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The objective of the Compass Project is to work with the University community, mana whenua and tangata whenua to implement the values, expectations, and desired norms of behaviour that will underpin our work as a university community through the next phase of the University's development.

An important aspect is the foundation upon which we build our university culture. Te Tiriti o Waitangi will form the foundation, bringing together te ao Māori and te ao Pākehā, in a way that reflects the underlying constitutional and historical reality of Aotearoa New Zealand. By taking this approach we expect that the values, expectations and desired norms of behaviour we seek to realise through the process will strongly reflect the two worlds.

Members of the Project Leadership Group

  • Co-chair: Claire Porima (Senior Strategic Adviser Māori, Strategy, Analytics and Reporting Office)
  • Co-chair: Rasha Abu Safieh Alfar (Acting Operations Strategist, Operations Divisional Office)
  • Jessica Palmer ( PVC Humanities)
  • David Thomson (Director Strategy,  Analytics and Reporting Office)
  • Beth Frei ( Strategy, Analytics and Reporting Office)
  • Tagiilima Feleti (Manager Pacific Islands Centre)
  • Tanya Syddall (Director, Operations ) – on leave
  • Andrea McMillan (Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Operations)
  • Carolyn King (Senior Change Manager, Human Resources)
  • William Levack ( Dean, University of Otago, Wellington )
  • Lynette Murdoch ( Senior Teaching Fellow, University of Otago, Christchurch)

Past members

  • Co-chair: Peter Crampton (Division of Health Sciences)
  • Co-chair: Michelle Thompson-Fawcett (nominee of the Director of the Office of Māori Development)
  • Matiu Workman (Senior Strategic Adviser Māori, External Engagement)



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