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Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (PGCertPH)

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The Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (PGCertPH) is a perfect place to start postgraduate study. Some students, particularly those already working in the health sector, may wish to obtain a postgraduate qualification in Public Health, but do not wish to undertake a diploma or master's qualification. The Postgraduate Certificate provides such students with an appropriate qualification.

The structure of the programme allows you to undertake specific endorsed areas of study to complement your areas of interest or work expertise.

You are able to use the qualification as a stand-alone qualification, but equally you can use the papers from the PGCertPH to progress to the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (DPH).

Information for new applicants

The course is open to those with a wide variety of backgrounds and qualifications. As a guide, a general requirement for entry into postgraduate public health courses is a good undergraduate degree, diploma, or professional qualification, which would normally equate to a B average overall.


Malisha Gaundan
Postgraduate Programme Administrator
Department of Public Health
University of Otago, Christchurch

Anne Fenderl
Public Health Administrator
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine
Otago Medical School – Dunedin Campus

Andrew Wood
Postgraduate Coordinator
Department of Public Health

University of Otago, Wellington


Schedule of Endorsed Options

Endorsed Option Papers Required
Environmental Health PUBH 733, PUBH 734 and two other PUBH papers to the value of 30 points.
Health Economics PUBH 735, PUBH 736, and two other PUBH papers to the value of 30 points.
Health Promotion PUBH 713, PUBH 743, and two other PUBH papers to the value of 30 points.
Health Systems and Services PUBH 714, PUBH 742, and two other PUBH papers to the value of 30 points.
Māori Health PUBH 712, PUBH 741, and two other PUBH papers to the value of 30 points.
Public Policy and Health PUBH 713, PUBH 714, PUBH 744, and one other PUBH paper to the value of 15 points.
Research Methods PUBH 711, PUBH 723, PUBH 724, PUBH 725

Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (PGCertPH)

  1. Admission to the Programme

    1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
    2. Every applicant shall be a graduate or possess an appropriate health professional qualification requiring at least three years' full-time tertiary study.

  2. Structure of the Programme

    The programme of study shall consist of approved papers from the schedule of endorsed options, to the value of 60 points.

  3. Duration of the Programme

    The duration of the programme shall be one semester of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study.

  4. Examinations

    Every candidate must gain terms before being admitted to examinations.

  5. Variations

    The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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