The Otago Bachelor of Physiotherapy Honours (BPhty(Hons)) degree is the honours version of our well established four-year programme, which is internationally renowned for excellence, given that its graduates are recognised as among the best in the field.
The academic year is from late February to November. The programme is of four years' duration with Years 2 to 4 being undertaken at the School of Physiotherapy. In the first year students take the Health Sciences First Year course and in the majority of cases students are selected from this year. Students are offered the opportunity to undertake honours (4th) year, based upon academic performance in Year 3 of the course.
Students who complete all the competencies of the four years of study are eligible to apply for registration as a physiotherapist with the New Zealand Physiotherapy Board. In addition, honours graduates are eligible to enrol directly for PhD studies upon completion of their degree.
Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy with Honours (BPhty(Hons))
Admission to the Programme
- Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
- To be considered for admission to the programme, applicants must be has passed the Third Year course for the degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy with a grade average of at least A-. Application for admission must be made no later than 1 October in the year in which the Third year course is taken
- Eligible applicants will be ranked according to their Third Year grade averages and the number of students admitted to the Honours programme shall normally be limited to ten in any one year.
Structure of the Programme
- Every programme shall consist of the requirements of the First, Second and Third Year courses for the degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy together with the prescribed Fourth Year papers.
- A candidate shall normally complete the requirements for the degree in one year of full-time study following admission to the Fourth Year of the Honours programme.
Withdrawal from and readmission to the Programme
- The progress of each candidate in meeting terms requirements for the papers shall be reviewed by the School of Physiotherapy Board for Examinations and Assessment at mid-year. A candidate whose results are not satisfactory, may be required, by Dean of the School of Physiotherapy, to withdraw from the Honours programme.
- When a candidate withdraws from the programme, voluntarily or otherwise, the Dean of the School of Physiotherapy may recommend that the candidate may proceed to the ordinary degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy, and determine the papers which shall be credited towards that degree.
Level of Award of the Degree
The degree may be awarded with First Class Honours, with Second Class Honours (Division I), with Second Class Honours (Division II), or with Third Class Honours. The class of Honours awarded shall be determined by the School of Physiotherapy Board for Examinations and Assessment on the performance of the candidate in the Fourth Year papers (PHTY 468 and PHTY 469).
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may, in exceptional circumstances, approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.
University jargon
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