton, C. (2017). Psychosocial enhancement of the Green Prescription for obesity recovery: A randomised controlled trial. New Zealand Medical Journal, 130(1450), 44-54. Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Other
Schroder, R., Sellman, J. D., & Adamson, S. (2017). Measuring eating compulsivity in the wider clinical context. Substance Use & Misuse, 52(14), 1925-1926. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1343355
Sellman, D. (2017). God, heresy trials and psychiatry. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(8), 770-771. doi: 10.1177/0004867417710731
Swinburn, B., Vandevijvere, S., on behalf of submitting health professors, including Hornblow, A., Taylor, B., Drummond, B., Murdoch, D., Mangin, D., Sarfati, D., Sellman, D., Sopoaga, F., Thomson, G., Abel, G., Hoek, J., Connor, J., Krebs, J., Mann, J., McCall, J., Broughton, J., Toop, L., Signal, L., Beckert, L., Farella, M., Baker, M., Keall, M., Skeaff, M., Thomson, M., Wilson, N., Chandler, N., Priest, P., Brunton, P., Crampton, P., Gendall, P., Howden-Chapman, P., Taylor, R., Edwards, R., Gauld, R., McGee, R., Mulder, R., Derrett, S., Hales, S., Pullon, S., & Blakely, T. (2017). Proposed new industry code on unhealthy food marketing to children and young people: Will it make a difference? New Zealand Medical Journal, 130(1450), 94-101. Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Article
Foulds, J. A., Mulder, R. T., Newton-Howes, G., Adamson, S. J., Boden, J. M., & Sellman, J. D. (2016). Personality predictors of drinking outcomes in depressed alcohol-dependent patients. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 51(3), 296-301. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv122
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, D. (2016). Behavioural health disorders rather than behavioural addictions. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50(8), 805-808. doi: 10.1177/0004867416655878
Foulds, J. A., Rouch, S., Spence, J., Mulder, R. T., & Sellman, J. D. (2016). Prescribed psychotropic medication use in patients receiving residential addiction treatment. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 51(5), 622-623. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agw025
Foulds, J., & Sellman, D. (2016). Severe alcohol use disorder after bariatric surgery. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50(7), 700. doi: 10.1177/0004867415625820
Foulds, J. A., Sellman, J. D., & Mulder, R. T. (2016). Antidepressant therapy for depressed patients with an alcohol use disorder. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50(3), 199-200. doi: 10.1177/0004867415609427
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Foulds, J., Sellman, D., Adamson, S., & Mulder, R. (2016, October). Antidepressant therapy for depressed patients with an alcohol use disorder. Verbal presentation at the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists New Zealand Conference: Recover, Rebuild, Regenerate, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Foulds, J. A., Ton, K., Kennedy, M. A., Adamson, S. J., Mulder, R. T., & Sellman, J. D. (2015). OPRM1 genotype and naltrexone response in depressed alcohol-dependent patients. Pharmacogenetics & Genomics, 25(5), 270-273. doi: 10.1097/fpc.0000000000000128
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., Foulds, J. A., Frampton, C. M. A., Deering, D., Dunn, A., Berks, J., Nixon, L., & Cape, G. (2015). A randomized trial of combined citalopram and naltrexone for nonabstinent outpatients with co-occurring alcohol dependence and major depression. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 35(2), 143-149. doi: 10.1097/jcp.0000000000000287
Adamson, S. J., Kay-Lambkin, F. J., Baker, A., Frampton, C. M. A., Sellman, D., & Lewin, T. J. (2015). Measuring change in cannabis use. Addiction Research & Theory, 23(1), 43-49. doi: 10.3109/16066359.2014.926895
Foulds, J. A., Sellman, J. D., Adamson, S. J., Boden, J. M., Mulder, R. T., & Joyce, P. R. (2015). Depression outcome in alcohol dependent patients: An evaluation of the role of independent and substance-induced depression and other predictors. Journal of Affective Disorders, 174, 503-510. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.11.052
Amer Nordin, A. S., Sellman, J. D., & Adamson, S. J. (2015). The role of psychiatrists in tobacco dependence treatment. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 16(1), 5-17. Retrieved from http://www.aseanjournalofpsychiatry.org
Journal - Research Other
Kypri, K., Connor, J., & Sellman, D. (2015). The dissolution of the Alcohol Advisory Council: A blow for public health. New Zealand Medical Journal, 128(1409). Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sellman, D. (2015, August). How to intervene effectively with heavy drinkers in primary care. Workshop presentation at the South General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME), Christchurch, New Zealand.
