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The Library Bindery offers binding services for Otago students' theses and dissertations, as well as other binding orders for departments.

Binding services for students

The Library Bindery offers binding services to Otago students completing theses/dissertations at competitive prices and a maximum 10 day turnaround, depending on the time of year. If payment is to be made via your department, we require departmental authorisation on the binding order and form prior to placing your order with the Bindery.

Students wishing to print and bind theses / dissertations can order and pay for both at Uniprint.  If the work is pre-printed and delivered directly to the Bindery an invoice will be emailed, payable online or at the University of Otago Cashiers Office.

The Author declaration form for hard-bound copies (Masters and Doctorate) must be included where appropriate.  Author declaration form (24KB PDF)

See the library pages: Thesis InformationWriting and Submitting sections for guidance on formatting and printing.

Binding services for staff

We welcome enquiries from University of Otago departments for other kinds of binding orders. Payment must be made via your department and we require departmental authorisation on the binding order form prior to placing your order with the Bindery.

Binding order form

Binding order form (DOCX)


Hard cover thesis binding

  • University standards i.e. sewn, rounded, backed, trimmed, and with acid free linen re-inforced endpapers, millboard and cloth cases, plus gold lettered spine.
  • Service may take up to 10 working days.
  • Costs from $61.50 per volume.
  • Thesis title will be in gold lettering and will run down the spine. The title should be as brief as possible. Maximum lettering possible is 50 characters, including title, spaces, and surname. No titling is required on the front cover.
  • Enquiries are welcome.

Soft binding (temporary)

  • Light card (coloured) or clear front and back, cloth spine.
  • Overnight service.
  • $10.00
  • Enquiries are welcome.

Colour Charts

Please note that these colours are representative only. For exact colour matching, please visit the bindery.

Library Buckram colour chart

Library Buckram colour chart

Rexine colour chart

Rexine colour chart

Taratan leather binding

Taratan leather binding

Bindery hours

8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday

Contact the Bindery

Bindery Foreman
109 Leith Street
Dunedin 9054

Tel: +6434799194 or +64 3 479 8924


Need help? Talk to one of our friendly Library staff.

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