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Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PGDipClPs)


The Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PGDipClPs) programme normally extends over three years of full-time University study. This includes a Probationary Year during which a candidate completes the final year of a Bachelor with Honours degree or an equivalent course, and two Professional Years during which postgraduate students in Clinical Psychology are concurrently enrolled for a Master's or Doctoral degree in Psychology and the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology. In general, the syllabus is structured so that, as students proceed through the programme, there is progressively less emphasis on formal academic coursework and a correspondingly greater emphasis on practical training.

The number of students accepted each year into the training programme is limited by the number of practical clinical placements available. The present annual intake is 12 students. Candidates for entry into the programme need to have achieved a high standard of performance in their examinations at 200- and 300-level for the Bachelor with Honours degree in Psychology or in their examination for the ordinary Bachelor's degree with a major in Psychology.

Programme details

More information

Department of Psychology

Tel 64 3 479 7627
Website Clinical Psychology Programme

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