Sellman, D. (2015, August). Kia Akino: A new, primary care-based recovery network for food addiction/obesity. Workshop presentation at the South General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME), Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, D., & Connor, J. (2014). Too many risky drinkers; too little alcohol law reform. New Zealand Medical Journal, 127(1401). Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/
Deering, D., Sellman, J. D., & Adamson, S. (2014). Opioid substitution treatment in New Zealand: A 40 year perspective. New Zealand Medical Journal, 127(1397). Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Sellman, J. D., Foulds, J. A., Adamson, S. J., Todd, F. C., & Deering, D. E. (2014). DSM-5 alcoholism: A 60-year perspective. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(6), 507-511. doi: 10.1177/0004867414532849
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Newberry, J., Wodak, A., Sellman, D., & Robinson, G. (2014). New Zealand's regulation of new psychoactive substances. BMJ, 348(7946), g1534. [Editorial].
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Sellman, D., Schroder, R., & Deering, D. (2014). Recovery from food addiction/obesity: A randomised controlled trial. Proceedings of the 19th Cutting Edge Conference. Retrieved from http://cuttingedge.org.nz/
Schroder, R., Adamson, S., & Sellman, D. (2014). Development of a measure of eating compulsivity. Proceedings of the 19th Cutting Edge Conference. Retrieved from http://cuttingedge.org.nz/
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., Foulds, J. A., Frampton, C. M. A., Deering, D., Dunn, A., … Cape, G. (2014). A randomised trial of combined citalopram and naltrexone for outpatients with co-occurring alcohol dependence and major depression. Proceedings of the 19th Cutting Edge Conference. Retrieved from http://cuttingedge.org.nz/
Adamson, S. J., Kay-Lambkin, F. J., Baker, A. L., Frampton, C. M. A., Lewi, T. J., & Sellman, J. D. (2014). Measuring change in cannabis use. Proceedings of the 19th Cutting Edge Conference. Retrieved from http://cuttingedge.org.nz/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sellman, D., Schroder, R., Deering, D., & Frampton, C. (2014, October). Recovery from food addiction/obesity: A randomised controlled trial. Verbal presentation at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) New Zealand Conference: Deep South Psychiatry, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Sellman, D. (2014, June). The new alcoholism: DSM-5, 2013: Implications for treatment. Workshop presentation at the General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME), Rotorua, New Zealand.
Sellman, D. (2014, June). Food addiction. Verbal presentation at the General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME), Rotorua, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Other
Sellman, D., Connor, J., & Robinson, G. (2013). Alcohol Action NZ. In P. Joyce, G. Nicholls, K. Thomas & T. Wilkinson (Eds.), The Christchurch experience: 40 years of research and teaching. (pp. 169-176). Christchurch, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Sellman, D. (2013). National Addiction Centre. In P. Joyce, G. Nicholls, K. Thomas & T. Wilkinson (Eds.), The Christchurch experience: 40 years of research and teaching. (pp. 127-133). Christchurch, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Journal - Research Article
Foulds, J., Wells, J. E., Lacey, C., Adamson, S., Sellman, J. D., & Mulder, R. (2013). A comparison of alcohol measures as predictors of psychological distress in the New Zealand population. International Journal of Alcohol & Drug Research, 2(1), 59-67. doi: 10.7895/ijadr.v2i1.73
Ditchburn, K. M., & Sellman, J. D. (2013). Tobacco smoking in adolescent psychiatric outpatients. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 22(3), 254-267. doi: 10.1080/1067828X.2012.733598
Journal - Research Other
Kypri, K., Connor, J., Maclennan, B., & Sellman, D. (2013). What became of New Zealand's golden opportunity for liquor law reform? Drug & Alcohol Review, 32(6), 557-560. doi: 10.1111/dar.12075
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sellman, D. (2013, September). Food is essential for life, so how can you have food addiction? Keynote presentation at the New Zealand Food Addiction Symposium: Exploring the Relationship between Compulsive Overeating and Obesity: Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Recovery, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Adamson, S. J., Deering, D. E. A., Sellman, J. D., Sheridan, J., Henderson, C., Robertson, R., … Frampton, C. M. A. (2012). An estimation of the prevalence of opioid dependence in New Zealand. International Journal of Drug Policy, 23(1), 87-89. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2011.05.013
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, D., & Adamson, S. (2012). Alcohol harms. New Zealand Medical Journal, 125(1360). Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Sellman, J. D., Connor, J. L., & Robinson, G. M. (2012). Will brief interventions in primary care change the heavy drinking culture in New Zealand? New Zealand Medical Journal, 125(1354). Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Elmslie, J. L., Sellman, J. D., Schroder, R. N., & Carter, F. A. (2012). The NEEDNT Food List: Non-essential, energy-dense, nutritionally-deficient foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 125(1350). Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Sellman, D. (2012). Will food addiction be on the menu in 2020? Proceedings of the Cutting Edge National Alcohol and Addiction Treatment Conference: 20/20: Both the Vision and the Thinking for Planning Our Services in 2020. Retrieved from http://www.cuttingedge.org.nz/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sellman, D., Deering, D., & Rout, P. (2012, September). Recovery from food addiction and obesity [Workshop]. Verbal presentation at the Cutting Edge National Alcohol and Addiction Treatment Conference: 20/20: Both the Vision and the Thinking for Planning Our Services in 2020, Wellington, New Zealand.
