BSW (Hons) (Massey), CQSW, LLB (Hons) (Otago), PhD (Otago) Admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand
Accredited Family Mediator
Director, Children’s Issues Centre
Alexander McMillan Leading Thinker Chair in Childhood Studies
Contact details
Room 7C21
7th Floor, Richardson Building
85 Albany Street
Tel +64 3 479 4919
Professor Nicola Taylor holds the Alexander McMillan Leading Thinker Chair in Childhood Studies and is also the Director of the Children's Issues Centre in the Faculty of Law. Nicola has a Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) degree, a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree, a PhD, and has been admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. She is also an accredited Family Mediator. Nicola has a particular interest in socio-legal research with children, parents and family justice sector professionals on such topics as children's day-to-day care and contact arrangements following parental separation, relocation, international child abduction, children's participation, child-inclusive practice and family dispute resolution.
Current and recent postgraduate students
Md Salauddin Saimum PhD (Law)
Internet as a human right: From a plethora of paradigms to a recognised right
Miranda Lang (MBHL) - Completed 2024
How should we approach the ‘mature’ minor standard in New Zealand?
Luke Fitzmaurice PhD (Law) - Completed 2022
Te Rito o Te Harakeke – Decolonising child protection and children’s participation
Michael Morrison PhD (Law)
Permanent care in focus: A critical legal examination of guardianship, special guardianship and whānau in the care and protection system of Aotearoa New Zealand
Kelsey Fitzmaurice-Brown LLM (Law) - Completed 2025
Whakamārama Mai: Enabling children’s collective participation in policy making in Aotearoa
Emily Stannard LLM (Law) - Completed 2020
Therapeutic Jurisprudence in New Zealand's Family Court
Kesia Sherwood PhD (Law) - Completed 2020
Fallen by the wayside: Young people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in New Zealand's youth justice system
Deborah Inder PhD (Law) - Completed 2020
Children’s participation in the context of private law disputes in the NZ family justice system
Sally Beale PhD (Social Work) - Completed 2017
Child sexual abuse: Knowing and not knowing in social work practice and education
Fiona Miller PhD (Law) - Completed 2019
Children’s competence to consent to medical, surgical and dental treatment: Partners in health care?
Lee Stevens LLM (Law) - Completed 2018
Parental alienation
Fiona Mackenzie PhD (Law) - Completed 2016
Motherhood and family law
Megan Gollop PhD (CIC) - Completed 2016
Moving on? Parents' perspectives on post-separation relocation disputes
Bridgette Toy-Cronin (Law) - Completed 2015
Keeping up appearances: Accessing New Zealand's civil courts as a litigant in person
Allan Cooke PhD (Law) - Completed 2014
State responsibility for children in care
Taylor, N. (2025). Hearing the child in the context of the 1980 Hague Convention. Judges’ Newsletter on International Child Protection, 26(Fall-Winter), 49-54. Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Taylor, N. (2024). Children and youth: Influences on policy and practice. In J. Wyn, H. Cahill & H. Cuervo (Eds.), Handbook of children and youth studies. (2nd ed.) (pp. 43-58). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-4451-96-3_53-3 Chapter in Book - Research
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2024). Where international child abduction occurs against a background of violence and/or abuse. London, UK: International Centre for Family Law, Policy, and Practice. 91p. Retrieved from Commissioned Report for External Body
Freeman, M., Taylor, N., & Stalford, H. (2024, March). 'Finding Home' initiative: Support tool helping children and young people to understand international parental abduction. Workshop presentation to Missing Children Europe [Online]. [Research Presentation]. Other Research Output
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2024, March). The outcomes of the Domestic Violence Project. Verbal presentation at the 26th Annual Family Law Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Taylor, N. (2025). Hearing the child in the context of the 1980 Hague Convention. Judges’ Newsletter on International Child Protection, 26(Fall-Winter), 49-54.
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N. (2024). Children and youth: Influences on policy and practice. In J. Wyn, H. Cahill & H. Cuervo (Eds.), Handbook of children and youth studies. (2nd ed.) (pp. 43-58). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-4451-96-3_53-3
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2024, March). The outcomes of the Domestic Violence Project. Verbal presentation at the 26th Annual Family Law Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2024). Where international child abduction occurs against a background of violence and/or abuse. London, UK: International Centre for Family Law, Policy, and Practice. 91p. Retrieved from
Other Research Output
Freeman, M., Taylor, N., & Stalford, H. (2024, March). 'Finding Home' initiative: Support tool helping children and young people to understand international parental abduction. Workshop presentation to Missing Children Europe [Online]. [Research Presentation].
Edited Book - Research
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (Eds.). (2023). Research handbook on international child abduction: The 1980 Hague Convention. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 461p. doi: 10.4337/9781800372511
Edited Book - Other
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (Eds.). (2023). Contemporary issues relating to international child abduction in contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 198p. doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-9453-8
Chapter in Book - Research
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2023). Nurturing the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention. In M. Freeman & N. Taylor (Eds.), Research handbook on international child abduction: The 1980 Hague Convention. (pp. 403-429). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781800372511
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2023). Introduction and key themes. In M. Freeman & N. Taylor (Eds.), Research handbook on international child abduction: The 1980 Hague Convention. (pp. 2-17). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781800372511
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2023). International child abductions. In M. MacLean & R. Treloar (Eds.), Research handbook on Family Justice systems. (pp. 64-83). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781800881402.00011
Cashmore, J., & Taylor, N. (2023). Child protection in Australia and New Zealand: An overview of systems. In J. Duerr Berrick, N. Gilbert & M. Skivenes (Eds.), Oxford handbook of child protection systems. (pp. 25-C2P126). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197503546.013.29
Chapter in Book - Other
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2023). Contemporary nurturing of the 1980 Hague Convention. In M. Freeman & N. Taylor (Eds.), Contemporary issues relating to international child abduction in contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023). (pp. 1-12). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-9453-8
Journal - Research Article
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2023). Contemporary nurturing of the 1980 Hague Convention. Laws, 12, 65. doi: 10.3390/laws12040065
Graham, A., Canosa, A., Boyle, T., Moore, T., Taylor, N., Anderson, D., & Robinson, S. (2023). Promoting students' safety and wellbeing: Ethical practice in schools. Australian Educational Researcher, 50, 1477-1496. doi: 10.1007/s13384-022-00567-8
Waterworth, K., Gaffney, M., Taylor, N., & Gibson, B. E. (2023). The civil rights of disabled children in physiotherapy practices. Physiotherapy Theory & Practice, 39(3), 547-559. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2021.2011511
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Taylor, N. (2023). Family law matters [Inaugural Professorial Lecture]. Otago Law Review, 18(1), 27-50.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2023, July). Nurturing the 1980 Hague International Child Abduction Convention. Verbal presentation at the International Society of Family Law (ISFL) 18th (Golden Jubilee) World Conference: Rethinking Law's Families & Family Law, Antwerp, Belgium.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2023, August). Identity issues impacting children and young people. Verbal presentation at the Annual Pacifica Congress: Across Pacific Family Matters: Pre-conference Workshop, Hobart, Australia.
Taylor, N. (2023, October). Hearing the child in the context of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention [Invited]. Verbal presentation at the Experts' Meeting: Nurturing the 1980 Hague Convention, London, UK.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2023, May). Identity and child participation rights in Family Law proceedings. Verbal presentation at the Child's right to identity in family relations online symposium, [Online].
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2023, March). FindingHome: A website about international child abduction for children and young people. Verbal presentation at the 25th Annual Family Law Conference, Capetown, South Africa.
Other Research Output
Taylor, N. (2023, June). Family law research update. Wellington Family Courts Association, Wellington, New Zealand [Invited]. [Research Presentation].
Taylor, N. (2023, May). Family law matters. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Other - Edited Journal
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (Eds.). (2023). Laws, 12 [Special Issue: Contemporary issues relating to international child abduction in contemplation of the Eighth Special Commission into the operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention (2023)]. [Guest Editors].
