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Research team

Key contacts

Leigh Hale (Lead Investigator, School of Physiotherapy)

Her research expertise extends to quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods methodology across a wide range of long term conditions and disability. She has led development of numerous community exercise classes for people with long term conditions and is actively involved in community projects. Contact:

Chris Higgs (Lead Clinical, Physiotherapist)

Chris has extensive experience in exercise for long term condition management and has been integral to DCEP's development and implementation. Contact:


Other research team members

Jim Mann (Department of Human Nutrition)

Jim is a consultant physician/endocrinologist with a special interest in and responsibility for the care of people with diabetes for over 30 years.

Tim Stokes (Department of General Practice and Rural Health)

Tim is a General Practitioner with a research interest in health service delivery implementation research

Ram Mani (School of Physiotherapy)

Ram is a Physiotherapist and has a research interest in the influence of psychological factors on sedentary behaviour and physical activity in high-risk populations.

Prasath Jayakaran (School of Physiotherapy)

Prasath is involved in the qualitative evaluation of the programme.

Fiona Doolan-Noble (General Practice and Rural Health)

Fiona has a nursing background, with experience in long term condition management within the health sector.

Trudy Sullivan (Department of Preventive and Social Medicine)

Trudy is a health economist who will be responsible for conducting an economic evaluation of the DCEP programme.

Andrew Gray (Department of Preventive and Social Medicine)

Andrew is experienced in diabetes and related research.

Our advisory groups

Our advisory groups are responsible for ensuring culturally safe and appropriate implementation of our research.

Clinical advisory group

The Clinical Advisory Group is made up of the Physiotherapist, Chris Higgs, who has led the class for the last eight years, Amy Lowry (Community Dietitian, WellSouth) and Marryllyn Donaldson (Long Term Conditions Nurse, WellSouth and voted the world's best patient educator by a United Kingdom-based diabetes support and education group)

Māori advisory group

DCEP has a Māori Advisory Group comprising Peter Ellison (PHO Otago and Southland), Nancy Todd (DHB Otago and Southland), Tracey Wright-Tawha (Ngā Kete Mātauranga Pounamu Charitable Trust (Ngā Kete)), Shelley Kapau (Arai Te Uru Whare Hauora (ATUWH)), Katrina Pōtiki Bryant(Kaiarahi Maori, School of Physiotherapy).

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