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Student email

The University's online learning tools use your student email address to communicate with you. If you do not wish to use this address, you should forward all incoming emails to your preferred email address.

Student IT email forwarding instructions

If you choose to use your student email address for all correspondence related to the online learning tools which your course uses (the default), then it is essential that you check your student email address regularly.


Blackboard is the learning management system used at the University of Otago. It allows lecturers to upload lecture notes, reading lists, assessment information and other course-related material to each paper's Blackboard site so that students may access them. It may also hold things such as additional literary resources, videoconference podcasts, audioconference podcasts, Otago Connect recordings and facilities for online discussion. It also contains functions that enables students and teachers to interact via class announcements, email, discussion boards and tools used for assessing students, such as on-line tests and assignment submission.

To access Blackboard go to, login using your University username and password.

If you experience any difficulties using Blackboard, contact:

ITS Service Support AskOtago
Tel +64 3 479 7000 or 0800 80 80 98 (7:00am-11:00pm, seven days a week)


In the Course Outline that comes with your paper, your lecturer will set out the assessment tasks for your particular course. The following section provides information about the standard procedures with respect to assessment in relation to assignments and (if you have one) the exam.
It is recommended that students check their internal assessment grades in eVision throughout the semester and should any discrepancies be noted, contact the Programme as soon as possible.

The standard way to submit assignments in the Classics Programme is by hardcopy in the assignment box on the north end, 5th floor of the Arts building, 95 Albany Street.


  • All Assignments submitted in the Classics Programme must be prefaced with a signed student Assignment Cover Sheet:
    Assignment Cover Sheet (PDF)
  • Assignments submitted after the deadline dates provided in the course outline must follow the process stated below.

Deadlines, extensions and late submission

Assignments must be handed in by the due date unless an extension has been granted by the lecturer in charge of the paper.

The Extension Request form can be downloaded from the Extension Policy page, or may be available on Blackboard.

Completed forms must be emailed to in advance of the assignment due date. No retrospective application will be accepted except in the case of serious medical condition, for which a medical certificate is required.

Return of marked work

Assignments will be handed back in tutorials (if applicable) or lectures in the first instance. After that they will be available for collection from 5N9 (Arts Building, 5th floor, central area) between 10am and 2pm, Monday to Friday.

Please note:

You will be required to show your student ID when collecting your assignment. Assignments/exams will only be available for collection during these hours.


The University of Otago takes the issue of plagiarism—presenting someone else's work as your own—very seriously. Plagiarism is regarded by the University as one form of academic misconduct. Any of the following may constitute plagiarism and result in investigation and possible punishment:

  1. copying or cutting and pasting text from others without using quotation marks or block quotes to identify that text, nor clearly indicating the source (this includes paper and electronic sources)
  2. copying visual materials, images and/or physical objects without clearly indicating the source
  3. using poor paraphrasing of sentences or whole passages without referencing the original work
  4. using another person's ideas, work or research data without acknowledgment
  5. copying computer files or computer code without clearly indicating their origin
  6. submitting another student's work in whole or in part, where this is not specifically permitted in the course outline
  7. submitting work that has been written by someone else on a student's behalf
  8. resubmitting portions of previously submitted work without indicating the source.

Note that the University's policy on academic integrity states that while plagiarism can be unintentional or intentional, even if it is unintentional, it is still considered to be plagiarism.
Any student found responsible for plagiarism in any piece of work submitted for assessment shall be subject to the University's academic misconduct regulations, which may result in various penalties, including forfeiture of marks for the piece of work submitted, a zero grade for the paper, or in extreme cases exclusion from the University. The University of Otago reserves the right to use plagiarism tools.


  • All Assignments submitted in the Classics Programme must be prefaced with a student Plagiarism Declaration Form to this effect.

More information on plagiarism and the University's response to dishonest practice

Class representatives

You will be asked to nominate class representatives who will meet with the Head of Programme to provide feedback on each course. This is an important role which is valued by the Programme and can be added to the service section of your CV.

OUSA training and resources for Class Reps

Student Learning Development

The Student Learning Development offers assistance in note-taking, writing essays and taking exams via their website.

You may also contact the SLD and ask to speak to a learning adviser:

Tel +64 3 479 5786

Disability Information and Support

Disability Information and Support provides a wide range of support services for students with impairments, medical conditions, or injuries. This support includes:

  • Copies of lecture notes
  • Loan of specific equipment
  • Reformatting of course material
  • One-on-one tutoring
  • Alternative examination arrangements

To arrange support, students are advised to make an appointment to talk with a Student Advisor as early as possible. This will enable students to discuss the learning support they may require while studying. Any information disclosed to Disability Information and Support is held in complete confidence. More information can be found here.

Disability Information and Support can be contacted directly:

Tel +64 3 479 8235

Māori student support

For contacts, resources and links, please visit:

Kaiāwhina Māori Humanities website

Classics Programme Kaiāwhina

Dr Dan Osland
Tel +64 3 479 8711
Room 5N5, 5th Floor, Arts Building

Pacific Islands Student Support

For more information about services for Pacific Islands students, please visit:

Support for Pacific Islands students, Humanities website

Support for international students

We encourage international students to seek support if they are having difficulties with their studies or meeting other challenges while they are a student at Otago.

Students can contact International Student Support:
Tel +64 3 479 8344

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