Student Learning Development
Student Learning Development provides learning support to all enrolled students, free of charge. The services offered by Student Learning Development are designed to assist students with note-taking, note-making, essay writing, editing, referencing, examination and study skills as well as other academic practices.
Services offered include:
Workshops are interactive, informal sessions that give you an opportunity to share ideas with others, reflect on your approach to study and learning and discover new techniques and skills.
Workshops at the Student Learning Centre and registration
Individual assistance from a learning adviser about any aspect of study that is causing concern
Peer assisted learning run by a senior 'experienced' student leader
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are run for some first year subjects and are led by students who successfully completed the paper the previous year. The sessions focus on the content covered in the course as well as other independent learning skills.
Pass subjects and registration
Language support for students from a non-English speaking background
Conversational English groups are designed to give non-English speaking students an opportunity to practice their English speaking skills with New Zealand students.
One-on-one assistance about the English language and New Zealand culture is also available.
Online tutorials
Online tutorials are informative, interactive resources which will assist you in completing your assignments and developing your academic learning skills. They cover a variety of topics including:
- Essay writing
- Writing a business report
- Writing a scientific report
- Compiling an annotated bibliography
- Ethical issues such as plagiarism
- Searching for and evaluating information
Available online resources and tutorials
Other online resources
Student Learning Development is located in the Central Library Building. To contact the Centre or make an appointment phone 03 479 5786 or email
University Library
Services the University Library offers include:
Comprehensive online information on researching, evaluating information and referencing
Subject guides
Subject guides contain subject specific information and resources that will assist you in finding articles, books, websites and other information for your research. Information to help with writing and citation is also provided.
Classes, tours and tutorials
Classes, tours and tutorials are available for all students of the University.
Make an enquiry about Library classes, tours and tutorials.
International Office
International Student Support has a lot of resources to support international students in their studies at the University of Otago.
International Student Advisers are also available if you have any issues or questions you would like to talk about.
Student Health
Student Health offers medical and counselling services that can help you deal with any issues that may be affecting your work or study.
Academic Integrity and Student Academic Misconduct at Otago
For further information:
Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct webpage
Student Experience