We welcome poetry, ficion, nonfiction and academic essays.
Closing date for submissions: end of May 2011.
Notes for contributors
Electronic submissions are preferred. Submissions should be attached to an email in file format, not in the body of the email.
Your submission will be acknowledged within a week or so.
Please do not submit more than five pieces of work at any one time. If you are submitting more than one piece of work, please do not attach them in individual files; instead, collect them into one large file and attach that.
Graphics which are to be included with the document should be in JPEG
format. If they are in a different format we will attempt to convert them,
but the difficulty of conversion will be taken into account when we decide
on which papers will be selected for publication.
Photographs and other illustrative material, in JPEG format, should
be submitted separately from the typescript, with a note indicating appropriate
position in the text.
Academic articles should be written in MLA style.
Please note: work submitted to Deep South outside submission periods may go unacknowledged, and will not be considered for publication unless otherwise advised.