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Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons))


While the general characteristics of the Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons)) are the same as for the BSurv, the Honours student is required to take a full Honours dissertation in the final year of his/her degree programme. The degree is more demanding than the BSurv and is restricted to students who maintain a minimum average grade of B throughout their academic career.

The specific aim of the BSurv(Hons) degree is to help students develop research skills and in so doing to provide a platform for an advanced professional or academic career.

Surveying students are required to pay excursion and field camp fees. Details are available from the School of Surveying.


Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons))

  1. Admission to the Programme

    1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences).
    2. Admission to the Honours programme will be based upon an applicant's academic performance in the compulsory papers for the Second and Third years of the programme for the ordinary degree of Bachelor of Surveying.
    3. An applicant who holds the degree of Bachelor of Surveying shall not be admitted to the Honours programme.

  2. Structure of the Programme

    1. Every programme shall consist of the compulsory papers for the First, Second and Third Year courses for the degree of Bachelor of Surveying (in approved cases, students may be credited with or be granted exemptions from some papers on the basis of previous tertiary passes) together with the compulsory Fourth Year papers and additional papers prescribed. A total of at least 550 points is required.
    2. In order to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Surveying with Honours and if studying for this degree alone, a candidate shall complete its requirements within one academic year of full-time study following admission to the programme. If a candidate is concurrently studying for another degree, or in other special circumstances, this time may be extended by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences).
    3. The dissertation prescribed for the Honours programme must be submitted no later than 1 June or 1 November of the semester in which the final year's course is completed.

  3. Prerequisites, Corequisites and Restrictions

    Every programme of study shall satisfy the requirements for prerequisites, corequisites, and restrictions set out in the Prescriptions (published in the Guide to Enrolment).

  4. Withdrawal from the Programme

    1. A candidate whose results are not satisfactory may be required by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences) to withdraw from the Honours programme.
    2. When a candidate withdraws from the Honours programme, voluntarily or otherwise, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences) may recommend that the degree of Bachelor of Surveying be awarded or determine the papers which shall be credited towards that degree.

  5. Standard of Award of the Degree

    1. The degree may be awarded with First Class Honours, with Second Class Honours (Division I), or with Second Class Honours (Division II). The class of Honours shall be determined by the examiners primarily on the performance of the candidate in 400- and 500-level Surveying papers but some account may also be taken of a candidate's performance in 300-level Surveying papers.
    2. A candidate who fails to obtain Honours may, on the recommendation of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences), be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Surveying.
    3. A candidate who fails to obtain Honours may not resit part or all of the final year's course for the Honours programme in a subsequent year unless the Senate has determined that his or her performance in those examinations was seriously impaired.

  6. Variations

    The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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