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10 Aug 2020

Research team hopes Māori lives will be saved with new testing criteria for stomach cancer

There are likely to be several hundred Māori unaware they are at high risk of an inherited form of stomach cancer and a...

16 Apr 2020

Tom Brew

Tom Brew was a Masters candidate at the Centre for Translational Cancer Research.

31 Oct 2019

$3.8 million to Otago researchers in Career Development Awards

$3.8 million to Otago researchers in Career Development Awards

Silke Neumann and Dr Sharon Pattison image

29 Oct 2019

Otago scientist wins award for stomach cancer research

A University of Otago researcher has won a fellowship to undertake cutting-edge research on stomach cancer survival, usi...

21 Jun 2019

Major donation supports research into early-stage cancer detection

Major donation supports research into early-stage cancer detection

20 Mar 2019

Otago discovery paves way for precision medicine in future

Otago discovery paves way for precision medicine in future

19 Nov 2018

The challenge of reducing health inequities and improving health outcomes in New Zealand

The Healthier Lives – He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge, hosted by the University of Otago, welcomes the annou...

27 Sep 2018

Otago discovery links DNA-packaging proteins and cancer development

Otago discovery links DNA-packaging proteins and cancer development

27 Aug 2018

Otago scientist wins award for cancer research

Otago scientist wins award for cancer research


27 Aug 2018

Cancer Genetics student wins National Master's Three Minute Thesis Competition

A student in Professor Parry Guilford’s Cancer Genetics Lab in the Otago Department of Biochemistry has won the Master's...


13 Aug 2018

Christchurch bowel cancer surgeon recognised for global leadership

Christchurch bowel cancer surgeon recognised for global leadership

Heather Cunliffe thumb

25 Jul 2018

Funding for Otago breast cancer research which aims to halt cancer spread

Funding for Otago breast cancer research which aims to halt cancer spread

Distinguished Research Medal Lecture recorded

Professor Parry Guilford presented his Distinguished Research Medal Lecture:
Evolution, families and cancer (YouTube,1 Hour and 10 mins) at the College of Education Auditorium on Wednesday 22 November.

Seize opportunities urges Distinguished Research Medal recipient (Bulletin)

Other recorded events

HL banner Parry G tn
Visit Healthier Lives researchers on 'The Cause of Cancer' to view two lectures, recorded in November 2017:

  • Professor Parry Guilford: Genetics and how drugs can target those genes.
  • Dr Chris Jackson: Keytruda from bench to bedside - The challenge of getting a breakthrough.

Life saver

2017 Distinguished Research Medal winner Professor Parry Guildford can count among his many achievements the discovery of the first-known gene for inherited gastric cancer and the development of a simple-to-use non-invasive test for bladder cancer.

Parry Guilford thumbnail
Related story:
Genetic Jeopardy

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