make.traps {secr}R Documentation

Build Detector Array


Construct a rectangular array of detectors (trapping grid) or a circle of detectors or a polygonal search area.


make.grid(nx = 6, ny = 6, spacex = 20, spacey = spacex, spacing = NULL,
    detector = "multi", originxy = c(0,0), hollow = FALSE, ID = "alphay", 
    leadingzero = TRUE, markocc = NULL) (n = 20, radius = 100, spacing = NULL, 
    detector = "multi", originxy = c(0,0), IDclockwise = TRUE, 
    leadingzero = TRUE, markocc = NULL)

make.poly (polylist = NULL, x = c(-50,-50,50,50),
    y = c(-50,50,50,-50), exclusive = FALSE, verify = TRUE)

make.transect (transectlist = NULL, x = c(-50,-50,50,50),
    y = c(-50,50,50,-50), exclusive = FALSE)

make.telemetry (xy = c(0,0)) 



number of columns of detectors


number of rows of detectors


distance between detectors in ‘x’ direction (nominally in metres)


distance between detectors in ‘y’ direction (nominally in metres)


distance between detectors (x and y directions)


character value for detector type - "single", "multi" etc.


vector origin for x-y coordinates


logical for hollow grid


character string to control row names


logical; if TRUE numeric rownames are padded with leading zeros


integer vector of marking or sighting codes; see markocc


number of detectors


radius of circle (nominally in metres)


logical for numbering of detectors


list of dataframes with coordinates for polygons


list of dataframes with coordinates for transects


x coordinates of vertices


y coordinates of vertices


logical; if TRUE animal can be detected only once per occasion


logical if TRUE then the resulting traps object is checked with verify


vector with coordinates of arbitrary point (e.g., centroid of fixes)


make.grid generates coordinates for nx.ny traps at separations spacex and spacey. If spacing is specified it replaces both spacex and spacey. The bottom-left (southwest) corner is at originxy. For a hollow grid, only detectors on the perimeter are retained. By default, identifiers are constructed from a letter code for grid rows and an integer value for grid columns ("A1", "A2",...). ‘Hollow’ grids are always numbered clockwise in sequence from the bottom-left corner. Other values of ID have the following effects:

ID Effect
numx column-dominant numeric sequence
numy row-dominant numeric sequence
numxb column-dominant boustrophedonical numeric sequence (try it!)
numyb row-dominant boustrophedonical numeric sequence
alphax column-dominant alphanumeric
alphay row-dominant alphanumeric
xy combine column (x) and row(y) numbers

‘xy’ adds leading zeros as needed to give a string of constant length with no blanks. generates coordinates for n traps in a circle centred on originxy. If spacing is specified then it overrides the radius setting; the radius is adjusted to provide the requested straightline distance between adjacent detectors. Traps are numbered from the trap due east of the origin, either clockwise or anticlockwise as set by IDclockwise.

Polygon vertices may be specified with x and y in the case of a single polygon, or as polylist for one or more polygons. Each component of polylist is a dataframe with columns ‘x’ and ‘y’. polylist takes precedence. make.poly automatically closes the polygon by repeating the first vertex if the first and last vertices differ.

Transects are defined by a sequence of vertices as for polygons, except that they are not closed.

make.telemetry builds a simple traps object for the 'telemetry' detector type. The attribute 'telemetrytype' is set to "independent".

Specialised functions for arrays using a triangular grid are described separately (make.tri, clip.hex).


An object of class traps comprising a data frame of x- and y-coordinates, the detector type ("single", "multi", or "proximity" etc.), and possibly other attributes.


Several methods are provided for manipulating detector arrays - see traps.


Efford, M. G. (2012) DENSITY 5.0: software for spatially explicit capture–recapture. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Efford, M. G., Borchers D. L. and Byrom, A. E. (2009) Density estimation by spatially explicit capture-recapture: likelihood-based methods. In: D. L. Thomson, E. G. Cooch and M. J. Conroy (eds) Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. Springer, New York. Pp. 255–269.

See Also

read.traps,detector, trap.builder,make.systematic, print.traps, plot.traps, traps, make.tri, addTelemetry


demo.traps <- make.grid()

## compare numbering schemes
par (mfrow = c(2,4), mar = c(1,1,1,1), xpd = TRUE)
for (id in c("numx", "numy", "alphax", "alphay", "numxb", 
    temptrap <- make.grid(nx = 7, ny = 5, ID = id)
    plot (temptrap, border = 10, label = TRUE, offset = 7, 
        gridl = FALSE)

temptrap <- make.grid(nx = 7, ny = 5, hollow = TRUE)
plot (temptrap, border = 10, label = TRUE, gridl = FALSE)

plot( = 20, spacing = 30), label = TRUE, offset = 9)
summary( = 20, spacing = 30))

## jitter locations randomly within grid square
## and plot over `mask'
# see also ?gridCells

tr0 <- tr <- make.grid(nx = 7, ny = 7, spacing = 30)
tr[] <- jitter(unlist(tr), amount = spacing(tr)/2)
plot(as.mask(tr0), dots = FALSE, mesh = 'white')
plot(tr, add = TRUE)

[Package secr version 5.2.0 Index]