(Adopted 5 August 1987 and amended 27 July 1990, 5 August 1993, 19 July 2000, 19 July 2007, and 3 August 2010.)
Aims and Objectives
- To encourage good relationships among women employed in any capacity by the University of Otago and to foster awareness of the particular needs of women in the University.
- To affirm, support and strengthen the role of women in the University community and create a climate for the sharing of knowledge and expertise for the benefit of all.
- To seek to achieve the above aims and objectives by:
(a) providing opportunities for social contact among women employed by the University.
(b) providing a forum for discussion of matters of common interest.
(c) instituting action to appropriately affirm, support and strengthen the role of women in the University community.
(d) responding to any public comment or pending action affecting the role of women.
- Membership of the University of Otago Staff Women's Caucus shall be open to every woman employed by the University of Otago or associated body; and those elected as honorary members.
- Membership shall be by addition or continuation of name and email address in the SWC email list.
- The membership year shall be from 1 July to 30 June.
- Members who retire from the University may opt to continue their membership by providing an alternate email address.
- There shall be an Annual General Meeting of members each year for the purpose of:
(a) Election of an Executive Committee and Office-Bearers.
(b) Presentation of an Annual Report and Annual Accounts.
(c) Setting the amount of the subscriptions for the ensuing year.
(d) Appointment of an Auditor and representatives to other bodies where necessary. - A Special General Meeting may be called by both Co-Presidents on receipt of a written request from five members
- Fourteen days' notice in writing must be given for an Annual or Special General meeting.
- Twenty members shall constitute a quorum at an Annual or Special General Meeting.
- Nominations for Executive Committee and Office-bearers, except for ex officio members, shall be made in writing and signed by the nominee and the mover, both of whom must be financial members of the Staff Women's Caucus. Nominations will not be accepted after the commencement of the Annual meeting except when insufficient nominations have been received for the number of vacancies occurring.
- (a) The constitution shall be amended only at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting.
(b) Each proposed amendment requires a simple majority of the votes cast.
(c) The amendment shall take effect immediately upon acceptance.
Executive Committee and Office-bearers
- The Executive Committee shall consist of two Co-Presidents, a Treasurer/Archivist, the Manager, Recruitment, Development & Equity (ex officio), the Otago representative of the TEU Status of Women Committee (ex officio), the immediate Past Co-Presidents (ex officio), and up to nine members drawn from as wide a representation as possible of women's various positions in the University.
- The Executive Committee shall have the discretion to co-opt up to three additional members.
Role of the Executive Committee
The role of the Executive Committee shall be to actively foster the affirmed aims and objectives of the Staff Women's Caucus.