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Andrew Reynolds, Co-Director of EDOR

EDOR Co-Director gains research award

EDOR researcher Dr Andrew Reynolds has been given a University of Otago early ca...

Automated insulin pump trial “life changing”

A University of Otago-led trial has “unequivocally” shown major benefits of auto...

Photo of Professor Jim Mann in front of the University clocktower

Professor Jim Mann comments on UK junk food advertising ban for kids

Professor Jim Mann has appeared on 1News commenting on the recent UK decision to...

Brad Brosnan and Shay Ruby-Wickham with the infrared cameras used in the study.

Keep devices out of bed for better sleep – study

Despite what we’ve been led to believe, the timing of evening screen time, rathe...

Baby with food on face

Baby food pouches in spotlight

Food pouches are a popular, but contentious, food choice for babies, but new Uni...

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Study debunks concerns about baby feeding methods

What, and how, a baby is fed can weigh on a caregiver’s mind. Thankfully, a Univ...

Moana Theodore thumbnail

How will you age? World-leading Dunedin Study launches next phase

The world-leading Dunedin Study is set to launch its age 52 assessments, delving...

Loaf of baked multigrain bread

Whole grains for health study – recruiting people with type 2 diabetes

We all know whole grains are healthier than refined, but what happens if those g...

Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research

Join us for EDOR's 20th Anniversary Event on Friday 24 November 2023

Register for the EDOR 20th Anniversary event happening on the 24 November 2023 a...

EDOR thumbnail

FEATURE: Flagship research centre celebrates 20th anniversary

Making a real difference to the lives of people affected by diabetes and obesity...

Christchurch campus building image

Type 2 diabetes patients need much more Vitamin C – study

Patients living with Type 2 diabetes – and the healthcare professionals caring f...

Two open books lying on a desk.

Educational outcomes poorer for children with type 1 diabetes

Children in Aotearoa with type 1 diabetes have significantly poorer educational...

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