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COVID‑19 information

General advice

  • Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms
  • If positive, it is recommended you isolate for at least 5 days, even if you only have mild symptoms, starting at day 0
  • Upload your RAT result on your My COVID app
  • If the RAT is negative and you still have symptoms – stay home until well, if you have to go out, wear a mask. Repeat RAT while you have symptoms
  • Let someone know that you are unwell
  • Some people can still be infectious after 5 days. If you are still unwell after you have completed 5 days of recommended isolation, we recommend you stay home until you are recovered. If you do need to leave the house, we recommend you wear a mask

Household contacts

  • Household contacts do not need to isolate
  • If you are a household contact you should test daily for 5 days (RAT) from the day the person with COVID tested positive
  • Wear a face mask if you leave home during the 5 days of testing
  • If you test positive for COVID, it is recommended that you isolate for 5 days

Where to get tests

COVID‑19 vaccinations

COVID-19 vaccine XBB is now available and funded for:

  • Those over 30 years of age
  • 16–29 year-olds who are pregnant
  • 12–29 year-olds at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19

You can have the vaccine 6 months after your last vaccination, OR if you have never had a COVID-19 vaccination, OR 6 months after having COVID-19.

To make a booking, visit:

Book My Vaccine

More information is on the Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora website:

Updated COVID-19 vaccine available in March

Staff flu vaccinations

The Occupational Health team is NOT offering COVID-19 vaccinations with the flu vaccine, due to resource availability. The flu vax clinics will run on Tuesdays and Fridays in April, from 9 April 2024, upstairs in the Link. Staff will receive an email with a booking link.

When flu vax clinics are completed, there will be consideration of running COVID-19 vaccination clinics.

Important phone numbers

  • COVID‑19 Healthline 0800 358 5453 (within New Zealand)
  • Healthline 0800 611 116 (within New Zealand)
  • Dunedin Urgent Doctors +64 3 479 2900
  • Emergency Psychiatric Services 0800 467 846 Option 2 (within New Zealand)
  • You can also free call or free text 1737 to speak to a trained counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Emergencies dial 111


Visitors to some healthcare facilities and certain areas within the University where staff or students are considered at higher risk may be asked to wear a face mask. This is to protect those at higher risk.

Masks remain free until 29 February 2024. You can get free face masks when you pick up free rapid antigen tests (RATs) from participating pharmacies and collection centres.

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