Chapter in Book - Research
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2022). Domestic violence as an aspect of 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention return proceedings. In K. Trimmings, A. Dutta, C. Honorati & M. Župan (Eds.), Domestic violence and parental child abduction: The protection of abducting mothers in return proceedings. (pp. 39-65). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia.
Journal - Research Article
Robinson, S., Graham, A., Canosa, A., Moore, T., Taylor, N., & Boyle, T. (2022). Ethical practice in disability services: Views of young people and staff. Ethics & Social Welfare, 16(4), 412-431. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2022.2072519
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. (2022, November). Child participation and the New Zealand family justice system. Verbal presentation at the seminar on Enhanced Child Involvement in the Family Law System: Entanglements between Children's Various Everyday Life Spaces and the Practice in the Agency of Family Law, Roskilde, Denmark.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2022, May). A child-friendly initiative to support children's knowledge and participation in 1980 Hague Convention proceedings. Verbal presentation at the 25th Annual Family Law Conference, [Online].
Commissioned Report for External Body
Tustin, K., Theodore, R., Gollop, M., Kokaua, J., Taylor, N., Taumoepeau, M., Hunter, J., & Poulton, R. (2022). Second follow-up descriptive report: Graduate Longitudinal Study New Zealand. Commissioned by Universities New Zealand - Te Pōkai Tara. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. 326p. Retrieved from
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Graham, A., Canosa, A., Boyle, T., Robinson, S., Moore, T., Anderson, D., Taylor, N., & Thomas, P. (2022). Beyond safety: Ethical practice involving children (EPIC): Phase 2: Focus groups and interviews with children, young people and staff. (pp. 1-93). Gold Coast, Australia: Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University. doi: 10.25918/report.270
Graham, A., Powell, M. A., Canosa, A., Anderson, D., Robinson, S., Moore, T., Taylor, N., & Thomas, P. (2022). Beyond safety: Ethical practice involving children (EPIC): Phase 1: Policy analysis. (pp. 1-69). Gold Coast, Australia: Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University. doi: 10.25918/report.269
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2022). Relationship property division in New Zealand: The experiences of separated people: Research Summary. (pp. 1-13). Dunedin, New Zealand: Children’s Issues Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Taylor, N., & Gollop, M. (2022). Prenuptial/contracting out agreements [Research Highlight 5]. (pp. 1-12). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Taylor, N., & Gollop, M. (2022). Dividing relationship property: A guide about issues to consider [Research Highlight 6]. (pp. 1-8). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2022). The challenges and impact of relationship property division [Research Highlight 4]. (pp. 1-16). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2022). How the relationship between former partners affects their property division [Research Highlight 3]. (pp. 1-12). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2022). Knowledge and understanding of relationship property division [Research Highlight 1]. (pp. 1-12). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2022). Relationship property division: Insights from those who've 'been there, done that' [Research Highlight 2]. (pp. 1-12). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Edited Book - Research
Schrama, W., Freeman, M., Taylor, N., & Bruning, M. (Eds.). (2021). International handbook on child participation in family law. Cambridge, UK: Intersentia, 378p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N. (2021). Parental guidance in support of children's participation rights: The interplay between Articles 5 and 12 in the family justice system. In C. Fenton-Glynn & B. Sloan (Eds.), Parental guidance, state responsibility and evolving capacities: Article 5 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. (pp. 104-126). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi: 10.1163/97890044446854_007
Bruning, M., Schrama, W., Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2021). Conclusion. In W. Schrama, M. Freeman, N. Taylor & M. Bruning (Eds.), International handbook on child participation in family law. (pp. 359-367). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia.
Taylor, N. (2021). New Zealand. In W. Schrama, M. Freeman, N. Taylor & M. Bruning (Eds.), International handbook on child participation in family law. (pp. 245-257). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia.
Taylor, N., Freeman, M., Bruning, M., & Schrama, W. (2021). Introduction to the international handbook. In W. Schrama, M. Freeman, N. Taylor & M. Bruning (Eds.), International handbook on child participation in family law. (pp. 1-10). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia.
Journal - Research Article
Winter, T., Riordan, B. C., Hunter, J. A., Tustin, K., Gollop, M., Taylor, N., Kokaua, J., Poulton, R., & Scarf, D. (2021). A longitudinal study of mental wellbeing in students in Aotearoa New Zealand who transitioned into PhD study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 659163. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.659163
Powell, M. A., Graham, A., Canosa, A., Anderson, D., Taylor, N., Robinson, S., … Thomas, N. P. (2021). Children and safety in Australian policy: Implications for organisations and practitioners. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56, 17-41. doi: 10.1002/ajs4.134
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2021, July). Child participation in post-separation family dispute resolution: Global developments [Session: Hearing from children]. Verbal presentation at the 8th Family Law & Children's Rights Conference: World Congress Through the Eyes of a child, [Online].
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Gollop, M., Taylor, N., Binnie, I., Henaghan, M., & Robertson, J. (2021). Relationship property division in New Zealand: The experiences of separated people. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Binnie, I., Taylor, N., Gollop, M., & Pirini, M. (2021). Entitlements to deceased people's property in Aotearoa New Zealand: Public attitudes and values: A general population survey. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N., & Ballantyne, R. (2020). Protecting children, families, and whānau from family violence. In M. Henaghan & B. Atkin (Eds.), Family law policy in New Zealand. (5th ed.) (pp. 99-147). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Journal - Research Article
Hohmann-Marriott, B., Choe, L., Schilperoort, L., Tustin, K., Taylor, N., Gollop, M., Theodore, R., Kokaua, J., Hunter, J., Taumoepeau, M., & Poulton, R. (2020). Family and career plans of students graduating from New Zealand universities. New Zealand Population Review, 46, 100-126. Retrieved from
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2020). Domestic violence and child participation: Contemporary challenges for the 1980 hague child abduction convention. Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law, 42(2), 154-175. doi: 10.1080/09649069.2020.1751938
Powell, M. A., Graham, A., Canosa, A., Anderson, D., Moore, T., Robinson, S., … Taylor, N. (2020). Child safety in policy: Who is being kept safe and from what? Social Policy & Administration, 54, 1160-1178. doi: 10.1111/spol.12591
Theodore, R., Tustin, K., Kokaua, J., Gollop, M., Kiro, C., Taylor, N., & Poulton, R. (2020). Occupations and industries of employment of Māori university graduates: Early career aspirations and destinations. Kōtuitui, 15(1), 140-153. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2019.1669671
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. J. (2020). Parenting arrangements after separation study: Evaluating the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Parents' and caregivers' perspectives: Research summary. (pp. 1-20). Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issue Centre, University of Otago.
Gollop, M., Taylor, N., & Liebergreen, N. (2020). Parenting arrangements after separation study: Evaluating the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Parents' and caregivers' perspectives: Part 2. (pp. 1-241). Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issue Centre, University of Otago.
Taylor, N. J., & Gollop, M. (2020). Parenting arrangements after separation study: Evaluating the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Family justice professionals' perspectives: Research summary. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issue Centre, University of Otago.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Taylor, N. (2019). Evaluating the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Family justice professionals' perspectives. Proceedings of the New Zealand Law Society (NZLS) Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Family Law Conference. (pp. 193-213). Wellington, New Zealand: NZLS CLE. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., & Henaghan, M. (2019). Family law reform and post-separation parenting arrangements in New Zealand. Proceedings of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) 56th Annual Conference: The future of Family Justice: International Innovations. 1(1), (pp. 8). Madison, WI: Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2019, April). Research and policy relating to children's interests: The international perspectives. Verbal presentation at the 22nd Annual Family Law Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2019, April). Child participation/mediation and 1980 Hague Convention Proceedings. Verbal presentation at the African Regional Conference on the HCCH Children's Conventions, Cape Town, South Africa.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2019, July). The voice of the child and international child abduction: The research. Invited presentation at the Voices of Children in Abduction Proceedings under the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention Meeting, Hod Hasharon, Israel.
