The following are the 'Schedule C' lists of papers for Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Theology (BTheol), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) and Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) degrees. The papers included are those with the codes given for the subjects concerned together with a number of individually specified papers. For details of a paper's prerequisites, corequisites and restrictions consult the Prescriptions section of the Guide to Enrolment or the individual paper pages.
The regulations for the degrees of BA, BTheol, BSc, BCom and BASc require that most papers taken for the degrees are chosen from the relevant 'Schedule C' printed in the University Calendar, but some other papers may be included (normally to a maximum of 90 points). For instance, a BSc programme of 360 points must normally include at least 270 points from Science Schedule C. The remaining 90 points may also be chosen from Science Schedule C but some or all of the further papers may alternatively be chosen from the Arts and Music, Theology, and Commerce Schedules.
A number of papers appear in more than one Schedule (e.g. Geography is both an Arts and a Science subject).
Arts and Music
Subject | Code |
Anatomy | ANAT 131 |
Agricultural Innovation | AGRI 101, 221 |
Anthropology | ANTH |
Art History and Visual Culture | ARTV |
Asian Studies | ASIA |
Biblical Studies | BIBS |
Bioethics | BITC 201, 202, 301 |
Biological Anthropology | BIOA |
Business Studies | BSNS 113 |
Chinese | CHIN |
Christian Thought and History | CHTH |
Classical Studies | CLAS |
Community Health Care | CMHC |
Computer and Information Science | COMP (excluding COMP 270, 371-373) |
Computer Science | COSC |
Criminology | CRIM |
Dance | DANC |
Economics | ECON |
Education | EDUC |
English | ENGL |
Environment and Society | ENVI |
European Studies | EURO |
French | FREN |
Gender Studies | GEND |
Geography | GEOG |
German | GERM |
Global Cultures | GLBL |
Greek | GREK |
Hebrew | HEBR |
History | HIST |
Humanities | HUMS |
Indigenous Studies | INDS |
Information Science | INFO (excluding INFO 130) |
Japanese | JAPA |
Latin | LATN |
Law | LAWS 101, 102 |
Linguistics | LING |
Māori Health | MAOH |
Māori Studies | MAOR |
Mathematics | MATH |
Media, Film and Communication | MFCO |
Music | MUSI |
Pacific Health | PACH |
Pacific Islands Studies | PACI |
Pacific Realities | PACR 101 |
Pastoral Studies | PAST |
Performing Arts | PERF 102, 103, 202, 203, 302 |
Philosophy | PHIL |
Philosophy, Politics and Economics | PHPE |
Politics | POLS |
Psychological Medicine | PSME 201 |
Psychology | PSYC |
Public Health | POPH, PUBH |
Religious Studies | RELS |
Sanskrit | SANS |
Science Communication | SCOM |
Social Work | SOWK |
Sociology | SOCI |
Spanish | SPAN |
Sport, Physical Education and Exercise | SPEX 101, 102, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 304, 306, 307, 308, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316 |
Statistics | STAT |
Theatre Studies | THEA |
Subject | Code |
Biblical Studies | BIBS |
Christian Thought and History | CHTH |
Hebrew | HEBR |
Pacific Realities | PACR 101 |
Pastoral Studies | PAST |
Religious Studies | RELS |
Sanskrit | SANS |
Subject | Code |
Agricultural Innovation | AGRI |
Anatomy | ANAT (excluding ANAT 250) |
Applied Science | APPS |
Aquaculture and Fisheries | AQFI |
Astronomy | ASTR |
Biochemistry | BIOC |
Bioethics | BITC 201, 202, 210, 211, 301 |
Biological Anthropology | BIOA |
Biology | BIOL |
Botany | BTNY |
Business Studies | BSNS 113 |
Cell and Molecular Biology | CELS 191 |
Chemistry | CHEM |
Clothing and Textile Sciences | CLTE |
Community Health Care | CMHC |
Computational Modelling | COMO |
Computer and Information Science | COMP (excluding COMP 270, 371-373) |
Computer Science | COSC |
Digital Humanities | DHUM 303, 403 |
Earth and Ocean Science | EAOS |
Ecology | ECOL |
Economics | ECON |
Electronics | ELEC |
Energy Management | EMAN |
English | ENGL 127, 228 |
Environment and Society | ENVI |
Food Science | FOSC |
Forensic Analytical Science | FORS |
Forensic Biology | FORB 201 |
Genetics | GENE |
Geography | GEOG |
Geology | GEOL |
Human Body Systems | HUBS |
Human Nutrition | HUNT |
Information Science | INFO (excluding INFO 130) |
Law | LAWS 102 |
Marine Science | MARI |
Materials Science and Technology | MATS 204 |
Mathematics | MATH |
Media, Film and Communication | MFCO 222 |
Microbiology | MICR |
Nautical Studies | NAUT |
Neuroscience | NEUR |
Oceanography | OCEN |
Pacific Realities | PACR 101 |
Pathology | PATH |
Pharmacology | PHAL |
Philosophy | PHIL 105, 225, 226, 235, 334 |
Physics | PHSI |
Physiology | PHSL |
Plant Biotechnology | PLBI |
Project Management | PMAN 401 |
Psychological Medicine | PSME 201 |
Psychology | PSYC |
Public Health | POPH 192, PUBH 192, 211, 311 |
Science Communication | SCOM |
Sport, Physical Education and Exercise | SPEX |
Statistics | STAT |
Surveying | All 100-, 200-, 300- and 400-level SURV papers |
Toxicology – see Pharmacology |
Zoology | ZOOL |
Subject | Code |
Accounting | ACCT, ACFI, ACTP |
Agricultural Innovation | AGRI 101, 221 |
Bioethics | BITC 202 |
Business Law | BLAW |
Business Studies | BSNS |
Computer and Information Science | COMP (excluding COMP 270, 371-373) |
Computer Science | COSC 201, 202, 203, 204 |
Digital Humanities | DHUM 303, 403 |
Economics | ECON |
Entrepreneurship | ENTR |
Finance | FINC |
Information Science | INFO |
Management | MANT |
Marketing Management | MART |
Materials Science and Technology | MATS 204 |
Pacific Realities | PACR 101 |
Philosophy | PHIL 105, 235 |
Sport, Physical Education and Exercise | SPEX 101, 209, 313, 314, 315 |
Surveying | SURV 208, 319, 410, 411, 412, 510, 511, 512, 519 |
Tourism | TOUR |