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Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (MAdvNP)


    The 240-point Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (MAdvNP) is a focused pathway of study toward the prescribing scopes of practice in nursing under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (HPCAA) 2003.  It provides educational opportunities for New Zealand registered nurses to meet the Nursing Council of New Zealand competencies for nurse practitioners (NCNZ 2017). This eight-paper degree is underpinned by mastery learning principles, and builds on the nurse's relevant clinical and professional practice.

    Programme details

    Regulations for the Degree of Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (MAdvNP)

    1. Admission to the Programme

      1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
      2. Every applicant shall normally be required to satisfy all of the following:
        1. be a New Zealand registered nurse, with a current New Zealand Annual Practising Certificate, and be in good standing with the Nursing Council of New Zealand;
        2. have completed a minimum of three years' equivalent full-time relevant practice within the last five years (with at least one of the three years in full-time practice in New Zealand);
        3. be capable of meeting the requirements of Health Practitioner Competence Assurance Act (HPCA 2003) and Vulnerable Children's Act (VCA 2014) requirements, including immunisation & police clearance;
        4. have completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences or equivalent with grades averaging a B or better;
    2. Structure of the Programme

      The programme of study shall consist of:

      1. NURS 405, NURS 416; and further approved papers to the value of 120 points at Level 8; and two 30-point papers at Level 9, NURS 530 and NURS 531.
      2. Candidates will not normally be permitted to enrol for any paper unless they can meet the inherent requirements for that paper.
      3. A candidate who has completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences shall be credited with those papers in the programme for the degree which have been previously passed for the diploma.
      4. Note: On a case by case basis and with approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences), it may be possible to have prior study from another university or tertiary institution recognised as equivalent to an Otago postgraduate diploma, and thereby receive some quantity of credit into the programme. Students who feel they may have completed relevant prior study are invited to discuss this with the Programme Academic Lead in the first instance.
      5. The programme of study, the topic and supervisor of the research project shall be approved by the Programme Academic Co-ordinator (or nominee).
    3. Duration of the Programme

      1. A candidate for the degree shall usually follow a programme of two years of fulltime study or the equivalent in part-time study.
      2. A candidate for the degree will be expected to meet the requirements for the degree within four years of admission to the programme, or the equivalent in part-time study.
    4. Terms Requirements

      1. No candidate shall be eligible to sit a final examination in a paper without having gained terms in that paper.
      2. In addition to satisfying any terms requirements specific to the student's programme of study a candidate gains terms in a paper by satisfactorily demonstrating acquisition of sufficient knowledge and skills, by attendance at clinical practice and by performance in a professional manner of such practical work and other work as the Department of Nursing may require.
      3. A candidates who fails to gain terms in any paper will be required to repeat the whole of that paper.
      4. Terms granted in any paper shall normally be for that year only.
    5. Examination of the Research Project

      1. The written report shall normally be assessed by two markers, one internal to the Department of Nursing and one external.
      2. The candidate's supervisor shall not be a marker but may make a report on the work of the candidate to the Head of the Department of Nursing.
    6. Exclusion from the Programme

      1. Normally no candidate shall be permitted to re-enrol in a clinical experience paper on more than one occasion.
      2. Any student who, during the course of their studies, is
        1. subject to criminal charges; or
        2. subject to disciplinary proceedings of the University or of a professional body; or
        3. found to have an issue (whether in connection with their mental or physical health, or their professional attributes or conduct, or otherwise) that compromises or is likely to compromise their fitness to practise; or
        4. found to have failed to declare a matter covered by (b)(i)-(iii),
        may be excluded from further study towards the degree by the Academic Board of the Division of Health Sciences on the recommendation of the Department of Nursing Academic Committee. Any offer of admission made before responses to requests for information regarding an applicant's health or past conduct have been received is conditional on the information received confirming the applicant's suitability for admission.
    7. Level of Award of the Degree

      The degree may be awarded with distinction or with credit.

    8. Variations

      The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

    Career opportunities

    Graduates will be well prepared to lead in direct care:

    • Gaining enhanced capacity to practice collaboratively and autonomously in their field.
    • Interpreting and applying new knowledge to enable the translation of research into practice to benefit those they nurse.
    • Contributing positively to society.

    More information

    Amanda Clifford
    Co-ordinator, Student Experience
    University of Otago Christchurch
    Tel +64 3 378 6161

    This information must be read subject to the statement on our Copyright & Disclaimer page.

    Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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