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Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)

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The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree programme enables each student to develop his or her own interests in business and related subjects. Students are able to create individualised courses using a range of papers offered across teaching departments in the School of Business and University as a whole. Students have the flexibility within the BCom degree to combine two specialisations and graduate with a double major.

Major subjects

For a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree you must major in at least one of the subjects in the section below.

For students enrolled in a BCom programme before 2017

From 2017 the required 100-level papers for all BCom programmes have changed from BSNS 102-108 to BSNS 111-115. BCom students who first enrolled in 2016 or earlier will normally complete the programme under the regulations in force when they first enrolled.

If you need to complete any of BSNS 102-108 the equivalent papers from 2017 onwards are:

Papers required before 2017 Equivalent from 2017 onwards
BSNS 102 BSNS 112
BSNS 103 MART 112
BSNS 104 BSNS 113
BSNS 105 BSNS 111 or MANT 101
BSNS 106 COMP 111 (recommended) or COMP 101
BSNS 107 BSNS 115
BSNS 108 BSNS 114

If none of the above options are available to you, you will need to seek advice from the Associate Dean (Academic) for the School of Business in order to decide on an appropriate paper or papers to use instead.

Minor subjects

Selecting a minor subject is not compulsory and there may be other combinations of papers more appropriate to your degree. There are no particular subject requirements for the other papers of your degree, but if you wish you may have another subject specified as a minor subject in your degree by passing the prescribed papers for any of the listed subjects.


Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)

  1. Structure of the Programme

    Every degree programme

    1. shall consist of papers worth not less than 360 points,
    2. shall include at least 180 points for papers above 100-level of which at least 72 points shall be for papers above 200-level,
    3. shall satisfy the requirements for at least one of the major subjects listed above. No paper above 200-level may count for more than one Major Subject Requirement,
    4. shall include the following Required Papers*: BSNS 111, BSNS 112, BSNS 113, BSNS 114, BSNS 115
    5. may include one or more optional minor subjects which satisfy the Minor Subject Requirements listed in Commerce Schedule A, or Arts and Music Schedule A, or Science Schedule A, or BHealSc Schedule Part 2. No paper may count for both a Major and a Minor Subject Requirement or for more than one Minor Subject Requirement unless that paper is at 100- or 200-level and is specified as compulsory for both Requirements,
    6. may include papers which are not listed in Commerce Schedule C
      1. up to 90 points; or
      2. as specified in the Commerce Major Subject Requirements and/or the Commerce subjects in the Minor Subject Requirements; or
      3. as specified in the Minor Subject Requirements.

    * At least three of these papers must be passed before enrolling in any 200-level Commerce paper, and all must normally be passed before enrolling in any 300-level Commerce paper. For single-degree BCom students, all five must be attempted in the first year of study or equivalent.

  2. Prerequisites, Corequisites and Restrictions

    1. Every programme of study shall satisfy the requirements for prerequisites, corequisites, and restrictions set out in the Prescriptions (published in the Guide to Enrolment).
    2. A candidate with outstanding results in a subject prior to entering the University may be permitted by the Head of Department concerned to enrol for a paper at 200-level without having satisfied the normal prerequisites. In such cases the candidate shall not be credited with the prerequisite papers but shall be exempted from including those papers in a major subject requirement. A candidate may not, having passed any such paper at 200-level, enrol subsequently for any prerequisite paper from which the exemption has been given.
  3. Cross Credits and Exemptions

    1. A candidate who is enrolled for the degree concurrently with another degree, or who has completed one degree and is proceeding with another, may cross credit 100- and 200-level papers which are common to both degrees up to a maximum of 126 points where the other degree is a three-year degree and up to a maximum of 180 points where the other degree is longer than a three-year degree.
  4. Variations

    The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Commerce) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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