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Study Physical Education, Activity and Health at Otago

Social and physical bases of mauri ora or flourishing wellness.

Physical education with physical activity and health have been combined to provide students with a well-rounded understanding of the theory and practices of health, wellness and well-being for individuals, communities and populations, whatever their health status.

Physical education, activity and health captures the reasons why we should all be physically active, the physiology behind how physical activity works to influence health, and how to prescribe exercise.

It includes how we can encourage people to be more active, as well as coaching, teaching and instructing about the relevance of physical activity. We focus on the importance of communities, including Māori communities, as well as understanding how the environment relates to being active.

Physical education, activity and health will also appeal to those interested in teaching or coaching sport and exercise. It is designed to equip students with a strong background in the biophysical and socio-cultural sub-disciplines of human movement.

In addition, there is a strong emphasis on applied practice and theory.

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Why study Physical Education, Activity and Health?

Physical education and physical activity influences all areas of a person's health and wellbeing. Physical education, or how we learn, teach, coach and instruct, is critical for positive health and wellbeing.

You can learn how to prescribe exercise for healthy individuals and for sedentary populations. You will appreciate and learn how to utilise the strength of wider communities to promote physical activity. You will have the opportunity to engage in practical learning inside and outside of the classroom and exercise laboratories including our specially designed practicum paper.

The course offers a strong Māori physical education and health focus.

Career opportunities

Career opportunities include physical education teaching, working with Māori communities, physical activity and health promoters, green prescription, health and fitness professionals, sport coaching, prescribing exercise in healthy and sedentary populations, wellness facilitators, and leadership roles.

Background required

There are no specific Year 12 or 13 level subjects required for admission. However, biology is helpful and physical education is recommended.


SPEX papers

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Contact us

School of Physical Education Sport & Exercise Sciences

Tel +64 3 479 8991

Studying at Otago

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