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Postgraduate Certificate in Travel Medicine (PGCertTravMed)

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Because of the increasing number and complexity of international travel and travellers there is a requirement for a group of health practitioners to obtain special skills in this area.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Travel Medicine (PGCertTravMed) is a nationally recognised qualification for health professionals who wish to practise in the field of travel medicine.

The certificate lays the foundation for excellent travel medicine practice. Graduates of the programme will develop skills enabling them to appropriately advise and manage travellers both pre and post travel. They will have an understanding of the nature of travel medicine, the core principles of the pre-travel consultation (including risk assessment) and where to access up to date resources. The pre-travel health needs of specific populations will be addressed, including (but not limited to) children, pregnant women, the immunosuppressed, those visiting friends and relatives and adventure travellers. Advising on vaccine preventable diseases and the use of vaccines is included as is the prevention of many travel-health risks including vector, food and waterborne illnesses.

Students come from differing professional backgrounds (including medical, nursing and pharmacy), as a consequence of this interprofessional nature of the course, the graduate will learn skills with respect to their individual disciplines

The Postgraduate Certificate in Travel Medicine (PGCertTravMed) is available through Distance Learning.


Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate in Travel Medicine (PGCertTravMed)

  1. Admission to the Programme

    1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
    2. Every applicant shall be a graduate or possess an appropriate health professional qualification requiring at least three years' full-time tertiary study.
  2. Structure of the Programme

    The programme of study shall comprise two compulsory papers:

    • GENA 713 Travel Medicine 1: Introductory Concepts (30 points), and
    • GENA 714 Travel Medicine 2: Applied Concepts (30 points).

  3. Duration of the Programme

    The duration of the programme shall be one semester of full-time study or its equivalent in part-time study. The programme must be completed within three years of admission.

  4. Variations

    The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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