Taylor, N. (2019, July). Evaluating New Zealand's 2014 family law reforms: Family justice professionals' perspectives. Verbal presentation at the Gender, Inclusivity and Protecting the 21st Century Family Conference, London, UK.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2019, July). Outcomes for Objecting Children under the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention: The British Academy funded project, and where now? Keynote presentation at the Gender, Inclusivity and Protecting the 21st Century Family Conference, London, UK.
Taylor, N., & Cashmore, J. (2019, August). The ethics of 21st century 'family justice' research, and its application to professional practice. Preconference institute workshop at the 6th Annual Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Australian Conference: Ethics: Duties and Dilemmas in Family Law, Sydney, Australia.
Taylor, N. (2019, August). Using the international children's rights framework in research. Invited presentation at the Children's Rights Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2019, July). Post-separation parenting arrangements in New Zealand: Parental guidance in support of children's participation rights. Invited presentation at the 5th Colloquium for the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child Implementation Project: Children's Rights: Families, Guidance and Evolving Capacities, Cambridge, UK.
Taylor, N. (2019, April). Evaluation of New Zealand's 2014 Family Law reforms. Verbal presentation at the Te Tai Tokerau Family Law Intensive, Whangarei, New Zealand.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Gollop, M., Taylor, N., Cameron, C., & Liebergreen, N. (2019). Parenting arrangements after separation study: Evaluating the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Parents' and caregivers' perspectives: Part 1. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Freeman, M., Taylor, N., & Schuz, R. (2019). The voice of the child in international child abduction proceedings under the 1980 Hague Convention: Project report, November 2019. London, UK: University of Westminster. Retrieved from
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., & Liebergreen, N. (2019). Parenting arrangements after separation study: Evaluating the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Family justice professionals' perspectives. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago.
Gollop, M. M., & Taylor, N. J. (2019). Parenting arrangements after separation study: Evaluating the 2014 Family Law Reforms. Family justice professionals' perspectives: Interim research report. (pp. 1-128). Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Otago.
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2018). Using research to improve outcomes for abducted children. In G. Douglas, M. Murch & V. Stephens (Eds.), International and national perspectives on child and family law: Essays in honour of Nigel Lowe. (pp. 329-342). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia.
Journal - Research Article
Theodore, R., Taumoepeau, M., Tustin, K., Gollop, M., Unasa, C., Kokaua, J., Taylor, N., Ramrakha, S., Hunter, J., & Poulton, R. (2018). Pacific university graduates in New Zealand: What helps and hinders completion. AlterNative, 14(2), 138-146. doi: 10.1177/1177180118764126
Theodore, R., Taumoepeau, M., Kokaua, J., Tustin, K., Gollop, M., Taylor, N., Hunter, J., … Poulton, R. (2018). Equity in New Zealand university graduate outcomes: Māori and Pacific graduates. Higher Education Research & Development, 37(1), 206-221. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2017.1344198
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2018). Outcomes for objecting children under the 1980 Convention. Judges’ Newsletter on International Child Protection, 22(Summer-Fall), 8-12.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Taylor, N. (2018). Family law reform in New Zealand: Research insights. Proceedings of the Future of Family Law Conference. (pp. 133-146). Wellington, New Zealand: NZLS CLE. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Freeman, M., Taylor, N., & Calvert, S. (2018, August). The role of children in 1980 Hague Child Convention Proceedings and other high conflict parenting disputes (estrangement, alienation, relocation and entrenched conflict). Verbal presentation at the 5th Annual Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Preconference Institutes: Alienation? Myths, Complexities and Possibilities, Adelaide, Australia.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2018, March). Outcomes for objecting children under the 1980 Hague Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction: Key findings from the demonstration project in England/Wales and New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Role of Children in 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, London, UK.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2018, March). Outcomes for objecting children under the 1980 Hague Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction: Key findings from the demonstration project in England/Wales and New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Role of Children in 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, Genoa, Italy.
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2018, February). Outcomes for objecting children under the 1980 Hague Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction: Key findings from the demonstration project in England/Wales and New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Role of Children in 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, Auckland, New Zealand.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2018, March). A demonstration project on outcomes for objecting children under the 1980 Hague Convention. Verbal presentation at the 21st Annual Family Law Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Binnie, I., Taylor, N., Gollop, M., Henaghan, M., Simmonds, S., & Robertson, J. (2018). Relationship property division in New Zealand: Public attitudes and values. A general population survey [Research summary]. (pp. 1-8). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. Retrieved from
Binnie, I., Taylor, N., Gollop, M., Henaghan, M., Simmonds, S., & Robertson, J. (2018). Relationship property division in New Zealand: Public attitudes and values: A general population survey 2018. (pp. 1-68). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Chapter in Book - Research
Smith, A. B., & Taylor, N. J. (2017). Children's rights in early childhood education. In L. Meyer (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies: Education. Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/obo/9780199756810-0178
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N. (2017). Child participation: Overcoming disparity between New Zealand's Family Court and out-of-court dispute resolution processes. International Journal of Children's Rights, 25(3-4), 658-671. doi: 10.1163/15718182-02503004
Theodore, R., Gollop, M., Tustin, K., Taylor, N., Kiro, C., Taumoepeau, M., Kokaua, J., Hunter, J., & Poulton, R. (2017). Māori university success: What helps or hinders qualification completion. AlterNative, 13(2), 122-130. doi: 10.1177/1177180117700799
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., & Henaghan, M. (2017). Evaluating the 2014 family law reforms. Family Advocate, 18(3), 15.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Theodore, R., Tustin, K., Poulton, R., Gollop, M., Taumoepeau, M., Taylor, N., Kokaua, J., … Hunter, J. (2017). Māori graduates: Success at university and equity in outcomes. Proceedings of the New Zealand for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference. (pp. 30). Retrieved from
Taylor, N. (2017). New Zealand's 2014 family justice reforms and their evaluation. Proceedings of the 16th International Society of Family Law (ISFL) World Conference. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. (2017, December). New Zealand's 2014 family justice reforms: Parents' and professionals' perspectives. Verbal presentation at the Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2017, November). International child abduction and children's objections to return. Verbal presentation at the 4th Aotearoa New Zealand Childhood Studies Colloquium: Growing Up in Our Democracy: Provision, Participation and Provocation, Wellington, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2017, June). New Zealand's 2014 Family Justice Reforms and their evaluation. Verbal presentation at the 7th Conference on Family Law and Children's Rights, Dublin, Ireland.
Taylor, N. (2017, April). Children's views and participation: Disparities between New Zealand's out-of-court and in-court family dispute resolution processes. Verbal presentation at the 4th Colloquium in the UNCRC-IP United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Implementation Project, Bergen, Norway.
Other Research Output
Taylor, N. (2017, September). Family law research update. Northern Region Family Court Report Writers Group, Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N. (2016). Relocation disputes following parental separation: Determining the best interests of the child. In E. E. Sutherland & L.-A. B. MacFarlane (Eds.), Implementing article 3 of the United Nations convention on the rights of the child: Best interests, welfare and well-being. (pp. 280-292). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Taylor, N., & Te One, S. (2016). Children's rights in Aotearoa New Zealand. In C. Dalli & A. Meade (Eds.), Research, policy and advocacy in the early years: Writing inspired by the achievements of professor Anne Smith. (pp. 48-58). Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER Press.
Parkinson, P., Taylor, N., Cashmore, J., & Austin, W. G. (2016). Relocation, research, and child custody disputes. In L. Drozd, M. Saini & N. Olesen (Eds.), Parenting plan evaluations: Applied research for the Family Court. (2nd ed.) (pp. 431-459). Oxford University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Powell, M. A., Smith, A. B., & Taylor, N. (2016). Rural childhood in New Zealand: A unique site of children's agency and social participation. Children Australia, 41(4), 275-284. doi: 10.1017/cha.2016.32
Theodore, R., Tustin, K., Kiro, C., Gollop, M., Taumoepeau, M., Taylor, N., Chee, K.-S., Hunter, J., & Poulton, R. (2016). Māori university graduates: Indigenous participation in higher education. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(3), 604-618. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2015.1107883
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Taylor, N. (2016). Tribute to Emeritus Professor Anne Smith. First Years, 18(1).
