The Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacy (PGCertPharm) can be taken as either a non-endorsed or endorsed in Medicines Optimisation. The endorsed certificate serves as an introduction to advanced level papers. The non-endorsed certificate is an introduction to research by way of a small research experience in the pharmaceutical sciences, clinical pharmacy, social pharmacy or biopharmaceutics.
Information for new applicants
The postgraduate certificate is intended for practising pharmacists who wish to extend their knowledge and skills by way of postgraduate study.
Students wishing to advance to the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy (PGDipClinPharm) should obtain an endorsement in Medicines Optimisation. Practising as a registered pharmacist is a requirement.
For students wishing to complete a PGCertPharm research programme, you should first contact the Postgraduate Administrator to arrange a suitable project and supervisor.
You will then need to complete the online process to apply for the PGCertPharm programme and once you have been admitted to the programme select your papers.
View further information on Enrolment at Otago.
Schedule of Endorsement Requirements
Endorsed Option | Papers Required |
Medicines Optimisation | PHCY 510 Evidence-Based Practice PHCY 511 Patient-Centred Care |
This endorsement for the Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacy (PGCertPharm) is also available through Distance Learning.
Postgraduate Administrator
School of Pharmacy
University of Otago
PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054
Tel +64 3 479 7271
Fax +64 3 479 7034
Email pharmacy.postgrad@otago.ac.nz
Website pharmacy.otago.ac.nz
Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacy (PGCertPharm)
Admission to the Programme
- Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
- Every applicant for the certificate shall
- be a Pharmacy graduate or hold a health professional qualification acceptable to the Board of Studies in Pharmacy; and
- present evidence of ability for advanced level academic study.
Structure of the Programme
The programme shall consist of an approved paper or papers to the value of 60 points, which must be as specified in the Schedule of endorsed options if the certificate is to be endorsed in an area of specialisation.
Terms Requirements
- No candidate shall be eligible to sit a paper in a final examination without having gained terms in that paper.
- A candidate gains terms in a paper by satisfactorily demonstrating the acquisition of sufficient knowledge and skills, by attendance at classes, and by performance in a professional manner of such practice/clinical and other work as the School of Pharmacy may require.
- A candidate who fails to gain terms in any paper will, if other regulations have been met, be required to repeat the whole of that paper.
- Terms granted in any paper shall normally be for the year only.
Duration of the Programme
A candidate shall complete the requirements for the certificate within two years of admission to the programme.
Special Examinations
A candidate who obtains a D grade in a paper may be permitted to sit a special examination for that paper. Any candidate who has obtained an E grade in a paper will not normally be admitted to a special examination in that paper but may be offered an opportunity to repeat the paper.
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.