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Open days

Computer Science participates in the Otago Open Days for schools.

Find out more about Otago Open Days

We can also receive visits by arrangement. Please email us to make arrangements at

Programming and Robotics in Schools

Anthony Robins is a trustee and organising judge for Robotics Education NZ (RENZ).

RENZ runs annual RoboCup Junior competitions in regions all over NZ, and a national final competition (which is often in Dunedin).

Visit the RoboCup Junior New Zealand website

Hi2 Coding Club

Professor Zhiyi Huang is running a Hi2 Coding Club for school students (Year 7 and above).

Find out more about the Hi2 Coding Club

Hands-On at Otago

The University runs a Computer Science course in the Summer for school students to get a taste of university life.

Visit the University's Hands-On at Otago website

Science Academy

The Science Academy is an exciting programme aimed at Year 13 students with a passion for science and we are running Science Academy every year.

Visit the Science Academy website for more information and how to apply

Other support for schools

Anthony Robins and Sandy Garner contributed to new NCEA programming standards, and wrote programming workbooks (in Java and Python) that were widely used in NZ schools.  Brendan McCane also supported Python for teachers is local schools.

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