Deep South v.1 n.2 (May, 1995)
Fortrose polite cough of a town opened your arms to tall ships but a long spit of sand covered your mouth rich silt settled inside leaving you full and empty like Wilde art or a flower on the trellis of a house boarded up for sale * Lying full stretch by the cliff's edge arms spread wide fingers clutching tussock grass unable to stand up and look down but drawn to the edge inching out down there gullspecks head bouncing in the wind "You sit stiller" thought Pound in the cage at Pisa "if whenever you move something jangles" * It wasn't the crunch crossing the line or even winning that drew me but the game--- something langer than its parts like a whole body or wild art free falling in love with an image motion unrestateable losing its heart when you try to explain * I thought of animals, machines, lovers but to give either one of us an image would be cheating when we smashed together we weren't anything but ourselves my neck twisted down to the ground curled like a wave just before it hits sand and breaks. Mouth opened ononono no sound only fear and years echoing * Lying full stretch on a trolley head in the sandbags arms laid straight fingers somewhere touching legs every thirty seconds to make sure you still can smelling clothes they're about to cut off your body your mind longing to stand up look down make connections