A last-gasp list about the poet remembering a woman manacled
- (or menacled)
- it's two men
- apparently
- have handcuffed her
- to the bunks
- in the hut
- the (older) men
- drink whisky
- contemplating
- nodding sagely?
- (rosemary-ily?)
- remembering anyway
- the ways of young
- and wilderness/
- (wildness?)
- play their cards
- ace of spades
- black black
- trumps hearts
- red red
- the Tilley lamp
- goes out
- (no more fuel?)
- the woman sighs
- or breathes/
- gasps
- faints
- (feints?)
- the old men sleep
- black black
- and dream
- of being young
- men manacling
- in the wildness
- (wilderness?)
- of their dreams
- black
(c) Ruth Brassington. All rights reserved.