Sellman, D. (2012, September). Food addiction: Like all other addictions, a disease of free will. Plenary presentation at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Conference: Winds of Change: Nga hau Korure: Integrated Care, Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Deering, D. E. A., Sheridan, J., Sellman, J. D., Adamson, S. J., Pooley, S., Robertson, R., & Henderson, C. (2011). Consumer and treatment provider perspectives on reducing barriers to opioid substitution treatment and improving treatment attractiveness. Addictive Behaviors, 36(6), 636-642. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.01.004
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, J. D., Connor, J. L., Wells, J. E., & Joyce, P. R. (2011). The heavy drinking culture is primarily an adult issue: Not what you read in the newspapers [Correspondence]. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(4), 344. doi: 10.3109/00048674.2011.557650
Commissioned Report for External Body
Schroder, R., Stevenson, R., Sellman, D., Carter, F., Elmslie, J., & Mann, J. (2011). Abstinence vs. moderation in obesity treatment: Client perceptions of what works. Commissioned by National Heart Foundation of New Zealand. Christchurch, New Zealand: National Addiction Centre, University of Otago. 22p.
Journal - Research Article
Pagey, B., Deering, D., & Sellman, D. (2010). Retention of adolescents with substance dependence and coexisting mental health disorders in outpatient alcohol and drug group therapy. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19(6), 437-444. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0349.2010.00693.x
Adamson, S. J., Kay-Lambkin, F. J., Baker, A. L., Lewin, T. J., Thornton, L., Kelly, B. J., & Sellman, J. D. (2010). An improved brief measure of cannabis misuse: The Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test-Revised (CUDIT-R). Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 110, 137-143. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2010.02.017
Schroder, R., Sellman, D., & Elmslie, J. (2010). Addictive overeating: Lessons learned from medical students' perceptions of Overeaters Anonymous. New Zealand Medical Journal, 123(1311). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/123-1311/4033/content.pdf
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, J. D., Connor, J. L., & Joyce, P. R. (2010). How to reduce alcohol-related problems in adolescents: What can parents do and what can the government do? [Editorial]. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(9), 771-773. doi: 10.3109/00048674.2010.516425
Sellman, D. (2010). The 10 most important things known about addiction. Addiction, 105(1), 6-13. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02673.x
Sellman, D. (2010). Ten things the alcohol industry won't tell you about alcohol [Commentary]. Drug & Alcohol Review, 29(3), 301-303. doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00121.x
Sellman, D., Adamson, S., Todd, F., & Deering, D. (2010). Science will uncover the mysteries of addiction in the end [Commentary]. Addiction, 105(1), 20-21. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02867.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Adamson, S., Schroder, R., Todd, F., Deering, D., & Sellman, D. (2010). The Naturalistic Treatment Outcome Project (NTOP): Five year outcomes. In S. Adamson & R. Schroder (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph 2009. (pp. 1-4). Retrieved from http://www.otago.ac.nz/nationaladdictioncentre/pdfs/monograph2009.pdf
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Schroder, R., Elmslie, J., Sellman, D., & Carter, F. (2010). Understanding clinician and consumer perspectives of obesity. Nutrition & Dietetics. 67(Suppl. 2), (pp. 5). doi: 10.1261/j.1747-0080.2010.01440.x
Sellman, D. (2010). The psychology of substance abuse in professional people. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) Annual Scientific Meeting. Retrieved from http://www.conference.co.nz/index.cfm/anzca10
Other Research Output
Sellman, D., Deering, D. (2010, March). Feeling down and drinking too much? Department of Psychological Medicine Clinical Meeting, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Journal - Research Article
Schroder, R., Sellman, D., Frampton, C., & Deering, D. (2009). Youth retention: Factors associated with treatment drop-out from youth alcohol and other drug treatment. Drug & Alcohol Review, 28(6), 663-668. doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00076.x
Durrant, R., Adamson, S., Todd, F., & Sellman, D. (2009). Drug use and addiction: Evolutionary perspective. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43(11), 1049-1056.