Taylor, N. (2016). Emeritus Professor Anne B. Smith (1940-2016). International Journal of Children's Rights, 24, 489. doi: 10.1163/15718182-02402013
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Mackenzie, F., Taylor, N., & Henaghan, M. (2016). Feminist theories and how they relate to motherhood and family law. International Family Law, Policy & Practice, 4(3), (pp. 5-15). [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Powell, M. A., Graham, A., & Taylor, N. (2016). Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC). Proceedings of the 3rd Aotearoa New Zealand Childhood Studies Colloquium: Children and Childhoods: Agency, Participation and Contribution. (pp. 12-13). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. (2016, July). The impact of New Zealand's 2014 family law reforms. Verbal presentation at the For the Sake of Our Children Trust Research Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2016, July). The impact of New Zealand's 2014 family justice reforms on children's welfare and best interests. Plenary presentation at the International Centre for Family Law, Policy and Practice: Culture, Dispute Resolution and the Modernised Family, London, UK.
Taylor, N. (2016, July). Shared parenting update: New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Current Directions in Shared Parenting Research: An International Workshop, London, UK.
Freeman, M., Taylor, N., & Schuz, R. (2016, June). Parental child abduction: The law, the challenges and the search for solutions. Verbal presentation at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) 53rd Annual Conference: Modern Families: New Challenges, New Solutions, Seattle, USA.
Taylor, N. (2016, March). Evaluating the 2014 Family Law Reforms. Verbal presentation at the Lawyer for Child Forum, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Goldson, J. & Taylor, N. (2016, September). Accessing of the child's voice in family dispute resolution mediation. Resolution Institute seminar, Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., Keddell, E., Hohmann-Marriott, B. Research roundtable on 'Children and the family'. Department of Sociology, Gender & Social Work Seminar, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N., & Gollop, M. (2015). Children's views and participation in family dispute resolution in New Zealand. In A. B. Smith (Ed.), Enhancing children's rights: Connecting research, policy and practice. (pp. 242-255). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Taylor, N., & Smith, A. B. (2015). Thinking about children: How does it influence policy and practice? In J. Wyn & H. Cahill (Eds.), Handbook of children and youth studies. (pp. 49-62). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-4451-15-4_53
Journal - Research Article
Graham, A., Powell, M. A., & Taylor, N. (2015). Ethical research involving children: Putting the evidence into practice. Family Matters, (96), 23-28.
Graham, A., Powell, M. A., & Taylor, N. (2015). Ethical research involving children: Encouraging reflexive engagement in research with children and young people. Children & Society, 29, 331-343. doi: 10.1111/chso.12089
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Powell, M. A., Graham, A., & Taylor, N. (2015, October). Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC). Verbal presentation at the 2nd Aotearoa New Zealand Childhood Studies Colloquium: What Does Childhood Studies Mean for Research, Policy and Practice? Dunedin, New Zealand.
Taylor, N., Smith, A. B., Powell, M. A., & Henaghan, M. (2015, October). The Children's Issues Centre: Celebrating 20 years. Verbal presentation at the 2nd Aotearoa New Zealand Childhood Studies Colloquium: What Does Childhood Studies Mean for Research, Policy and Practice? Dunedin, New Zealand.
Goldson, J., & Taylor, N. (2015, September). The voice of the child in family dispute resolution. Verbal presentation at the 'Kon Gres, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2015, June). Relocation disputes following parental separation: What is the best interests of the child? Verbal presentation at the CRC Implementation Project Colloquium: Doing the 'Best' for Children and Young People? Best Interests, Welfare and Well-Being, Edinburgh, UK.
Taylor, N., & Ferguson, M. (2015, April). Decision-making for infants following parental separation: Mental health and socio-legal considerations. Workshop presentation at the Infant Mental Health Association Aotearoa New Zealand (IMHAANZ) Conference: Opportunities Within the Challenges: Being Mindful of Infants, Their Families & Ourselves, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Tustin, K., Gollop, M., Theodore, R., Taumoepeau, M., Taylor, N., Hunter, J., Chapple, S., Chee, K.-S., & Poulton, R. (2015). First follow-up descriptive report: Graduate Longitudinal Study New Zealand. Commissioned by Universities New Zealand. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. 343p.
Gollop, M., Taylor, N., & Henaghan, M. (2015). Evaluation of the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Phase one. Commissioned by New Zealand Law Foundation. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. 55p.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2014, November). Children's participation and rights: Family dispute resolution in England/Wales and New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Caldwell, J., & Taylor, N. (2014, September). Judicial meetings with children in the Family Court. Verbal presentation at the Family Court Judges Triennial Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2014, May). Family dispute resolution initiatives. Verbal presentation at the 51st Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference: Navigating the Waters of Shared Parenting: Guidance from the Harbour, Toronto, Canada.
Smith, A., & Taylor, N. (2014, April). Constructions of childhood: Their influences on policy and practice in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Global Summit on Childhood: Exploring the Experience of Childhood Worldwide: Voices, Vision, Visibility, Vancouver, Canada.
Chapter in Book - Research
Tapp, P., & Taylor, N. (2013). Protecting the family. In M. Henaghan & B. Atkin (Eds.), Family law policy in New Zealand. (4th ed.) (pp. 99-161). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Taylor, N., & Gollop, M. (2013). Children and young people's participation in family law decision-making. In N. Higgins & C. Freeman (Eds.), Childhoods: Growing up in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 153-166). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N. (2013). Relocation following parental separation: International research, policy and practice. Children Australia, 38(4), 134-142. doi: 10.1017/cha.2013.22
Taylor, N. (2013). Relocation following parental separation: International research, policy and practice. International Family Law, Policy & Practice, 1(1), 90-98.
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2013). The reign of Payne II. Journal of Family Law & Practice, 4(2), 31-43.
Taylor, N., & Caldwell, J. (2013). Judicial meetings with children: Documenting practice within the New Zealand Family Court. New Zealand Law Review, 3, 445-463.
Caldwell, J., & Taylor, N. (2013). Natural justice and judicial meetings with children: Documenting practice within the New Zealand Family Court. New Zealand Family Law Journal, 7(11), 264-271.
Powell, M. A., Taylor, N., & Smith, A. B. (2013). Constructions of rural childhood: Challenging dominant perspectives. Children's Geographies, 11(1), 117-131. doi: 10.1080/14733285.2013.743285
Journal - Research Other
Taylor, N. (2013). [Special Issue Editorial]. Children Australia, 38(4), 131-133. doi: 10.1017/cha.2013.20
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2013, July). Parentage, equality and gender: Implications for family law and practice. Verbal presentation at the 2nd International Family Law and Practice Conference: Parentage, Equality and Gender, London, UK.
Boshier, P., Taylor, N., & Caldwell, J. (2013, May-June). Judicial interviewing of children: The New Zealand Family Court. Verbal presentation at the 50th Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference: Riding the Wave of the Future: Global Voices, Expanding Choices, Los Angeles, USA.
Ellman, I., Kaspiew, R., Taylor, N., & George, R. (2013, May-June). Presumptions in family law: Global perspectives. Verbal presentation at the 50th Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference: Riding the Wave of the Future: Global Voices, Expanding Choices, Los Angeles, USA.
Cashmore, J., Freeman, M., Parkinson, P., Stahl, P., & Taylor, N. (2013, March). Relocation disputes: Applying research to practice. Verbal presentation at the 6th World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights, Sydney, Australia.
Taylor, N. (2013, September). Hearing the voice of the child: A research update. Verbal presentation at the Youth & Child Law Update Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2013, September). Policy, research and practice overview. Verbal presentation at the Family Matters Centre Workshop: Family Court Reforms and You: Create New Opportunities in the Changing Environment, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2013, March). Judicial meetings with children in the New Zealand Family Court. Verbal presentation at the Listening to Children's Voices Colloquium, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N., Freeman, M., & Schiratzki, J. (2013, January). Concluding remarks: Child Law Conference key themes. Verbal presentation at the Child Law Conference, Tromsø, Norway.
