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Study Biology at Otago

    Biology at Otago


    Biology is the study of living organisms and is the basis of all  studies in the life sciences. At Otago, Biology is used as a name  for courses at 100-level only. There is no Department of Biology.


    BIOL papers

    Paper Code Year Title Points Teaching period
    BIOL112 2025 Animal Biology 18 Semester 2
    BIOL123 2025 Plants: How They Shape the World 18 Semester 2

    More information

    Contact us

    For information about BIOL 112 Animal Biology:

    Andrea Brown
    Department of Zoology
    Tel +64 3 479 5127
    Fax +64 3 479 7584

    For information about BIOL 123 Plants: How they shape the world:

    Dr David Orlovich
    Department of Botany
    Tel +64 3 479 9060
    Fax +64 3 479 7583

    Studying at Otago

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    Regulations on this page are taken from the 2024 Calendar and supplementary material.

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