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Master of Music (MMus)

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The Master of Music (MMus) degree requires at least one year of full-time or its equivalent in part-time study. It may be awarded in Composition, Studio Production, or Performance.

Every candidate for the degree must either have been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Music with Honours (MusB(Hons)) or have been awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Music (PGDipMus), or have alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).

To gain the degree in Composition, a candidate must present an approved portfolio comprising an extended work and such further compositions as may be required, accompanied by a written component.

To gain the degree in Studio Production, a candidate must present a substantial, professional-quality sound recording of original or arranged works, accompanied by a written component.

To gain the degree in Performance, a candidate must present two approved public performances of approximately 50 minutes each in the University, at least one of which shall be at the end of the programme, undergo an oral examination, and complete a written component. The candidate may replace one of the performances with a recorded performance.

Graduates find themselves in a wide variety of careers, including music performance, composition, education, technology, theatre and the media.


School of Performing Arts


Regulations for the Degree of Master of Music (MMus)

  1. Admission to the Programme

    1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
    2. Every applicant must either
      1. have been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Music with Honours, or
      2. have been awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Music, or
      3. have alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).

  2. Structure of the Programme

    1. The degree may be awarded in Composition, Studio Production, or Performance.
    2. To gain the degree in Composition, a candidate must present an approved portfolio comprising an extended work and such further compositions as may be required, accompanied by a written component.
    3. To gain the degree in Studio Production, a candidate must present a substantial, professional-quality sound recording of original or arranged works, accompanied by a written component.
    4. To gain the degree in Performance, a candidate must present two approved public performances of approximately 50 minutes each in the University, at least one of which shall be at the end of the programme, undergo an oral examination, and complete a written component. The candidate may replace one of the performances with a recorded performance.
    5. As a guide to the candidate, the recommended relative workload weighting may vary from 90% for the compositions, performances or studio productions and 10% for the written component, through to 70% for the compositions, performances or studio productions and 30% for the written component.
    6. A candidate may not present a composition, studio sound recording, or performance programme which has previously been accepted for another degree.
    7. The research and other work necessary for the degree should be of a kind that a diligent and competent student should complete within one year of full-time study.

  3. The Written Component

    1. The written component, comprising relevant background information, theoretical perspectives, and critical analysis, may vary in length (excluding appendices, footnotes, and bibliography) from 4,000-5,000 words (for 10% of the overall grade) to 12,000-15,000 words (for 30% of the overall grade).
    2. A candidate may not present a written component that has previously been accepted for another degree.
    3. If the written component is not at an acceptable standard, the degree shall not be awarded, regardless of any result attained for the portfolio, performances or studio productions.

  4. Duration of the Programme

    A candidate shall normally follow a programme of study for the equivalent of not less than one year of full-time study and not more than two years of full-time study. Exceptions shall be permitted only with the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).

  5. Examination

    1. The required compositions, studio production, or performances, along with the written component, shall be assessed by a panel of at least two examiners, one of whom shall be external and one internal to the University.
    2. The candidate's supervisor shall not be an examiner but may make a report on the work of the candidate to the Head of the Department of Music, Theatre and Performing Arts.
    3. Each examiner shall supply a written report on the required compositions, studio production, or performances, along with the written component, and recommend a mark or grade on the basis of the submission or performance, and an overall result selected from the options as specified in clause (d) below.
    4. In the case of compositions or a studio production, the examiners may recommend that the submission, along with the written component:
      1. be accepted without amendments;
      2. be accepted subject to amendments being made at the discretion, and to the satisfaction, of the Head of the Department of Music, Theatre and Performing Arts;
      3. does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, but may be revised and resubmitted for examination;
      4. does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, and should be rejected without right of resubmission.
    5. In the case of performances and the written component, the examiners may recommend that they:
      1. be accepted;
      2. do not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, but a revised programme may be submitted for examination;
      3. do not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, and should be rejected without right of resubmission.
    6. Amendments shall be completed by a specified date to be determined by the Head of the Department of Music, Theatre and Performing Arts.
    7. A candidate shall be permitted to revise and resubmit the required compositions, studio production, or performances, along with the written component, for examination once only.
    8. If revised and resubmitted compositions, studio production, or performances, along with the written component, are finally accepted, the result shall be either 'Pass' or 'Fail' (i.e. ungraded) and without eligibility for the award of the degree with distinction or credit.
    9. Where examiners cannot agree on a result, the Head of the Department of Music, Theatre and Performing Arts should so report to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) or nominee who shall arrive at a decision after consulting a referee who should normally be external to the University.

  6. Level of Award of the Degree

    The degree may be awarded with distinction or with credit.

  7. Variations

    The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

Note: The due date for applications for first enrolment in the programme is 10 December. Late applications will be considered.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2024 Calendar and supplementary material.

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