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Current exhibition

Janet Frame’s Bookshelf: A Writer’s Reading Life

Thursday 29 August- 28 February 2025

This exhibition is a celebration of the 100th birthday of Janet Frame ONZ, CBE (1924-2004), the acclaimed novelist, short story writer, and poet, and an examination of the relationship between her writing and reading. The exhibition forensically reconstructs the contents of Frame’s bookshelves, based on her autobiography and non-fiction writing, as well as her personal and literary papers held at Hocken Collections.

It presents impressions of her bookshelves and the types of reading material they held. This archival and documentary evidence of Frame’s reading reveals how it was woven into the fabric of the writer’s creative, intellectual, social, and everyday life. Books furnished Frame’s homes; their presence bolstered her literary purpose and sense of belonging. The printed word informed, inspired, and consoled her and sustained deep personal relationships. Overall, the books, images, and documents brought together in this exhibition reinforce how writing and reading were inseparable for one of Dunedin’s and New Zealand’s most esteemed literary figures.

The deBeer Gallery at Special Collections is open to all visitors Tuesday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm.

Past exhibitions

30 October 2020–31 October 2021 
Out of the Vault: Gothic Literature and ales of the Supernatural

21 February–10 July 2020 
This Book Belongs To …

21 June–13 September 2019 
1869: The Year That Was

21 June–13 September 2019 
The Female of the Species: A Celebration of Women in History

22 March–7 June 2019
For the love of books: Collectors and Collections

14 December 2018–15 March 2019
Medical Marvels: Treasures from the Health Sciences Library

7 September 2018–7 December 2018
Auld Acquaintances: Celebrating the Robert Burns Fellowship

15 June–31 August 2018
All the Year Round: Exploring the Nineteenth-Century Periodical

16 March–1 June 2018
A Middle Eastern Odyssey: Constantinople to Palmyra

15 December–9 March 2018
Moving to the Left: The Art and Development of the Frontispiece

15 September–8 December 2017
Parlez-vous français? Celebrating France & the French

16 June–8 September
Intrepid Journeys: Travelling with the Hakluyt Society

24 March–9 June 2017
500 Years On. Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

9 December 2016–17 March 2017
Keeping it in the Family: British and Irish Literary Generations, 1770-1930

1 September 2016–2 December 2016
A Letterpress Legacy: The Dartmouth College Book Arts Workshop

10 June 2016–26 August 2016
Scholarly Favourites. Researching in Special Collections Exhibition, University of Otago

11 March 2016–3 June 2016
Fashion Rules OK

11 December 2015–4 March 2016
By Land and By Sea: Scientific Expedition Reports in Special Collections from 1826 to the 1960s

28 August–27 November 2015
The Melrose Library: Reflecting the Life and Works of Sir F. Truby King

5 June–21 August 2015
Black + White + Grey. The Lives + Works of Eric Gill + Robert Gibbings

12 March–29 May 2015
Aliens, Androids & Unicorns.  The Hal Salive Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection

17 December–23 March 2014
The World of Joseph W. Mellor (1869-1938)

11 September–5 December 2014
Celebrating Botany (1924-2014)

11 June–5 September 2014
Viva l'Italia. A Regional Romp through Italy

21 March–23 May 2014
Make It New! Modernism & the Medieval Presence

20 December 2013–14 March 2014
Rare Delights III. Recent Additions to Special Collections

27 September–13 December 2013
Reaching Out: Celebrating 100 years of Otago Physiotherapy Graduates

28 June–20 September 2013
Maths, Politics and Concrete: The Legacy of the Classical World

5 April–25 June 2013
Celebrating Pharmacy

20 December 2012–22 March 2013
From Pigskin to Paper: The Art and Craft of Bookbinding

21 September–13 December 2012
Celebrating Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

22 June–14 September 2012
Charting the Land on the Ocean: Pacific Exploration, 1520-1876

23 March–15 June 2012
Ray Guns & Rocket Ships. The Fred Fastier Science Fiction Collection

21 December 2011 to 16 March 2012
The Gentleman's Magazine: The 18th century answer to Google

30 September–16 December 2011
In Search of Scotland

1 July–23 September 2011
Experimental Philosophy: old and new

1 April–17 June 2011
Forging a Magical Landscape: The Works of Robert Graves, Poet

17 December 2010–25 March 2011
Faces of Authorship: Constructing the Author in Medieval and Early Modern Books

27 August to 10 December 2010
Pulp Fiction

14 May–20 August
ALL ABOARD! The Ernie Webber Railway Collection

8 February–7 May
Footnotes on Official History: Celebrating Dr Hocken's Pamphlet Collection

30 October 2009–29 January 2010
Heresy, Sedition, Obscenity: The Book Challenged

13 July–23 October 2009
'I sat down in the evening to read...' Books from the Library of Charles Brasch, Poet, 1909-1973

8 April–3 July 2009
Beetles, Barnacles, Orchids, and the Origin of Species: Charles Darwin and His Legacy

19 December 2008–27 March 2009
A Record of Achievement: The 50th Birthday of the Otago University Press

29 August–12 December 2008
Nourishing the Roots: an exhibition celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Robert Burns Fellowship at the University of Otago

5 May–22 August 2008
Éire á Móradh: Singing the Praises of Ireland

25 February - 25 April 2008
Rare Delights II: Recent Additions to Special Collections

20 December 2007 - 1 February 2008
RETROSPECTIVE: A look back at the last 21 Special Collections exhibitions

17 October to 14 December 2007
Initials: In the Beginning...

6 July to 28 September 2007
Linnaeus, Prince of Botanists: His Works and Legacy

11 April to 29 June 2007
A Quick Stab at the Eighteenth Century

12 December 2006–30 March 2007
Master of the Burin: the book illustrations of John Buckland Wright, 1897-1954

4 September–1 December 2006
In the Flesh. The Monro Dynasty 1720-1846.

1 June–25 August 2006
The Black Art: Hand-printing in the Bibliography Room, 1961-2005

10 February–26 May 2006
West Meets East: Images of China and Japan, 1570 to 1920

17 October 2005–27 January 2006
Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass

11 July–23 September 2005
The Word on Modernism: How Books Aided a Revolution in Design

11 April–24 June 2005
"£100 & a butt of sack yearly" The office of the poet laureate

20 December 2004–31 March 2005
Straight Jackets: the Art of the Book Jacket

20 September–10 December 2004
'A Civilising Mission' : New Zealanders and the Rhodes Scholarship 1904–2004

24 June–10 September 2004
41 Stunning Books: A selection of modern private press books

23 March–11 June 2004

Glimpses of London's Past

25 November 2003–12 March 2004
He tirohanga ki muri ~ A view of the past

4 July–17 November 2003
Harmonizing my starting place: Charles Brasch, patron, poet and collector

21 March–27 June 2003
Cultivating Gardens: Practical garden advice through the ages

13 December 2002–13 March 2003
Rare Delights: recent additions to Special Collections

12 September–28 November 2002
Unpacking Ruins: architecture from antiquity

21 June–1 September 2002
Enlarging the prospects of happiness: European travel writing through the ages

21 March–13 June 2002
Portrait of a gentleman scholar: celebrating the life and legacy of Esmond de Beer


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