Tourism at Otago goes beyond conventional thinking and explores all aspects of the industry.
Focusing on local and international perspectives you will understand the big picture as well as the day-to-day operations. Study tourism at Otago and you’ll be immersed in a rich, multicultural environment.
You’ll be all set to really discover what the world has to offer. Be a part of the future of tourism in New Zealand and shape the international stage.
Why study Tourism?
The tourism sector offers you the opportunity to drive change and innovation, while focusing on sustainable practices and mutual benefit for local communities. It is as dynamic as it is diverse. Tourism is a critical element of the New Zealand economy and has been earmarked by the Prime Minister as a key sector of the economy that continues to play a leading role in New Zealand's economic development. It is about unlocking the potential of tourism places, managing natural and built resources, understanding heritage and cultural issues, developing events and co-creating experiences that leave a lasting impression on locals and visitors alike.
The study of tourism is about understanding tourism and hospitality, and being well placed to manage tourism – be it at the level of business, destination or government – for sustained success. Tourism is also about practical things like hospitality, planning, managing and marketing. Being part of the Bachelor of Commerce, you will gain solid skills in business alongside knowledge of the societal and environmental implications of tourism. By the end of your degree, you'll enter a resilient industry with multiple dynamic opportunities for graduates.
Career opportunities
The industry needs motivated, educated people who understand the wider environmental, social and economic issues affecting tourism businesses. With the broad business education gained by Otago graduates, your opportunities are global.
Areas you can work in include:
Adventure tourism
Customer relations
Events and conference co-ordination
Heritage, museums, art galleries
Hotel management
Regional and government tourism organisations
Sales and marketing
Visitor services
Recommended background
There are no formal prerequisites needed to study tourism at 100-level. However English, geography and tourism at secondary school (NCEA) are useful background subjects. Tourism is for those passionate about understanding the links between people, travel, the environment and society.
Choose a study option
Whether you're embarking on your academic journey with our comprehensive undergraduate programmes or aiming to reach new heights through our advanced postgraduate offerings, Otago is here to support your aspirations.
Undergraduate qualifications
For new and current students studying towards a Bachelor's or other first degree. Explore undergraduate qualifications at Otago, designed to build a strong foundation in your chosen field, preparing you for a successful career or further study.
Take the first step towards your future in this subject.
Further study opportunities
Whether you are looking to bridge your undergraduate studies to advanced knowledge or aiming to specialise in a specific field, Otago offers a range of graduate and postgraduate options to suit your aspirations.
BSNS 111 Business and Society, BSNS 112 Interpreting Business Data, BSNS 113 Economic Principles and Policy, BSNS 114 Financial Decision Making, BSNS 115 Accounting and Information Systems – must normally be taken in first year of study
108 further points; must include 54 points at 200-level or above. Up to 90 points may be taken from outside Commerce.
Every programme must include BSNS 111-115. At least three of these papers must be passed before enrolling in any 200-level Commerce paper, and all must normally be passed before enrolling in any 300-level Commerce paper. For single-degree BCom students, all five must be attempted in the first year of study or equivalent.
STAT 110 or STAT 115 will be accepted as an alternative to BSNS 112 as a required paper or as part of the major subject requirements or as a prerequisite when: (a) the paper has been passed before the student has enrolled for a BCom degree; or (b) a student is enrolling for both a BCom and another degree for which STAT 110 or STAT 115 is required.
Any student who completed PTWY 111 before enrolling in the BCom degree shall be exempt from the requirement to complete BSNS 113. Any student who has completed PTWY 112 before enrolling in the BCom degree shall be exempt from the requirement to complete BSNS 114.
A candidate completing the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws is able to satisfy the CPA/CAANZ accreditation requirements by substituting: a) LAWS 202, LAWS 203, LAWS 204, LAWS 301 and LAWS 407 in place of BLAW 211 and BLAW 212 b) LAWS 416 in place of ACTP 312.
A minor subject can be included in many of our undergraduate degrees. To earn a minor, you typically must complete a minimum of 90 points in that subject, with at least 18 points at the 300-level.
Your minor can be a subject more commonly taken for a different degree. For example, a BCom majoring in Marketing can include Japanese as a minor subject. To include this subject as a minor in your application, first find a major subject through our Subject Search or Study Match.
You can check what’s required to receive the minor accreditation in the programme details below.
Available as a minor subject for a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Music (MusB), Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA), Bachelor of Theology (BTheol), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (BEntr), Bachelor of Health Science (BHealSc), Bachelor of Arts and Commerce (BACom), Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) or Bachelor of Commerce and Science (BComSc) degree
Three of: TOUR 216 Sport Tourism TOUR 217 Tourist Behaviour TOUR 218 Tourism and Hospitality Enterprise Management TOUR 301 Cultural and Heritage Tourism TOUR 305 Tourism Product Development TOUR 306 Ecotourism and Sustainable Development TOUR 310 Leisure: Lives and Societies TOUR 350 Special Topic TOUR 351 Special Topic
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