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Nicki Taylor 2019 image

BSW (Hons) (Massey), CQSW, LLB (Hons) (Otago), PhD (Otago) Admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand
Accredited Family Mediator

Director, Children’s Issues Centre
Alexander McMillan Leading Thinker Chair in Childhood Studies

Contact details

Room 7C21
7th Floor, Richardson Building
85 Albany Street
Tel +64 3 479 4919


Professor Nicola Taylor holds the Alexander McMillan Leading Thinker Chair in Childhood Studies and is also the Director of the Children's Issues Centre in the Faculty of Law. Nicola has a Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) degree, a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree, a PhD, and has been admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. She is also an accredited Family Mediator. Nicola has a particular interest in socio-legal research with children, parents and family justice sector professionals on such topics as children's day-to-day care and contact arrangements following parental separation, relocation, international child abduction, children's participation, child-inclusive practice and family dispute resolution.

Current and recent postgraduate students

Md Salauddin Saimum PhD (Law)
Internet as a human right: From a plethora of paradigms to a recognised right

Miranda Lang (MBHL) - Completed 2024
How should we approach the ‘mature’ minor standard in New Zealand?

Luke Fitzmaurice PhD (Law) - Completed 2022
Te Rito o Te Harakeke – Decolonising child protection and children’s participation

Michael Morrison PhD (Law)
Permanent care in focus: A critical legal examination of guardianship, special guardianship and whānau in the care and protection system of Aotearoa New Zealand

Kelsey Fitzmaurice-Brown LLM (Law) - Completed 2025
Whakamārama Mai: Enabling children’s collective participation in policy making in Aotearoa

Emily Stannard LLM (Law) - Completed 2020
Therapeutic Jurisprudence in New Zealand's Family Court  

Kesia Sherwood PhD (Law) - Completed 2020
Fallen by the wayside: Young people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in New Zealand's youth justice system

Deborah Inder PhD (Law) - Completed 2020
Children’s participation in the context of private law disputes in the NZ family justice system

Sally Beale PhD (Social Work) - Completed 2017
Child sexual abuse: Knowing and not knowing in social work practice and education

Fiona Miller PhD (Law) - Completed 2019
Children’s competence to consent to medical, surgical and dental treatment: Partners in health care?

Lee Stevens LLM (Law) - Completed 2018
Parental alienation

Fiona Mackenzie PhD (Law) - Completed 2016
Motherhood and family law

Megan Gollop PhD (CIC) - Completed 2016
Moving on? Parents' perspectives on post-separation relocation disputes

Bridgette Toy-Cronin (Law) - Completed 2015
Keeping up appearances: Accessing New Zealand's civil courts as a litigant in person

Allan Cooke PhD (Law) - Completed 2014
State responsibility for children in care


Taylor, N. (2025). Hearing the child in the context of the 1980 Hague Convention. Judges’ Newsletter on International Child Protection, 26(Fall-Winter), 49-54. Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles

Taylor, N. (2024). Children and youth: Influences on policy and practice. In J. Wyn, H. Cahill & H. Cuervo (Eds.), Handbook of children and youth studies. (2nd ed.) (pp. 43-58). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-4451-96-3_53-3 Chapter in Book - Research

Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2024). Where international child abduction occurs against a background of violence and/or abuse. London, UK: International Centre for Family Law, Policy, and Practice. 91p. Retrieved from Commissioned Report for External Body

Freeman, M., Taylor, N., & Stalford, H. (2024, March). 'Finding Home' initiative: Support tool helping children and young people to understand international parental abduction. Workshop presentation to Missing Children Europe [Online]. [Research Presentation]. Other Research Output

Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2024, March). The outcomes of the Domestic Violence Project. Verbal presentation at the 26th Annual Family Law Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

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