The aim of the Master of Faith-Based Leadership and Management (MFBLM) is to enhance leadership and management in faith-based organisations, through the incorporation of current scholarship in both Theology and Business Administration. The MFBLM is designed to enhance a graduate's leadership and management of faith-based organisations and to enable advanced reflection and research on the practice of leadership and management.
The admission requirement is a degree or equivalent three-year qualification in any subject area with satisfactory grades. In cases where the student's prior qualifications do not include theological study, he or she may be required to undertake one or more 300-level papers in theology in order to satisfy the prerequisites for specific 400-level papers in BIBS and/or CHTH.
All the Theology papers offered for this qualification will be taught by distance; with a few papers taught both on campus and by distance in the same semester. The MBA papers are taught both on campus and by distance. The Research Project can be done either on campus or by distance.
The BMBA timetable is made available in November, at which point you have the opportunity to register your interest in your chosen BMBA papers. For this timetable, please contact: theology@otago.ac.nz.
Places in the online BMBA papers are limited, however the MBA programme will do their best to allocate you a place in your chosen papers. Please be aware that you may be placed on a waitlist for a paper or be advised that you need to take the paper at another time.
Programme details
Regulations for the Degree of Master of Faith-based Leadership and Management (MFBLM)
Admission to the Programme
- Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
- Every applicant must either
- be a graduate and normally have achieved an average of B in the 300-level papers of his or her degree programme, or
- have alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
Structure of the Programme
The programme of study shall consist of seven papers and a research dissertation, worth a total of 180 points:
- three papers with a combined value of 60 points chosen from CHTH 415, 420, 422, 423, MINS 406, MINS 408. One other BIBS, CHTH or MINS 400-level paper may be substituted for one of these papers.
- four papers with a combined value of 60 points chosen from BMBA 501-513.
- a research dissertation (MINS 590) with a value of 60 points embodying the results of supervised research.
- A candidate who has been awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Faith-based Leadership and Management may be exempted from those papers in the programme for the degree which have been previously passed for the diploma.
- With prior approval, relevant postgraduate papers worth up to the equivalent of 40 points may be credited from another department or from another university or tertiary institution.
Duration of the Programme
- The programme shall normally be completed on a part-time basis and requires the equivalent of 18 months of full-time study.
- A candidate shall satisfy the requirements for the degree within six years of admission to the programme.
Examination of the Research Dissertation
- The Head of Programme concerned (or nominee) shall appoint a Convenor of Examiners who shall oversee the examination of each research dissertation.
- The research dissertation shall be examined by at least two examiners, at least one of whom shall normally be external to the University.
- Where both examiners are internal to the University, the examined research dissertation shall be subject to external moderation.
- The candidate's supervisor(s) shall not be an examiner.
- Each examiner shall supply a written report on the research dissertation and recommend a mark and grade on the basis of the work as submitted.
- Where the examiners cannot agree on a result, the Head of Programme should so report to the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Humanities) or nominee who shall arrive at a decision after consulting a referee who should normally be external to the University.
Withdrawal from the Programme
Where a candidate withdraws from the programme after completing the prescribed papers, but does not complete the research dissertation, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) or nominee may recommend the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects, or determine which papers shall be credited towards the Diploma.
Level of Award of the Degree
The degree may be awarded with distinction or with credit.
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.