Sellman, J. D., Robinson, G. M., & Beasley, R. (2009). Should ethanol be scheduled as a drug of high risk to public health? Journal of Psychopharmacology, 23(1), 94-100. doi: 10.1177/0269881108091596
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., & Frampton, C. M. A. (2009). Patient predictors of alcohol treatment outcome: A systematic review. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 36(1), 75-86. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2008.05.007
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, D., & Connor, J. (2009). In utero brain damage from alcohol: A preventable tragedy [Editorial]. New Zealand Medical Journal, 122(1306). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/122-1306/3888/content.pdf
Sellman, D. (2009). If alcohol was a new drug [Editorial]. New Zealand Medical Journal, 122(1303). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/122-1303/3800/content.pdf
Sellman, D., Connor, J., Robinson, G., & Jackson, R. (2009). Alcohol cardio-protection has been talked up [Viewpoint]. New Zealand Medical Journal, 122(1303). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/122-1303/3796/content.pdf
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Sellman, D. (2009). Ten things the alcohol industry won't tell you about alcohol. Proceedings of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Conference: Child2009: Aspiring to Best Practice. RANZCP. Retrieved from http://www.child2009.co.nz/programme/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sellman, D. (2009, September). 10 things the alcohol industry won't tell you about alcohol. Keynote presentation at the Cutting Edge National Alcohol, Drug and Addiction Treatment Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Film/Video/CD Rom
Fraser, R., MacAskill, M., Gearry, R., Roberts, R., Sellman, D., & Wright, S. (2009). The Body, the Research, the Professor: Irritable Bowel Disease, Parkinson's & Brain Research, Mental Health [Episode 6] [Film]. Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury Medical Research Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.cmrf.org.nz/Home/Videos/#vid1
Fraser, R., Joyce, P., Sellman, D., & Kennedy, M. (2009). The Body, the Research, the Professor: Mental Health [Episode 4] [Film]. Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury Medical Research Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.cmrf.org.nz/Home/Videos/#vid1
Other Research Output
Sellman, D. (2009, July). 10 things the alcohol industry won't tell you about alcohol. University of Otago Winter Lecture Series. Auckland, New Zealand. [Public Seminar].
Sellman, D. (2009, July). 10 things the alcohol industry won't tell you about alcohol. University of Otago Winter Lecture Series. Wellington, New Zealand. [Public Seminar].
Journal - Research Article
Schroder, R., Sellman, D., Frampton, C., & Deering, D. (2008). Profile of young people attending alcohol and other drug treatment services in Aotearoa, New Zealand: Clinical file search. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42(11), 963-968.
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., & Robertson, P. J. (2008). Social phobia in an outpatient alcohol and drug treatment sample. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42(2), 134-140.
Porter, R. J., Sellman, D., Joyce, P. R., Davies, J., & Frampton, C. (2008). Prolactin response to fenfluramine in abstinent, alcohol-dependent patients. Addiction Biology, 13(3-4), 380-385.
Adamson, S. J., & Sellman, J. D. (2008). Five-year outcomes of alcohol-dependent persons treated with motivational enhancement. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs, 69(4), 589-593.
Deering, D. E., Sellman, J. D., Adamson, S. J., Horn, J., & Frampton, C. M. A. (2008). Development of a brief treatment instrument for routine clinical use with methadone maintenance treatment clients: The Methadone Treatment Index. Substance Use & Misuse, 43(11), 1666-1680.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Sellman, D., Adamson, S., Pooley, S., Robertson, R., Henderson, C., Sheridan, J., & Deering, D. (2008). Barriers to care: Opioid users' perspectives. In R. N. Schroder & J. Sheridan (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 32-34). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Deering, D., Sheridan, J., Sellman, D., Adamson, S., Pooley, S., Henderson, C., & Robertson, R. (2008). Barriers to care: An opioid substitution treatment service providers' perspective. In R. N. Schroder & J. Sheridan (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 1-4). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Schroder, R., Sellman, D., Elmslie, J., & Carter, F. (2008). Addictive overeating: A missing link in the obesity epidemic? In R. N. Schroder & J. Sheridan (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 28-31). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Sellman, D. (2008, September). ″Real weight loss″: Lifestyle change through self-help. Poster session presented at the Cutting Edge National Alcohol, Drug and Addiction Treatment Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sellman, D. (2008, September). Barriers to optimal treatment: An opioid user perspective. Verbal presentation at the Cutting Edge National Alcohol, Drug and Addiction Treatment Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Deering, D., Sellman, D., Adamson, S., Campbell, S., Sheridan, J., Pooley, S., … Henderson, C. (2008). Intravenous opioid dependence in New Zealand. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Christchurch, New Zealand: National Addiction Centre. 97p.
Schroder, R. N., Sellman, J. D., Elmslie, J., & Carter, F. (2008). Understanding clinician and consumer perspectives of obesity: Expanding knowledge of the causation and treatment of obesity. Commissioned by National Heart Foundation of New Zealand. Christchurch, New Zealand: National Addiction Centre, University of Otago. 53p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Sellman, J. D., MacEwan, I., Deering, D., & Adamson, S. (2007). A comparison of motivational interviewing with non-directive counselling. In G. Tober & D. Raistrick (Eds.), Motivational dialogue: Preparing addiction professionals for motivational interviewing practice. (pp. 137-150). Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Harvey, M. A., Sellman, J. D., Porter, R. J., & Frampton, C. M. (2007). The relationship between non-acute adolescent cannabis use and cognition. Drug & Alcohol Review, 26, 309-319.
