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Arlene Allan portraitSenior Lecturer


Office 5N9, Arts Building
Tel +64 3 479 5237

Academic qualifications

PhD, University of Exeter
MA, Queen's University at Kingston
BA, Trent University

Background and research interests

Arlene teaches Greek Literature (Homer and Drama), Religion and Greek and Latin language. Her research interests include Greek myth, religion and ritual, Greek society, reception studies and the interface between Hellenic religious beliefs and Christianity. She has published a book on Hermes, as well as a co-authored volume on Greek Drama and several articles on specific plays.



  • CLAS 342 Ancient Greek Religion: Myth, Ritual and Belief
  • CLAS 442 Advanced Studies in Ancient Greek Religion
  • GREK 211 Intermediate Greek

Has also taught

Areas of research supervision

  • Greek myth, religion and/or ritual
  • Greek literature and/or society
  • Reception


Allan, A. (2024, July). From breath of life (ruach; pneuma) to immortal soul (psychē) and the creation of Heaven and Hell. Verbal presentation at the Worlds Above and Below Interdisciplinary Conference, [Hybrid]. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Detoni, M., Allan, A., Connelly, S., Summerfield, T., Townsend, S., & Shephard, K. (2024). University teachers’ perspectives on student attendance: a challenge to the identity of university teachers before, during and after Covid-19. Educational Research for Policy & Practice. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10671-024-09375-6 Journal - Research Article

Allan, A. (2023). Revisiting the relationship between the choice of Intaphernes' wife (Hdt 3.119) and Antigone 904-915. Proceedings of the 44th Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) Annual Conference. (pp. 19). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Allan, A. (2022, September). The many in the one: Recognising one's own gods in the gospel accounts of the feeding of the 5000. Classics Programme Research Seminar Series, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar]. Other Research Output

Shephard, K., Townsend, S., Allan, A., Luong, H., & Trotman, T. (2022). Student attendance: Before, during and after a pandemic. In E. Heinrich, A. Jolley & L. Rowan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tertiary Education Research in New Zealand (TERNZ) Conference. (pp. 66-68). HERDSA Aotearoa/New Zealand. [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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