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Bachelor of Science (BSc) majoring in Biochemistry

100-level BIOC 192 Foundations of Biochemistry 18
CELS 191 Cell and Molecular Biology 18
CHEM 191 The Chemical Basis of Biology and Human Health 18
At least one of:
BIOL 112 Animal Biology
BIOL 123 Plants: How They Shape the World
CHEM 111 Chemistry: Molecular Architecture
HUBS 191 Human Body Systems 1
HUBS 192 Human Body Systems 2
PTWY 131 Introduction to the Human Body
PTWY 132 Introduction to Plant Life
STAT 110 Statistical Methods
STAT 115 Introduction to Biostatistics

PTWY 131 and PTWY 132 are only available to students enrolled in the Diploma in Science.

200-level BIOC 221 Molecular Biology 18
BIOC 222 Proteins in Industry and Medicine 18
BIOC 223 Cellular Biochemistry and Metabolism 18
300-level BIOC 351 Advanced Protein Biochemistry 18
BIOC 352 Advanced Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics 18
BIOC 353 Molecular Basis of Health and Disease 18
BIOC 360 Research Perspectives in Biochemistry

With Head of Department approval, one 300-level BIOC paper may be replaced by another relevant 300-level paper.
Plus 162 further points (GENE 221 Molecular and Microbial Genetics strongly recommended); must include 54 points at 200-level or above.

Up to 90 points may be taken from outside Science.
Total   360
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