Journal - Research Other
Sellman, J. D., Baker, M. P., Adamson, S. J., & Geering, L. G. (2007). Future of God in recovery from drug addiction. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41, 800-808.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Schroder, R., Sellman, D., Deering, D., & Frampton, C. (2007). Understanding the dynamic culture of youth attending AOD services in NZ and factors associated with early treatment drop out. In S. J. Adamson, R. Schroder & J. Sheridan (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 49-52). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Sellman, D., Robinson, G., & Beasley, R. (2007). Should ethanol be scheduled as a drug of high risk to public health? In S. J. Adamson, R. Schroder & J. Sheridan (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 53-54). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Khan, N., Wilkinson, T., Davis, P., Graham, P., Sellman, D., & Keeling, S. (2007). Drinking patterns among older people in the community in New Zealand. Nutrition & Dietetics. 64(Suppl. 3), (pp. S85). doi: 10.1111/j.1747-0080.2007.00216.x
Commissioned Report for External Body
Schroder, R. N., Sellman, J. D., & Deering, D. (2007). Improving addiction treatment retention for young people: A research report from the National Addiction Centre. Commissioned by Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand (ALAC). Wellington, New Zealand: ALAC. 75p.
Journal - Research Article
Adamson, S., Sellman, D., Deering, D., Robertson, P., & de Zwart, K. (2006). Alcohol and drug treatment population profile: A comparison of 1998 and 2004 data in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 119(1244). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/119-1244/2284/content.pdf
Adamson, S. J., Todd, F. C., Sellman, J. D., Huriwai, T., & Porter, J. (2006). Coexisting psychiatric disorders in a New Zealand outpatient alcohol and other drug clinical population. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, 164-170.
Cape, G., Hannah, A., & Sellman, D. (2006). A longitudinal evaluation of medical student knowledge, skills and attitudes to alcohol and drugs. Addiction, 101, 841-849.
Journal - Research Other
McCormick, R., Sellman, D., & Robinson, G. (2006). Where to next with tobacco smokers? [Editorial]. New Zealand Medical Journal, 119(1238). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/119-1238/2084/content.pdf
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Schroder, R., & Sellman, J. D. (2006). What makes them stay, what makes them go? Factors associated with the retention of youth in AOD treatment programmes in Aotearoa, New Zealand. In S. J. Adamson & R. Schroder (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 53-56). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Adamson, S. J., & Sellman, J. D. (2006). Five-year treatment outcome for motivational enhancement therapy for mild to moderate alcohol dependence. In S. J. Adamson & R. Schroder (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 1-3). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Adamson, S. J., & Sellman, J. D. (2006). Social phobia in an outpatient alcohol and drug treatment sample. In S. J. Adamson & R. Schroder (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 4-6). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Deering, D., Sellman, J. D., Adamson, S. J., Potiki, T., Horn, J., & Frampton, C. (2006). Findings from a cross-sectional longitudinal study of methadone maintenance treatment in a New Zealand clinical setting and implications for service delivery and research. In S. J. Adamson & R. Schroder (Eds.), New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 20-24). Retrieved from http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/departments/psychmed/treatment/conference.html
Other Research Output
Sellman, D. (2006, September). Improving treatment for people with addiction problems in Aotearoa New Zealand. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Journal - Research Article
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., & Dore, G. M. (2005). Therapy preference and treatment outcome in clients with mild to moderate alcohol dependence. Drug & Alcohol Review, 24, 209-216.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Adamson, S., Sellman, D., Robertson, P., Deering, D., & De Zwart, K. (2005). A 2004 profile of the alcohol and drug treatment population in New Zealand. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference, New Zealand Addiction Treatment Research Monograph. (pp. 1-4). [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Schroder, R., Sellman, D., Pitama, S., Bagshaw, S., Deering, D., Todd, F., & Frampton, C. (2005, November). Clinical characteristics of young people who attended Youth AOD Services during 2003-2004 in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Chapter in Book - Research
Todd, F. C., & Sellman, J. D. (2004). Alcohol and drug misuse and mood disorders. In P. R. Joyce & P. B. Mitchell (Eds.), Mood disorders: Recognition and treatment. (pp. 298-311). Sydney, Australia: The University of New South Wales Press Ltd.
Lim, D., & Sellman, D. (2004). Pathological gambling: Neurobiology and pharmacological treatment. In R. H. K. Tan & S. J. Wurtzburg (Eds.), Problem gambling: New Zealand perspectives on treatment. (pp. 134-142). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts.
Journal - Research Article
Sheerin, I. G., Green, F. T., & Sellman, J. D. (2004). What is the cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C treatment for injecting drug users on methadone maintenance in New Zealand? Drug & Alcohol Review, 23, 261-272.