Taylor, N. (2013, January). Relocation following parental separation: International research, policy and practice. Verbal presentation at the Child Law Conference, Tromsø, Norway.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Gaffney, M., & Taylor, N. (2013). The strength in our parents: Towards a regional parenting strategy 2013. Commissioned by Our Way Southland. Dunedin, New Zealand: Centre for Research on Children and Families, University of Otago. 32p.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Henaghan, M., & Taylor, N. (2013). Response to Robert George’s paper on reforming relocation law. Paper prepared for the UK/NZ Relocation Working Group convened by the Rt Hon. Lord Justice Thorpe, Head of International Family Justice for England and Wales. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Graham, A., Powell, M., Taylor, N., Anderson, D., & Fitzgerald, R. (2013). Ethical research involving children. Florence, Italy: UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti.
Other Research Output
Taylor, N. (2013, September). Judicial meetings with children in the NZ Family Court. Wellington Family Courts Association, Wellington, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Taylor, N. (2013, January). University of Otago Centre for Research on Children and Families. Norwegian Social Research Institute, Oslo, Norway. [Research Presentation].
Taylor, N. (2013, October). Family law research update. Family Court Report Writers Group, Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Henaghan, M. & Taylor, N. (2013, November). Relocation following parental separation. Wellington Family Courts Association Seminar, Wellington, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Other - Edited Journal
Taylor, N. (Ed.). (2013). Children Australia, 38(4) [Special issue: International Family Mobility (and Broader Family Law Context)]. [Guest Editor].
Chapter in Book - Research
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2012). New Zealand children and young people's perspectives on relocation following parental separation. In M. Freeman (Ed.), Law and childhood studies: Current legal issues 2011 (Vol. 14). (pp. 219-242). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199652501.003.0015
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N., Fitzgerald, R., Morag, T., Bajpai, A., & Graham, A. (2012). International models of child participation in family law proceedings following parental separation/divorce. International Journal of Children's Rights, 20(4), 645-673. doi: 10.1163/15718182-55680006
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2012). The gender agenda and relocation disputes. International Family Law, (June), 184-191.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Freeman, C., Gollop, M., Taylor, N., & Nairn, K. (2012). Children and young people's voices in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake. Proceedings of the 6th Australasian Natural Hazards Management Conference. (pp. 10). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. (2012, August). Communicating with children and young people: A research update. Verbal presentation at the Institute of Judicial Studies Seminar: Communicating with Children and Young People, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. J. (2012, March). International family mobility: Relocation disputes: Children's rights, welfare and best interests. Invited presentation at the 15th Annual Family Law Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
Taylor, N. (2012, September). The regional project to strengthen parenting in Southland. Verbal presentation at the Our Way Southland Leaders' Forum, Invercargill, New Zealand.
Cashmore, J., Parkinson, P., Stahl, P. M., & Taylor, N. (2012, June). Relocation disputes: Applying research to practice. Verbal presentation at the 49th Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Annual Conference: Attachment, Brain Science and Children of Divorce: The ABCDs of Child Development for Family Law, Chicago, Illinois.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Powell, M. A., Fitzgerald, R., Taylor, N., & Graham, A. (2012). International literature review: Ethical issues in undertaking research with children and young people. Commissioned by Childwatch International Research Network. Lismore, Australia and Dunedin, New Zealand: Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University and Centre for Research on Children and Families, University of Otago. 64p. Retrieved from
Tustin, K., Chee, K.-S., Taylor, N., Gollop, M., Taumoepeau, M., Hunter, J., Harold, G., & Poulton, R. (2012). Extended Baseline Report: Graduate Longitudinal Study New Zealand. Commissioned by Universities New Zealand. 293p. Retrieved from
Other Research Output
Taylor, N. (2012, September). Ethical research involving children. Expert Group Meeting on Methodologies for Obtaining Strategic Information on Young People at Higher Risk of HIV Exposure organised by UNICEF-EAPRO, UNESCO, UNFPOA and UNAIDS, Bangkok, Thailand. [Research Presentation].
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N., Wood, B., & Smith, A. B. (2011). New Zealand: The achievements and challenges of prohibition. In J. E. Durrant & A. B. Smith (Eds.), Global pathways to abolishing physical punishment: Realizing children's rights. (pp. 182-196). New York: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Boshier, P., Taylor, N., & Seymour, F. (2011). Early intervention in New Zealand Family Court cases. Family Court Review, 49(4), 818-830. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2011.01416.x
Freeman, M., & Taylor, N. (2011). The reign of Payne. Journal of Family Law & Practice, 2(2), 20-27.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Taylor, N., Freeman, M., & Gollop, M. (2011). Relocation disputes: How gender impacts parent and child well-being [Workshop]. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) 48th Annual Conference. AFCC. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. (2011, August). Relocation: Challenges for judges: Research findings. Verbal presentation at the Family Court Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2011, November). Current research initiatives at the Centre for Research on Children and Families. Verbal presentation at the Otago Child and Adolescent Well-Being Research Forum, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Powell, M. A., Graham, A., Taylor, N. J., Newell, S., & Fitzgerald, R. (2011). Building capacity for ethical research with children and young people: An international research project to examine the ethical issues and challenges in undertaking research with and for children in different majority and minority world contexts. Commissioned by Childwatch International Research Network. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago Centre for Research on Children and Families. 65p.
Other Research Output
Taylor, N.J. (2011, October). Family law research update. Northern Region Family Court Report Writers Group, Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Taylor, N. (2011, September). Relocation following parental separation: The research evidence. Research presentation at the Dunedin Family Courts Association, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Taylor, N. & Gollop, M. (2011, June). Phase One of the Strengthening Parenting in Southland research project. Our Way Southland Strengthening Parenting Focus Group Meeting, Invercargill, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Taylor, N. (2011, November). To go or not to go? Relocation disputes: Children's rights, welfare and best interests. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Taylor, N. (2011, April). Relocation dispute research. Research presentation at the Family Courts Association of New Zealand (Auckland), Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Edited Book - Other
Smith, A. B., Taylor, N. J., & Gollop, M. M. (Eds.). (2010). Escuchemos a los niños [Translation of Children's voices: Research, policy and practice]. Mexico City, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 354p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Fitzgerald, R., Graham, A., Smith, A., & Taylor, N. (2010). Children's participation as a struggle over recognition: Exploring the promise of dialogue. In B. Percy-Smith & N. Thomas (Eds.), A handbook of children and young people's participation: Perspectives from theory and practice. (pp. 293-305). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2010). International research evidence on relocation: Past, present, and future. Family Law Quarterly, 44(3), 317-339.
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2010). Relocation: The international context. Journal of Family Law & Practice, 1(2), 19-29.
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., & Henaghan, M. (2010). Relocation following parental separation in New Zealand: Complexity and diversity. International Family Law, (March), 97-105.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2010). International research evidence on relocation: Past, present and future. The Judges' Newsletter [Special Edition]. 1, (pp. 14-25). [Full Paper]
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2010). Relocation: The international context. Proceedings of the International Child Abduction, Relocation and Forced Marriage: Three Linked Topics and the Global Perspectives Conference. Retrieved from
Boshier, P. F., Taylor, N., & Seymour, F. (2010). How early intervention in New Zealand Family Court cases helps reduce conflict and alienation [Workshop]. Proceedings of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) 47th Annual Conference. [USB Memory Stick] Madison, WI: Omnipress. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Henaghan, M., Taylor, N., & Gollop, M. (2010). Relocation following parental separation: The New Zealand research project. Proceedings of the International Child Abduction, Relocation and Forced Marriage: Three Linked Topics and the Global Perspectives Conference. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N., & Gollop, M. (2010, July). Relocation following parental separation. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference: Psychology for a Sustainable Future, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Taylor, N., & Freeman, M. (2010, March). International research evidence on relocation: Past, present and future. Invited presentation at the International Judicial Conference on Cross-Border Family Relocation, Washington, DC.
Taylor, N. (2010, July). Children's agency in New Zealand family law proceedings. Verbal presentation at the Law & Childhood Studies Fifteenth Annual Current Legal Issues Inter-Disciplinary Colloquium, London, UK.
