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Our Vision

A Centre with an international reputation for research excellence that leads to the production of new historical understandings of colonialism, colonial cultures, and empire in New Zealand, the Pacific and beyond

Our Mission

To produce world-leading research that facilitates public understanding of empire and colonialism in the past and present

Strategic Objectives

  • To facilitate new research about colonialism and its legacies through conferences, symposium, workshops, hosting visiting scholars and published research
  • To conduct innovative research that will produce critical histories of empire and colonialism and its legacies
  • To build relationships and collaborations with international research groups, key national cultural institutions, local heritage groups, and iwi/runaka
  • To actively disseminate research to iwi, policy makers, community groups and the cultural sector

Our structure


Professor Tony Ballantyne (History)

Associate Professor Miranda Johnson (History)

Steering Committee

Professor Barbara Brookes (History)

Associate Professor Annabel Cooper (Gender)

Professor Lachy Paterson (Te Tumu)

International Advisory Board

Professor Antoinette Burton (University of Illinois)

Professor Alan Lester (University of Sussex)

Professor John Maynard (University of Newcastle)

Dr Sujit Sivasundaram (University of Cambridge)

Rev Wayne Te Kaawa (Te Wānanga a Rangi)

Professor Henry Yu (University of British Columbia)

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