Deering, D. E., Frampton, C. M. A., Horn, J., Sellman, J. D., Adamson, S. J., & Potiki, T. L. (2004). Health status of clients receiving methadone maintenance treatment using the SF-36 health survey questionnaire. Drug & Alcohol Review, 23, 273-280.
Sheerin, I., Green, T., Sellman, D., Adamson, S., & Deering, D. (2004). Reduction in crime by drug users on a methadone maintenance therapy programme in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 117(1190). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/117-1190/795/content.pdf
Rogers, G., Joyce, P., Mulder, R., Sellman, D., Miller, A., Allington, M., Olds, R., Wells, E., & Kennedy, M. (2004). Association of a duplicated repeat polymorphism in the 5′-untranslated region of the DRD4 gene with novelty seeking. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B, 126B, 95-98.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Harvey, M., Porter, R., Sellman, D., & Frampton, C. (2004). Reefer madness: Adolescent cannabis use and cognition. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 13-17). Christchurch, New Zealand: National Addiction Centre. [Full Paper]
Robertson, P., Crowe, M., & Sellman, D. (2004). Once were warriors, never were drinkers. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 47-50). Christchurch, New Zealand: National Addiction Centre. [Full Paper]
Adamson, S., Sellman, D., & De Zwart, K. (2004). National telephone survey of the alcohol and drug workforce. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 5-8). Christchurch, New Zealand: National Addiction Centre. [Full Paper]
Schroder, R., Sellman, D., Bagshaw, S., Pitama, S., Frampton, C., Deering, D., & Todd, F. (2004). Factors affecting youth retention in alcohol and other drug treatment: A review of the literature. New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, alcohol, drugs and addiction: Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 54-58). Christchurch, New Zealand: National Addiction Centre. [Full Paper]
Journal - Research Article
Sheerin, I., Green, F. T., & Sellman, J. D. (2003). The costs of not treating hepatitis C virus infection in injecting drug users in New Zealand. Drug & Alcohol Review, 22, 159-167.
Adamson, S. J., & Sellman, J. D. (2003). A prototype screening instrument for cannabis use disorder: The Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test (CUDIT) in an alcohol-dependent clinical sample. Drug & Alcohol Review, 22, 309-315.
Cowan, L., Deering, D. E., Crowe, M. T., Sellman, J. D., Futterman-Collier, A., & Adamson, S. J. (2003). Alcohol and drug treatment for women: Clinicians' beliefs and practice. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 12, 48-55.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Deering, D. E., Horn, J., Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., Harvey, M. A., & Frampton, C. M. (2003). Client satisfaction with methadone treatment using the treatment perceptions questionnaire (TPQ). In S. J. Adamson & J. D. Sellman (Eds.), Proceedings from the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 9-12). [Full Paper]
Chapter in Book - Research
Sellman, J. D., & Deering, D. E. (2002). Adolescence. In G. Hulse, G. Cape & J. White (Eds.), The Managment of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Cape, G., Ivory, S.-J., Sellman, J. D., Robinson, G., & Adams, P. (2002). Evaluation of alcohol and drug education and training in New Zealand medical students. Focus on Health Professional Education, 4(3), 61-74.
Khan, N., Davis, P. B., Wilkinson, T. J., Sellman, J. D., & Graham, P. J. (2002). Drinking patterns among older people in the community: Hidden from medical attention? New Zealand Medical Journal, 115, 72-75.
Sellman, J. D., Adamson, S. J., Robertson, P. J., Sullivan, S., & Coverdale, J. (2002). Gambling in mild-moderate alcohol-dependent outpatients. Substance Use & Misuse, 37(2), 199-214.
Townshend, P. L., & Sellman, J. D. (2002). Treatment providers' knowledge of the Health and Disability Commissioner's Code of Consumer Rights. New Zealand Bioethics Journal, 3(2), 16-21.
De Zwart, K. M., & Sellman, J. D. (2002). Public knowledge and attitudes regarding smoking and smoking cessation treatments. New Zealand Medical Journal, 115, 219-222.