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2010, July). Children's perspectives on relocation after parental separation. Verbal presentation at the Law & Childhood Studies Fifteenth Annual Current Legal Issues Inter-Disciplinary Colloquium, London, UK.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., & Henaghan, M. (2010). Relocation following parental separation: The welfare and best interests of children. Commissioned by New Zealand Law Foundation. Dunedin, New Zealand: Centre for Research on Children and Families & the Faculty of Law, University of Otago. 166p.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Taylor, N. (2010). Children and the Law [Centre for Children and Young People Background Briefing Series, No. 2]. Southern Cross University. Lismore, Australia: Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University. 36p.
Other Research Output
Taylor, N. (2010, October). Relocation following parental separation, Family Court Writers Group, Auckland, New Zealand. [Invited Presentation].
Edited Book - Research
Taylor, N. J., & Smith, A. B. (Eds.). (2009). Children as citizens? International voices. Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press, 221p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N., & Smith, A. (2009). Preface. In N. J. Taylor & A. B. Smith (Eds.), Children as citizens? International voices. (pp. 9-14). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Butler, U. M., Bjerke, H., Smith, A. B., Shipway, B., Fitzgerald, R., Graham, A., & Taylor, N. (2009). Children's perspectives on citizenship: Conclusions and future directions. In N. J. Taylor & A. B. Smith (Eds.), Children as citizens? International voices. (pp. 169-183). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Taylor, N., Smith, A. B., & Gollop, M. (2009). New Zealand. In N. J. Taylor & A. B. Smith (Eds.), Children as citizens? International voices. (pp. 81-98). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Taylor, N., & Smith, A. B. (2009). Research methodology. In N. J. Taylor & A. B. Smith (Eds.), Children as citizens? International voices. (pp. 35-40). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Goldson, J., & Taylor, N. (2009). Child-inclusion in dispute resolution in the New Zealand Family Court. New Zealand Family Law Journal, 6(7), 203-209.
Smith, A., Bjerke, H., & Taylor, N. (2009). The meaning of citizenship for children. Childrenz Issues, 13(1), 43-49.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., & Henaghan, M. (2009). Relocation following parental separation in New Zealand: Complexity and Diversity. International Family Justice Judicial Conference for Common Law and Commonwealth Jurisdictions. [CD-ROM] London: Judiciary of England and Wales. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Graham, A., Fitzgerald, R., & Taylor, N. (2009, November-December). Children's rights in family law: An international study of UNCRC Article 12. Poster session presented at the Children's Rights at a Cross-Roads: A Global Conference on Research and Child Rights, Addis Ababa, Ethopia.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Doek, J., Taylor, N., MacTaggart, I., & Belembaogo, A. A. (2009, November-December). Policies and legislation. Panel discussion at the Children's Rights at a Cross-Roads: A Global Conference on Research and Child Rights, Addis Ababa, Ethopia.
Taylor, N. (2009, April). Antisocial behaviour: From neurobiology to application in the courtroom. Verbal presentation at the Institute of Judicial Studies Trends in New Zealand Society Seminar: Violence, Auckland, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Gaffney, M., Taylor, N., & Atwool, N. (2008). New Zealand. In I. Epstein & J. Pattnaik (Eds.), The Greenwood encyclopedia of children's issues worldwide: Asia and Oceania. (pp. 301-323). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Journal - Research Article
Tapp, P., & Taylor, N. (2008). Relocation: A problem or dilemma? New Zealand Family Law Journal, 6(4), 94-104.
Taylor, N., & Smith, A. B. (2008). Repealing a defence for the physical punishment of children: Changing the law in New Zealand. Childrenz Issues, 12(2), 7-12.
Taylor, N., Smith, A. B., & Gollop, M. (2008). New Zealand children and young people's perspectives on citizenship. International Journal of Children's Rights, 16(2), 195-210. doi: 10.1163/157181808X301791
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Taylor, N. (2008). Relocation after parental separation in New Zealand: The welfare and best interests of children. Proceedings of the Relocation Disputes in Australia Symposium. (pp. 131-133). Canberra, Australia: Australian National University. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2008). Supervised contact centres in New Zealand: Families' experiences. Proceedings of the 10th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference. AIFS. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. J. (2008, September). Financial implications of post-separation relocation disputes. Verbal presentation at the 13th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law, Vienna, Austria.
Taylor, N., & Fitzgerald, R. (2008, September). Background to the study group meeting and why we are here. Verbal presentation at the Meeting of Children and the Law Study Group Researchers, Prague, Czech Republic.
Taylor, N. (2008, September). Country overview: New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Meeting of Children and the Law Study Group Researchers, Prague, Czech Republic.
Smith, A., & Taylor, N. (2008, May). Repealing a defence for the physical punishment of children: Changing the law in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the International Childhood and Youth Research Network International Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Taylor, N., & Butler, U. (2008, May). Highlights of the voices of children in six countries. Verbal presentation at the International Childhood and Youth Research Network International Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Powell, M. A., Taylor, N., & Smith, A. (2008). Rural childhoods: Literature review. Commissioned by Childwatch International Study Group on Rural Childhoods. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. 32p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Tapp, P., & Taylor, N. (2007). Protecting the family. In M. Henaghan & B. Atkin (Eds.), Family Law Policy in New Zealand. (3rd ed.) (pp. 81-165). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N., Tapp, P., & Henaghan, M. (2007). Respecting children's participation in family law proceedings. International Journal of Children's Rights, 15, 61-82. doi: 10.1163/092755607X185555
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. (2007, February). Discussions with children: What works and what doesn't. Verbal presentation at the Institute of Judicial Studies Family Court Update, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2007, February). Childrens' involvement in the process. Verbal presentation at the Institute of Judicial Studies Family Court Update, Wellington, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2007, February). Discussions with children: What works and what doesn't. Verbal presentation at the Institute of Judicial Studies Family Court Update, Wellington, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2007, February). Childrens' involvement in the process. Verbal presentation at the Institute of Judicial Studies Family Court Update, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2007, September). Children's participation in New Zealand family law proceedings. Verbal presentation at the 8th European Sociological Association Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
Lawrence, J., Smith, A., Tuhega, J., Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2007, April). They don't really like to smack but . . . they don't know what else to do. Verbal presentation at the Social Policy Research and Evaluation Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Taylor, N., & Gollop, M. (2007). Children's participation in family law proceedings: Research report for the Childwatch International Children and the Law Study Group. (pp. 1-75). Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N. (2006). Establishment of the New Zealand Family Court. New Zealand Family Law Journal, 5(7), 169-180. LexisNexis.
Dobbs, T. A., Smith, A. B., & Taylor, N. J. (2006). ″No, we don't get a say, children just suffer the consequences″: Children talk about family discipline. International Journal of Children's Rights, 14(2), 137-156.
Taylor, N. (2006). What do we know about involving children and young people in family law decision making? A research update. Australian Journal of Family Law, 20(2), 154-178. LexisNexis.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2006). Supervised contact centres: Perspectives of parents, children and staff. Proceedings of the Child and Youth Welfare Advisers' Forum. LexisNexis. [Full Paper]
Taylor, N., & Henaghan, M. (2006). Violence: Prevention and intervention. Proceedings of the Child and Youth Welfare Advisers' Forum. LexisNexis. [Full Paper]
Taylor, N. (2006). Children's views and participation in decision-making. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Child Law Conference. LexisNexis. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Marshall, K., Smith, A., Taylor, N., & Gollop, M. (2006). The discipline and guidance of children: Messages from research. Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N., Tapp, P., & Henaghan, M. (2006, February). Respecting children's participation in family law proceedings. Verbal presentation at the Children and Young People as Social Actors Research Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2006, December). Children as citizens: Recognition, respect and participation in civic society and family law proceedings in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Children as 'new citizens' and the 'best interest of the child': Challenges to the Contemporary Democracies Research Seminar, Trondheim, Norway.
Taylor, N. (2006, May). What do we know about involving children and young people in family law decision making? An update. Verbal presentation at the Contact and Relocation: Focusing on the Children Conference, Byron Bay, Australia.
