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Can we believe in politics

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Seeking the Common Good in a World of Self-Interest
31 March, 6:00pm Refreshments, 6:30pm Lecture
Revd Dr Eleanor Sanderson, (Canon Theologian, Diocese of Wellington)
Venue: Wellington Cathedral of St. Paul's (Thorndon)
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The Least and the Last in a World of Growing Inequality
A Pub-lic Issues Conversation with RNZ Journalist Megan Whelan
27 April, 6:30pm
Venue: JJ Murphy's Pub (Cuba Mall)
- Max Rashbrooke (author of Wealth and New Zealand)
- Eric Crampton (The New Zealand Institute)
- Jon Hartley (World Vision)
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Protecting the Planet in a World of Ecological Crisis
25 May,7:00pm Refreshments, 7:30pm Roundtable discussion
Venue: The St John's Centre, (Corner of Willis and Dixon Streets, CBD)
- Jonathan Boston (Victoria University of Wellington, IGPS)
- Catherine Iorns (Victoria University of Wellington Law and 365 Aotearoa)
- Koreti Tiumalu (Region Coordinator for
- Paul Young (Generation Zero)
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Liberation and Restoration in a World of Mass Incarceration
29 June,7:00pm Refreshments, 7:30pm Panel discussion
Venue: Central Baptist Church (Boulcott Street, CBD)
- Chris Marshall (Victoria University of Wellington, Restorative Justice Programme)
- Allison Robinson (Anglican Diocese of Wellington)
- Liam Martin (Institute of Criminology at Victoria University of Wellington)
- Kim Workman (Institute of Criminology at Victoria University of Wellington)
- Tom Noakes-Duncan (Victoria University of Wellington, Restorative Justice Programme)
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Welcoming Strangers in a World of Global Migration
27 July, 6:30pm Refreshments, 7:00pm Lecture
Venue: Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Thorndon)
- Julianne Hickey (Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand)
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Honest Leadership in a Post-Truth World
A Hustings Event with MP's from the Major Parties
31 August, 6:00pm Panel discussion
Venue: St. Andrews on the Terrace (30 The Terrace, CBD)
- Megan Whelan (Community Engagement Editor, Radio New Zealand)
- Hon. Christopher Finlayson (Attorney General and Minister of Treaty Negotiations)
- Dr Sarb Johal (List Candidate)
- Mr Geoff Simmons (Deputy Leader and Electorate Candidate)
- Julie Anne Genter (List MP)

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