Todd, F. C., Sellman, J. D., & Robertson, P. J. (2002). Barriers to optimal care for patients with coexisting substance use and mental health disorders. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36(6), 792-799.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Lim, D. K., & Sellman, J. D. (2002). Urge to splurge - A review of pathological buying behaviour. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. (pp. 26-28). National Addiction Centre. [Full Paper]
Harvey, M. A., Porter, R., Sellman, J. D., & Frampton, C. M. (2002). Cannabis and adolescent cognitive functioning: preliminary results. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. (pp. 21-23). National Addiction Centre. [Full Paper]
Deering, D. E., Frampton, C. M., Horn, J., Sellman, J. D., & Adamson, S. J. (2002). Health status of clients receiving methadone treatment. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 35-37). Christchurch: National Addiction Centre. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., & Frampton, C. M. (2002). Clinical predictors of treatment outcome for alcohol dependence. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction: Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 41-43). Christchurch, New Zealand: National Addiction Centre. [Abstract]
Sellman, J. D., & Adamson, S. J. (2002). Rolling telephone survey: 2000-2002 results. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 1-2). Christchurch: National Addiction Centre. [Abstract]
Khan, N., Wilkinson, T. J., Sellman, J. D., & Graham, P. J. (2002). Patterns of alcohol use and misuse among elderly rest home residents in Christchurch, New Zealand. The Proceedings of the Scientific meeting and 32nd Annual General meeting of the Christchurch Medical Research Society. 115(1157), (pp. U27). Christchurch: New Zealand Medical Journal. Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/115-1157/27
Khan, N., Davis, P. B., Wilkinson, T. J., Sellman, J. D., & Graham, P. J. (2002). Alcohol use and misuse among older people in the community: Hidden problem. Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting and 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Christchurch Medical Research Society. 115(1157), (pp. U27). Christchurch: New Zealand Medical Journal. Retrieved from http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/115-1157/27
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Sellman, J. D. (Ed.). (2002). New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. Cutting Edge Conference.
Journal - Research Article
Baker, M. P., Sellman, J. D., & Horn, J. (2001). Developing a God/higher power scale for use with Twelve Step Treatment Programs. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 19, 45-49.
Adamson, S. J., & Sellman, J. D. (2001). Drinking goal selection and treatment outcome in outpatients with mild to moderate alcohol dependence. Drug & Alcohol Review, 20(4), 351-359.
Berry, R., & Sellman, J. D. (2001). Childhood adversity in alcohol-and drug-dependent women presenting to out-patient treatment. Drug & Alcohol Review, 20, 361-367.
Deering, D. E., Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., Frampton, C. M., & Robertson, P. J. (2001). A regional census of high school guidance counsellors: Current and perceived optimal practice in assisting students with alcohol and drug related problems. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 36(1), 81-92.
Townshend, P. L., Sellman, J. D., & Coverdale, J. H. (2001). A preventative ethics approach to methadone maintenance programmes. New Zealand Bioethics Journal, 2, 7-13.
Robertson, P. J., Futterman-Collier, A., Sellman, J. D., Adamson, S. J., Deering, D. E., Todd, F. C., & Huriwai, T. T. (2001). Clinician beliefs and practices related to increasing responsivity to the needs of Maori with alcohol and drug problems. Substance Use & Misuse, 36(8), 1015-1032.
Khan, N., Wilkinson, T. J., Sellman, J. D., & Graham, P. J. (2001). Patterns of alcohol use and misuse among elderly rest home residents in Christchurch. New Zealand Medical Journal, 114, 58-61.
Sellman, J. D., Sullivan, P. F., Dore, G. M., Adamson, S. J., & MacEwan, I. (2001). A randomised controlled trial of motivational enhancement therapy (MET) for alcohol dependence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62(3), 389-396.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Harvey, M., Sellman, D., Porter, R., & Maruff, P. (2001). Non-acute cannabis use and cognition: A review of the literature. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 27-29). [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., Robertson, P. J., Sullivan, S. J., & Coverdale, J. (2001). Gambling in mild-moderate alcohol dependent outpatients: Prevalence and clinical implications. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 7-8). Christchurch: National Addiction Centre. [Abstract]
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., & Huriwai, T. T. (2001). The Naturalistic Treatment Outcome Project (NTOP). In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 23-25). Christchurch: National Addiction Centre. [Abstract]
Deering, D. E., Adamson, S. J., Potiki, T. L., & Sellman, J. D. (2001). The development of a brief drug use outcome measure for use within methadone treatment programmes. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 46-48). Christchurch: National Addiction Centre. [Abstract]
Sellman, J. D., Dore, G. M., Adamson, S. J., & Deering, D. E. (2001). What makes psychotherapy effective in alcohol dependence? Results from a randomised controlled trial. In J. D. Sellman (Ed.), New Zealand Treatment Research Monograph, Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction. Proceedings of the Cutting Edge Conference. (pp. 4-6). Christchurch: National Addiction Centre. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Huriwai, T. T., Sellman, J. D., Sullivan, P. F., & Potiki, T. L. (2000). Optimal treatment for Maori with alcohol and drug-use-related problems: An investigation of cultural factors in treatment. Substance Use & Misuse, 35(3), 281-300.
Adamson, S. J., Sellman, J. D., Futterman-Collier, A., Huriwai, T. T., Deering, D. E., Todd, F. C., & Robertson, P. J. (2000). A profile of alcohol and drug clients in New Zealand: Results from the 1998 national telephone survey. New Zealand Medical Journal, 113, 414-416.
Authored Book - Other
Deering, D. E., Huriwai, T. T., & Sellman, J. D. (1999). Guidelines for Clinical Process Self-Evaluation in alcohol and drug treatment agencies. Wellington: ALAC, 163p.
