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Daniel Osland 2021 image


Office 5N5, Arts Building
Tel +64 3 479 8711

Academic qualifications

2011: PhD, University of Cincinnati
2005: MA, University of Cincinnati
2000: BA, Wheaton College (Illinois)

Background and research interests

As a Roman archaeologist, Dan has special interest in research questions that allow him to work with the intersection between material remains and written sources.

Much of his research centres around questions of identity: how individuals and groups define themselves and how they seek to assign identity to "others", especially as illustrated by written and visual media. Recent and ongoing projects focus on economic trends in Late Antiquity, Romans in the Iberian Peninsula, the end of the western Roman empire, the evolution and reuse of Roman religious and public spaces, and changes in dining and food preparation habits in late Roman and post-Roman Hispania.



  • CLAS 108 Classical Art and Archaeology: Of Heroes, Gods and Men
  • CLAS 343 Archaeology and the Fall of the Roman Empire
  • CLAS 443 Archaeology, History and the End of Rome
  • LATN 111 Introductory Latin 1
  • LATN 212 Intermediate Latin
  • LATN 328 Advanced Latin Authors
  • LATN 464 A Topic in Latin Literature

Has also taught

Areas of research supervision

  • Greek and Roman archaeology
  • Roman provinces
  • Late Antiquity
  • Roman and Visigothic Spain / Hispania


Osland, D. (2017). Evidence for Roman and medieval occupation inside the Alcazaba de Mérida, University of Otago excavations in Mérida, Spain, 2016. University of Otago Studies in Archaeology, No. 28. Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Otago, 61p. Authored Book - Research

Osland, D. (2006). The early Roman cities of Lusitania. Oxford, UK: Archaeopress, 135p. Authored Book - Research

Osland, D. (2023). The role of cities in the early medieval economy. Al-Masāq, 2211882. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/09503110.2023.2211882 Journal - Research Article

Osland, D. (2019). Text and context: Patronage in late antique Mérida. Studies in Late Antiquity, 3(4), 581-625. doi: 10.1525/sla.2019.3.4.581 Journal - Research Article

Osland, D. (2017). Housing in late antique Augusta Emerita: The end of the peristyle house. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 36(1), 85-106. doi: 10.1111/ojoa.12107 Journal - Research Article

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