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juliahorsfieldnewProfessor Julia Horsfield

Principal Investigator, CSDG,
Director, Otago Zebrafish Facility

Tel +64 3 479 7436

MMeier1Michael Meier

Research Fellow

Michael completed his PhD in 2018, working on the role of Cohesin and CTCF during zygotic genome activation in zebrafish in our lab. He then joined Megan Wilson's group in the Department of Anatomy to study whole body regeneration in the tunicate model Botrylloides diegensis, applying single cell genomics and CRISPR gene tagging approaches. He re-joined the Horsfield lab in 2022 to disentangle the various roles of cohesin subunits STAG2 and Rad21 during zebrafish tailbud development using single cell technologies.

Hannah DarrochHannah Darroch

Postdoctoral Fellow

Hannah completed her PhD in 2022 at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland under the supervision of Chris Hall. In the Hall Lab, Hannah used larval zebrafish to explore the functional and transcriptomic adaptations adopted by neutrophils that were generated by infection-driven granulopoiesis. In addition, she investigated the potential of larval zebrafish as a model of trained immunity. With an avid interest in continuing to use zebrafish as a disease model, Hannah joined the Horsfield Lab in 2022 where in conjunction with the Leask Lab (University of Alabama, USA and University of Otago), she now investigates non-coding genetic variants with potential to increase metabolic disease risk in Māori and Pacific populations. Outside of work, Hannah enjoys walking around regional and local parks and beaches, trying new recipes, and knitting.

Doug Mackie

Otago Zebrafish Facility Lead Technician

Doug  Mackie is responsible for researcher training, day-to-day fish  husbandry and fish life support systems. Doug supports a number of  University of Otago researchers working with zebrafish, in addition to  the CSDG.

AnastasiaLAnastasia Labudina

PhD student

Anastasia completed her Bachelors in Molecular Biology from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia in 2016. She then moved to Dresden, Germany where she completed her Masters in Regenerative Biology and Medicine. Her interest in epigenetics and regulation of three-dimensional genome structure brought her to Dunedin where she is now studies how cohesin contributes to zebrafish development.
In her spare time, she enjoys photography, postcrossing and collecting mineral specimens.

Dylan LynchDylan Lynch

Masters Student

Dylan completed undergraduate study in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Genetics and minoring in Mathematics. His research focuses on the developmental role of the cohesin complex, specifically the role of STAG proteins in the cohesin complex. His areas of interest are developmental and evolutionary biology. Outside of the lab Dylan enjoys sports and music, you may find him at one of Dunedin's many beaches.

Daniel GrayDaniel Gray

PhD student

Daniel completed his undergraduate study in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Genetics and minoring in Plant biotechnology. He then completed an honours project in 2022 comparing gout associated epigenetic patterns in individuals with European, Māori and Pacifika ancestry. Daniel's areas of interest centre on epigenetic contributions to human disease, and the intersection between genetics and environment. His research is focused on the roles of cohesin in the brain, with the aim to identify mechanisms which could cause the mental disorders common in people with cohesinopathies. In his spare time Daniel likes to hike, read and play basketball.

Kia ora Tātou,
Ko Ngongotahā te maunga
Ko Rotorua-Nui-a-Kahumatamomoe te roto
Nō Rotorua ahau
Ko Pakeha tōku mātāwaka
Ko Gray tōku whānau
Ko Daniel tōku ingoa

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