Journal - Research Article
Sellman, J. D., Wootton, A. R., Stoner, D. B., Deering, D. E., & Craig, B. J. (1999). Increasing diagnosis of nicotine dependence in adolescent mental health patients. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 33, 869-873.
Chapter in Book - Research
Huriwai, T. T., Sant Ram, R., Deering, D. E., & Sellman, J. D. (1998). Treatment for Maori with alcohol and drug problems. In J. D. Sellman, G. M. Robinson, R. McCormick & G. M. Dore (Eds.), The Long and the Short of Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Disorders. (pp. 32-37). Christchurch, New Zealand: Department of Psychological Medicine, CSM.
Robinson, G., & Sellman, J. D. (1998). The use of pharmacological agents in the treatment of alcoholism. In J. D. Sellman, G. M. Robinson, R. McCormick & G. M. Dore (Eds.), The Long and the Short of Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Disorders. Christchurch: Department of Psychological Medicine, CSM.
Sellman, J. D. (1998). Determinants of alcoholic relapse. In J. D. Sellman, G. M. Robinson, R. McCormick & G. M. Dore (Eds.), The Long and the Short of Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Disorders. Christchurch: Department of Psychological Medicine, CSM.
Journal - Research Article
Townshend, P. L., Sellman, J. D., & Haines, R. R. (1998). The Cartwright report 10 years on: The obligations and rights of health consumers and providers. New Zealand Medical Journal, 21, 390-393.
Adamson, S. J., & Sellman, J. D. (1998). The pattern of intravenous drug use and associated criminal activity in patients on a methadone treatment waiting list. Drug & Alcohol Review, 17, 159-166.
Sullivan, P. F., Fifield, W. J., Kennedy, M. A., Mulder, R. T., Sellman, J. D., & Joyce, P. R. (1998). No association between novelty seeking and the type 4 dopamine receptor gene (DRD4) in two New Zealand samples. American Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 98-101.
Huriwai, T., Sellman, J. D., Sullivan, P., & Potiki, T. (1998). A clinical sample of Maori being treated for alcohol and drug related problems in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 111, 145-147.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Todd, F. C., Sellman, J. D., & Robertson, P. J. (1998). The assessment and management of people with coexisting sudstance use and mental health disorders. Commissioned by the Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand, the Ministry of Health and the Mental Health Commission. 241p.
Journal - Research Article
Sellman, J. D., Mulder, R. T., Sullivan, P. F., & Joyce, P. R. (1997). Low persistence predicts relapse in alcohol dependence following treatment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58(3), 257-263.
van Ammers, E. C., Sellman, J. D., & Mulder, R. T. (1997). Temperament and substance abuse in schizophrenia: Is there a relationship? Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 185(5), 283-288.
Sellman, J. D., & Huriwai, T. T. (1997). Harm reduction and the use of alcohol by Maori. Drug & Alcohol Review, 16, 85-90.
Sullivan, P. F., Fifield, W. J., Kennedy, M. A., Mulder, R. T., Sellman, J. D., & Joyce, P. R. (1997). Novelty seeking and a dopamine transporter gene polymorphism (DAT1). Biological Psychiatry, 42(11), 1070-1072.
Sullivan, S., McCormick, R., & Sellman, J. D. (1997). Increased requests for help by problem gamblers: data from a gambling crisis telephone hotline. New Zealand Medical Journal, 110, 380-383.
Sellman, J. D., Huriwai, T. T., Sant Ram, R., & Deering, D. E. (1997). Cultural linkage: Treating Maori with alcohol and drug problems in dedicated Maori treatment programmes. Substance Use & Misuse, 32(4), 415-424. doi: 10.3109/10826089709039362
Journal - Research Article
Sellman, J. D., & Joyce, P. R. (1996). Does depression predict relapse in the six months following treatment for men with alcohol dependence? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 30(5), 573-578.
Sellman, J. D., & Ariell, G. W. (1996). Public knowledge and attitudes towards the use of alcohol and drinking guidelines. New Zealand Medical Journal, 109, 337-339.
Pols, R. G., Sellman, J. D., Jurd, S., Baigent, M., Waddy, N., Tucker, P., … White, A. (1996). What is the psychiatrist's role in drugs and alcohol? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 30, 540-548.
Sellman, J. D., & Joyce, P. R. (1996). Phobic disorders are associated with temperament in alcoholic men. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 30(1), 110-113.
Mulder, R. T., Joyce, P. R., Sellman, J. D., Sullivan, P. F., & Cloninger, C. R. (1996). Towards an understanding of defense style in terms of temperament and character. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 93(2), 99-104. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.1996.tb09809.x
Deering, D. E., & Sellman, J. D. (1996). An inter-rater reliability study of the Opiate Treatment Index (OTI). Drug & Alcohol Review, 15, 57-63.