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Hocken hosted three events as part of the University-wide programme celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2019

  • Te Hau Kāinga during World War Two: reaching out to whānau: Māori Research Talk

Professor Lachy Paterson and Associate Professor Angela Wanhalla shared their research on the Māori Home Front, 1939-1945

  • He Rangahau, He Whakaaro, He Kōrero: 5-minute research talks by University of Otago Postgraduates from across the Divisions

The Postgraduate Research talks event was a collaboration with the Division of Sciences, co-hosted with the Division of Sciences Kaiārahi, Mariana Te Pou.

  • BYOK Parakuihi (Bring Your Own Kai Parakuihi): a staff shared breakfast

University of Otago staff were invited to bring along a breakfast kai to share; we learnt a karakia kai and shared some Māori language resources.

Here are some photos of the week's events, all held in the Hocken Seminar Room. Ka nui te mihi to all presenters and participants!

Parakuihi for Te Wiki 2019Te Hau Kāinga talk 2019
BYOK ParakuihiLachy and Angela presenting on Te Hau Kāinga
PG talks audience 2019Lisa presenting for Te Wiki 2019Jovan presenting for Te Wiki 2019
Full house for the Postgraduate talksLisa Van Halderen presentingJovan Mokaraka-Harris presenting

 Te Wiki 2019 PG Research talks

Kia kaha te Reo Māori 2019

Kete for the PG presenters

Kete koha for Postgraduate presenters with the IILF kohatu mauri


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