Taylor, N. (2006, November-December). Rural childhood research in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Childwatch International Rural Childhood Study Group Meeting, South Carolina, USA.
Smith, A., & Taylor, N. J. (2006, July). Rethinking childhood: The inclusion of children's voice in New Zealand children's policy and practice. Verbal presentation at the Investment and Citizenship: Towards a Transdisciplinary Dialogue on Child and Youth Rights Conference, Ontario, Canada.
Taylor, N., & Smith, A. (2006, July). Children and young people's perspectives on citizenship and nation building. Verbal presentation at the Investment and Citizenship: Towards a Transdisciplinary Dialogue on Child and Youth Rights Conference, Ontario, Canada.
Edited Book - Research
Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., Taylor, N. J., & Marshall, K. A. (Eds.). (2005). The discipline and guidance of children: Messages from research. Wellington, New Zealand: Office of the Children's Commissioner, 165p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N. (2005). International Law. In A. B. Smith, M. M. Gollop, N. J. Taylor & K. A. Marshall (Eds.), The discipline and guidance of children: Messages from research. (pp. 87-99). Wellington: Office of the Children's Commissioner.
Taylor, N. (2005). International developments. In A. B. Smith, M. M. Gollop, N. J. Taylor & K. A. Marshall (Eds.), The discipline and guidance of children: Messages from research. (pp. 101-130). Wellington: Office of the Children's Commissioner.
Taylor, N. (2005). Children and young people's perspectives. In A. B. Smith, M. M. Gollop, N. J. Taylor & K. A. Marshall (Eds.), The discipline and guidance of children: Messages from research. (pp. 79-86). Wellington: Office of the Children's Commissioner.
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N. (2005). Physical punishment of children: International legal developments. New Zealand Family Law Journal, 5(1), 14-22.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. (2005, November). Children's and young people's perspectives on citizenship: An international study. Verbal presentation at the Regional Child & Youth Development Forum, Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2005, November). What does repeal mean? A legal perspective on repeal of s59. Verbal presentation at the Physical Punishment of Children - Forum to Support Repeal of s59, Crimes Act (1961), Auckland, New Zealand.
Smith, A., & Taylor, N. (2005, July). Children and young people's perspectives on citizenship and nation building. Verbal presentation at the 6th Child and Family Policy Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Rizzini, I., & Taylor, N. (2005, December). Children's notions of citizenship and nation-building: Status and prospects. Verbal presentation at the Children, Citizenship and Nationbuilding Workshop, Roros, Norway.
Taylor, N. (2005, June). Children and young people's perspectives on citizenship and nation building in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the International Childhoods Conference: Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies, Oslo, Norway.
Taylor, N., & Fitzgerald, R. (2005, June). Children's participation in family law proceedings in New Zealand and Australia: Inclusion and resistance. Verbal presentation at the International Childhoods Conference: Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies, Oslo, Norway.
Taylor, N. (2005, May). Separation and divorce: The impact on children. Verbal presentation at the Satellite Meeting of the Chapter of Community Child Health of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Paediatric Society of New Zealand / Regional and General Paediatricians Society, Wellington, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2005, February). Children's participation in custody/access decisions in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the 9th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Taylor, N., & Smith, A. B. (2005, February). Stop it: It hurts me! Children and physical punishment. Verbal presentation at the 9th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Taylor, N. (2005, June). Physical punishment of children in New Zealand: Legal and policy developments. Verbal presentation at the International Childhoods Conference: Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies, Oslo, Norway.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Gollop, M., & Taylor, N. (2005). Supervised contact centres: The perspectives of children, parents and staff. Commissioned by Ministry of Social Development. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. 198p.
Other Research Output
Taylor, N. (2005, May). Children, parents and families: A conceptual framework. Presentation for the Ministry of Social Development in the proceedings of the 'SKIP Training the Trainers Workshops'. Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Christchurch. [Research Presentation].
Awarded Doctoral Degree
Taylor, N. J. (2005). Care of children: Families, dispute resolution and the Family Court (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 499p.
Journal - Research Article
Gaffney, M., McCormack, J., Higgens, N., & Taylor, N. (2004). Improving school culture: What we learnt from three primary schools. Kairaranga, 5(2), 36-43.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Taylor, N. (2004, June). International law and the physical punishment of children. Verbal presentation at the Children's Issues Centre National Seminar: ″Stop it it hurts Me″: Research and Perspectives on Physical Punishment of Children, Wellington.
Taylor, N. (2004, June). The international context: UNCROC, countries with full abolition, and other legal developments. Verbal presentation at the Children's Issues Centre National Seminar: ″Stop it it hurts Me″: Research and Perspectives on Physical Punishment of Children, Wellington, New Zealand.
Taylor, N. (2004, June). Discipline of children: The New Zealand context. Verbal presentation at the Focus on Children Seminar: International Perspectives on Discipline, Auckland.
Taylor, N. (2004, September). Children's perspectives. Verbal presentation at the ISPCAN 15th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Brisbane.
Taylor, N. (2004, November). Discipline and guidance of children. Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand Society of Plunket Nurses National Conference, Rotorua.
Taylor, N. J., & Smith, A. B. (2004, November). New Zealand children's perspectives on citizenship and nation building. Verbal presentation at the International Seminar on Child and Adolescent Perceptions on Citizenship, Rio de Janeiro.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Gaffney, M., Higgins, N., McCormack, J., & Taylor, N. (2004). Developing a more positive school culture to address bullying and improve school relationships: Case studies from two primary schools and one intermediate school. Commissioned by Ministry of Social Development. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. 30p.
Gaffney, M., Higgins, N., McCormack, J., & Taylor, N. (2004). Summary: Developing a more positive school culture to address bullying and improve school relationships: Case studies from two primary schools and one intermediate school. Commissioned by Ministry of Social Development. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. 7p.
Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., Taylor, N. J., & Marshall, K. A. (2004). The discipline and guidance of children: A summary of research. Commissioned by The Children's Commissioner. University of Otago, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre and the Office of the Children's Commissioner. 38p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Tapp, P., Taylor, N., & Henaghan, R. M. (2003). Agents or dependants: Children and the family law system. In J. Dewar & S. Parker (Eds.), Family law processes, practices, pressures. (pp. 303-319). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Journal - Research Article
Smith, A. B., Taylor, N. J., & Tapp, P. (2003). Rethinking children's involvement in decision-making after parental separation. Childhood, 10(2), 201-216.
Smith, A. B., Nairn, K., Taylor, N. J., & Gaffney, J. M. D. (2003). Staff and student perspectives on children's rights in New Zealand secondary schools. Childrenz Issues, 7(1), 9-16.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Smith, A. B., & Taylor, N. J. (2003). Rethinking children's involvement in decision-making after parental separation. Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Family Studies Eighth National Conference: Steps forward for families: Research, practice and policy. Melbourne: AIFS. Retrieved from
Taylor, N. J. (2003). Therapeutic jurisprudence in family law. Proceedings of the Lexis Nexis Butterworths 2nd Annual Child Law Conference 2003. (pp. 1-27). Auckland: Lexis Nexis NZ Ltd. [Full Paper]
Taylor, N. J. (2003). Family members' perspectives on the family court. Proceedings of the Fifth Child and Family Policy Conference: Joined up services: Linking together for children and families. (pp. 197-211). Dunedin: University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Taylor, N. J. (2003). Clients' perspectives on lawyers: How they rate you. Proceedings of the New Zealand Law Society Family Law Conference 2003: Raising the standard. (pp. 65-87). Auckland: NZLS. [Full Paper]
Tapp, P., Taylor, N. J., & Henaghan, R. M. (2003). Agents or dependants: Children and the family law system. In J. Dewar & S. Parker (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law. (pp. 303-319). Portland, OR: Hart Publishing. [Full Paper]
Chapter in Book - Research
Tapp, P., & Taylor, N. (2002). Protecting the family. In M. Henaghan & B. Atkin (Eds.), Family Law Policy in New Zealand. (2nd ed.) (pp. 75-148). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Taylor, N. (2002). Custody and access matters: Families, dispute resolution and the Family Court. Proceedings of the LexisNexis Butterworths First Child Law Conference. Auckland: LexisNexis Butterworths. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N. J., Smith, A. B., & Nairn, K. (2001). Rights important to young people: Secondary student and staff perspectives. International Journal of Children's Rights, 9, 137-156.
