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For most Summer School papers one point implies 10 hours of work.  Taking one 18-point paper will therefore involve 180 hours of work (or 30 hours a week for six weeks, including classes and private study time).

It is possible to take two Summer School papers, however if your academic record is average or lower, you may not be approved to do both. Please seek course advice.

One 18-point Summer School paper is considered full-time study.

  • In most cases, taking one 18-point paper (0.15 EFTS) in Summer School is regarded by StudyLink as a full-time load for Loans and Allowances purposes
  • If you are not enrolled for subsequent study in 2025, StudyLink payments will cover the Summer School tuition period only. StudyLink payments do not cover the Summer School examination period
  • The maximum load permitted by the University in the Summer School is 36 points
  • Students on Conditional Enrolment may be permitted to take only one paper at Summer School
  • Summer School students may also be approved to take papers for Final Examination Only. Any such additional papers are not taken into account in any consideration of a student's status as full-time or part-time student or eligibility for Government student loans or allowances.
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