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Study Community Health Care at Otago

    Work alongside people living in the community to support their health and well-being.

    Community Health Care focuses on providing the skills and knowledge required to work in our changing healthcare system and support individuals to live healthy lives.

    The major is multidisciplinary, encompassing biological, sociological, cultural, psychological, and developmental perspectives.

    Career opportunities

    As a BHealSc graduate majoring in Community Health Care, you will have a sound multidisciplinary understanding of health, well-being, and the health system. You will be well equipped to gain employment in a variety of community roles within primary and secondary healthcare settings, policy and managerial roles, or in health and disability services.

    This is especially important as future healthcare services will be increasingly based in the community.

    Graduates will have the expertise to work with a diverse range of individuals and communities across the healthcare sector to improve health outcomes for all.

    Student profile – April Oakley

    BHealSc student April OakleyUnhappy with her original decision to study for a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, April Oakley met with a course adviser who introduced her to the Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHealSc).

    “Health across the life course, disability studies, global health, Pacific and Māori health – it seemed like a happy balance between STEM subjects and the social sciences.

    “Yes, we have lectures, but half the time we are having a class kōrero, discussing ideas, concepts and solutions with the lecturer. My lecturer once told me that while we learn from them, they are forever learning from us too.

    “All of their content fills the gap they see in the health system right now. Everything is relevant, everything is applicable. We're not reading an old textbook; we're discussing the latest health reform, the newest report the government has released, and talking to people on the front line of our health system.”

    April is unsure what the future holds, but says, “I know that whatever it is, I will be working with my community to enable everyone to live healthier lives”.

    Be part of the change in our health care system

    “Everything is relevant, everything is applicable. We're not reading an old textbook; we're discussing the latest health reform, the newest report the government has released, and talking to people on the front line of our health system.”

    — April Oakley
    BHealSc Student

    Learn culturally responsive and integrated health approaches to navigate the way forward in our changing healthcare system.

    Our interactive learning opportunities enable students to connect with people and service organisations in community healthcare settings by:

    • Learning about health and well-being from multiple disciplines and perspectives, including hauora Māori, in order to develop an understanding of health at a broader level
    • Focusing on health and well-being, disability, human development and common health problems
    • Becoming knowledgeable about the social and health system context in order to assist people, their whānau, and communities to navigate the health system effectively

    Specifically, you will learn about:

    • Social and cultural contexts and explore ways to reduce inequity
    • How to communicate and act in an ethical, professional and compassionate way with a diverse range of individuals and communities, with a particular emphasis on understanding Māori and Pacific values
    • Human health and well-being across the lifespan
    • Health conditions and treatments
    • Disability
    • Assessment and care co-ordination
    • Bioethical principles underpinning health care

    Build skills to make a difference

    New approaches to health care are required as we face important health challenges.

    These include:

    • An increase in the number of older adults and people living with multiple long-term conditions and disabilities
    • Limited health resources and greater demand for services
    • Environmental and social change and the accompanying effects on health

    With these challenges comes an increasing need to develop innovative solutions and approaches to healthcare.

    The Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHealSc) majoring in Community Health Care is a three-year degree for those who want to be an integral part of these new approaches.

    This career-focused qualification focuses on the skills required to work with patients, populations, and communities to promote health and ensure patients are accessing and receiving the most appropriate care.

    Choose a study option

    Whether you're embarking on your academic journey with our comprehensive undergraduate programmes or aiming to reach new heights through our advanced postgraduate offerings, Otago is here to support your aspirations.

    Undergraduate qualifications

    For new and current students studying towards a Bachelor's or other first degree. Explore undergraduate qualifications at Otago, designed to build a strong foundation in your chosen field, preparing you for a successful career or further study.

    Note: this subject can also be studied as a minor.

    Ready to apply?

    Take the first step towards your future in this subject.

    Further study opportunities

    Whether you are looking to bridge your undergraduate studies to advanced knowledge or aiming to specialise in a specific field, Otago offers a range of graduate and postgraduate options to suit your aspirations.

    Programme details

    Compare programmes for this subject as a major and minor (where available).

    100-level EDUC 105 Disability Studies: An Introduction 18
    HUBS 191 Human Body Systems 1 18
    HUBS 192 Human Body Systems 2 18
    PUBH 192 Foundations of Epidemiology or POPH 192 Population Health 18
    EDUC 105 may be taken during the second year of study  
    200-level CMHC 201 Human Health Across the Lifespan 18
    CMHC 211 Enabling Wellness and Ability I 18
    MAOH 201 Hauora Māori in Practice: Working with Individuals and Whānau 18
    PACH 201 Pacific Health: New Zealand and the Pacific Region 18
    At least two of
    BITC 201 Bioethics and the Life Sciences
    GEOG 210 Social Geography
    PATH 201 Foundations in Human Pathology
    PUBH 203 Health Policy and Politics: Global and Local
    PUBH 211 Epidemiology of Global Health Conditions
    SOCI 205 Social Inequality
    300-level CMHC 301 Applied Aspects of Human Health 18
    CMHC 311 Enabling Wellness and Ability II 18
    MAOH 301 Hauora Māori in Practice: Working with Organisations and Communities 18
    PACH 301 Pacific Health: Advanced Applied Knowledge 18
    Plus 108 further points 108
    The following papers are suggested: ANTH 105, BIOC 192, BSNS 113, CELS 191, CHEM 191, MAOR 102, PACI 101 , PSYC 111, PSYC 112; ANAT 241, BITC 201, MAOR 202, MICR 223 , NEUR 201, NEUR 202, PACI 201, PHAL 241, PHSL 251, PSME 201, PSYC 212, PUBH 202; BITC 301, INDS 301, PACI 301, PUBH 311 
    Total 360

    A minor subject can be included in many of our undergraduate degrees. To earn a minor, you typically must complete a minimum of 90 points in that subject, with at least 18 points at the 300-level.

    Your minor can be a subject more commonly taken for a different degree. For example, a BCom majoring in Marketing can include Japanese as a minor subject. To include this subject as a minor in your application, first find a major subject through our Subject Search or Study Match.

    You can check what’s required to receive the minor accreditation in the programme details below.

    Available as a minor subject for a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Music (MusB), Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA), Bachelor of Theology (BTheol), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (BEntr), Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHealSc), Bachelor of Arts and Commerce (BACom), Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) or Bachelor of Commerce and Science (BComSc) degree


    EDUC 105 Disability Studies: An Introduction



    CMHC 201*  Human Health Across the Lifespan

    CMHC 211 Disability and Health I

    *Prerequisites for CMHC 201 also include HUBS 191, 192




    CMHC 301 Applied Aspects of Human Health

    CMHC 311 Disability and Health II



    Total 90


    View a list of all related papers below.

    CMHC papers

    Paper Code Year Title Points Teaching period
    CMHC201 2025 Human Health Across the Lifespan 18 points Semester 1
    CMHC211 2025 Enabling Wellness and Ability I 18 points Semester 2
    CMHC301 2025 Applied Aspects of Human Health 18 points Semester 2
    CMHC311 2025 Enabling Wellness and Ability II 18 points Semester 1

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