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Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology (PGDipCDTech)

Applications for the PGDipCDTech open on 1 April and close on 31 May of the year prior to study. When applications open, a link to apply will appear on this page.


The Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology (PGDipCDTech) is a one year full-time course involving formal education, teaching and clinical practice held at the Faculty of Dentistry in Dunedin.

The programme, which includes three papers (DTEC 401 Complete Denture Prosthodontics, DTEC 402 Partial Denture Prosthodontics, and DTEC 403 Dental Health), is for dental technicians who wish to obtain training in Clinical Dental Technology and is designed to enable graduates to practise clinical procedures safely and restore the dentition using either complete or removable dentures.

There is also the option to study this programme part-time over two academic years. The part-time programme attendance model requires a minimum of 2 days per week attendance on campus at the Faculty of Dentistry in Dunedin. In addition, there is an initial orientation week and attendance is required for end of year examination/s at the University of Otago (Dunedin).

Programme details

More information

Postgraduate Admission
Faculty of Dentistry
University of Otago
PO BOX 56,
New Zealand
Tel +64 3 479 8889

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