Andrew Lamb
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
“I went to numerous university open days around the country but Otago stood out, partly because I was from Dunedin and wanted to stay close to my mates, but also because I had heard such good things about the Health Sciences First Year (HSFY) course.
“It was actually a lecture in HSFY from one of the dentists at the Dental School that made me think about dentistry. I researched the degree and thought, this sounds like something I'd like – the mix of science and working with your hands was definitely something that appealed.”
Andrew was also impressed by the array of extracurricular activities on offer through UniPol and Clubs and Societies, as well as the tight-knit community feel at Otago.
“It's a massive university but you can't walk anywhere on campus without bumping into somebody you know. The fact that everything is so central – within about a two-kilometre radius – is something that makes the culture at Otago so vibrant.”
Andrew, who served as the Dental Students' Association president in 2016, is now a dental house surgeon at Wellington Hospital.
“Dental studies definitely prepares you well. The training is very hands on from the get go, which is hugely beneficial for us graduate dentists. I'm loving my job. It's so good to be out doing what you studied so hard at for five years!”