Tapp, P., Taylor, N. J., & Henaghan, M. (2001). Agents or dependants: Children and the family law system. Butterworths Family Law Journal, 3(10), 245-254.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Tapp, P. E., & Taylor, N. J. (2001). Where should the focus be in the aftermath of parental separation: Children's rights and interests, or parental responsibility/ rights? Childrenz Issues, 5(1), 10-15.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Taylor, N. J., Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., & Tapp, P. E. (2001). Child-parent contact following separation and divorce: The implications for family law of NZ and international research. Proceedings of the New Zealand Family Law Conference. CD ROM. Wellington: New Zealand Law Society. [Full Paper]
Taylor, N. J., Smith, A. B., & Tapp, P. E. (2001). Children, family law and family conflict: Subdued voices. Proceedings of the New Zealand Family Law Conference, Christchurch, 4-8 October. CD ROM. Wellington: New Zealand Law Society. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Taylor, N. J. (2001). Children's rights and family responsibilities in the New Zealand Family Court. Proceedings of the International Society of Family Law 11th World Conference. Retrieved from
Commissioned Report for External Body
Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., Taylor, N. J., & Tapp, P. E. (2001). Children Whose Parents Live Apart: Family and Legal Concepts. Commissioned by The Law Foundation. Dunedin: Children's Issues Centre. 74p.
Taylor, N. J., Smith, A. B., & Tapp, P. E. (2001). Childhood and Family Law: The Rights and Views of Children. Commissioned by The Law Foundation. Dunedin: Children's Issue Centre. 84p.
Edited Book - Research
Smith, A. B., Taylor, N. J., & Gollop, M. M. (Eds.). (2000). Children's Voices: Research, Policy and Practice. Auckland: Pearson Education, 218p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Taylor, N. J., & Smith, A. B. (2000). The way forward: Incorporating children's perspectives in research, policy and practice. In A. B. Smith, N. J. Taylor & M. M. Gollop (Eds.), Children's Voices: Research, Policy and Practice. (pp. 181-201). Auckland: Pearson Education.
Taylor, N. J., Gollop, M. M., & Smith, A. B. (2000). Children and young people's perspectives on their legal representation. In A. B. Smith, N. J. Taylor & M. M. Gollop (Eds.), Children's Voices: Research, Policy and Practice. (pp. 110-133). Auckland: Pearson Education.
Smith, A. B., & Taylor, N. J. (2000). The sociocultural context of childhood: Balancing agency and dependency. In A. B. Smith, N. J. Taylor & M. M. Gollop (Eds.), Children's Voices: Research, Policy and Practice. (pp. 1-17). Auckland: Pearson Education.
Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., & Taylor, N. J. (2000). Children in foster and kinship care. In A. B. Smith, N. J. Taylor & M. M. Gollop (Eds.), Children's Voices: Research, Policy and Practice. (pp. 72-90). Auckland: Pearson Education.
Gollop, M. M., Taylor, N. J., & Smith, A. B. (2000). Children's perspectives of their parents' separation. In A. B. Smith, N. J. Taylor & M. M. Gollop (Eds.), Children's Voices: Research, Policy and Practice. (pp. 134-156). Auckland: Pearson Education.
Journal - Research Article
Clarkson, J. E., Kenny, G. J., & Taylor, N. J. (2000). The health of children in state care. Social Work Now, (December), 14-20.
Taylor, N. J., Gollop, M. M., & Smith, A. B. (2000). Children and young people's perspectives on the role of counsel for the child. Butterworths Family Law Journal, 3(6), 146-154.
Taylor, N. J. (2000). Case commentary. New Zealand Bioethics Journal, 1(2), 29-30.
Gollop, M. M., Smith, A. B., & Taylor, N. J. (2000). Children's involvement in custody and access arrangements after parental separation. Child & Family Law Quarterly, 12(4), 383-399.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Henaghan, R. M., Tapp, P., & Taylor, N. J. (2000). Agents or dependants - Children and the family law system. In P. Parkinson & S. Parker (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law. (pp. 312-328). Brisbane. [Full Paper]
Commissioned Report for External Body
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., Tapp, P., Gaffney, M., Smith, A., & Henaghan, M. (2000). Children's rights in New Zealand Family Law Judgments [Research Report]. Commissioned by New Zealand Law Foundation. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. 135p.
Journal - Research Article
Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., Taylor, N. J., & Atwool, N. R. (1999). Children's voices in foster or kinship care: Knowledge, understanding and participation. Journal of Child Centred Practice, 6(1), 9-37.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Taylor, N., Gollop, M., Smith, A., & Tapp, P. (1999). The role of counsel for the child: Perspectives of children, young people and their lawyers. Commissioned by Department for Courts: Te Tari Kooti. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. 221p.
Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., Taylor, N. J., & Atwool, N. R. (1999). Children in Kinship and Foster Care (Funded by a grant from the Lottery Science Fund and the Otago Research Committee). Commissioned by Children's Issues Centre. Dunedin: University of Otago. 168p.
Taylor, N. J. (1999). Socio-legal aspects of children's adjustment to parental separation and divorce. Commissioned by Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. Wellington.
Chapter in Book - Research
Smith, A. B., & Taylor, N. J. (1998). Families in Transition. In V. Adair & R. Dixon (Eds.), The Family in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 208-244). Addison Wesley Longman.
Journal - Research Article
Henaghan, R. M., Taylor, N. J., Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., Gaffney, J. M. D., & Gold, M. (1998). Children's views on their parents' separation. Butterworths Family Law Journal, 2(11), 277-285.
Taylor, N. J. (1998). The voice of children in family law. Children's Legal Rights Journal, 18(1), 2-14.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., Taylor, N. J., Gaffney, J. M. D., Gold, M., & Henaghan, R. M. (1998). Access and other post-separation issues: a qualitative study of children's, parents' and lawyers' perspectives (abbreviated). Enhancing Children's Potential: Minimising the Risk & Maximising the Resiliency: Proceedings of the Children's Issues Centre: Second Child and Family Policy Conference. (pp. 251-297). Dunedin: Children's Issues Centre. [Full Paper]
Smith, A. B., Gollop, M. M., & Taylor, N. J. (1998). Children's Voices in Foster or Kinship Care: Knowledge, Understanding and Participation. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect. Auckland. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Taylor, N. J., & Smith, A. B. (Eds.). (1998). Enhancing Children's Potential: Minimising Risk and Maximising Resiliency. Proceedings of the Children's Issues Centre: Second Child and Family Policy Conference. Dunedin: University of Otago. 369p.
Journal - Research Article
Taylor, N. J., & Henaghan, R. M. (1997). Taking children's views seriously. Childrenz Issues, 1(1), 11-16.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Gollop, M. M., Taylor, N. J., Smith, A. B., Gaffney, J. M. D., Gold, M., & Henaghan, R. M. (1997). Facilitating access: children's and lawyers' perspectives. LawTalk, 490, 28-30.
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Taylor, N. J., & Smith, A. B. (Eds.). (1997). Quality and Safety for Children Living Away From Home: Proceedings of the Children's Issues National Seminar. Dunedin: Children's Issues Centre. 150p.
Taylor, N. J., & Smith, A. B. (Eds.). (1997). Investing in Children: Primary Prevention Strategies: Proceedings of the Children's Issues Centre Inaugural Child and Family Policy Conference. Dunedin: Children's Issues Centre. 440p.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Smith, A. B., Taylor, N. J., Gollop, M., Gaffney, M., Gold, M., & Henaghan, M. (1997). Access and other post-separation issues: A qualitative study of children's, parents' and lawyers' views [Research report]. Commissioned by Law Foundation. Dunedin, New Zealand: Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago. 114p.
Authored Book - Research
Smith, A. B., & Taylor, N. J. (1996). Supporting Children and Parents Through Family Changes. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 134p.