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Disability Information and Support provides a number of specific resources and services.

Secondary school students

Dunedin Tertiary Information Day

The Dunedin tertiary institutions hold an annual Information Day for visiting school students.  This is an opportunity to experience the uniqueness of the Otago campuses, to attend special presentations and tours, and to visit the Residential Colleges.

Hands-On at Otago

Hands-On at Otago, is a week-long university experience open to year 12 or 13 secondary school students. Hands-On at Otago follows on from the highly successful Hands-On Science programme and now includes Humanities and Business projects. Having an impairment is no barrier to participating in this programme. By attending this week, students will gain practical experience in research and university life.

Students who have a disability, impairment or medical condition are studying successfully in all academic areas at the University of Otago, and we want to encourage even more students to consider attending University.

Disability Information and Support at the University of Otago offers a number of scholarships to a maximum of $1,500 each for students who have a disability, impairment or medical condition to assist them in attending Hands-On at Otago. For more information;

Transition Resources

Entry to University

The University of Otago is committed to the principal of equal educational opportunities.  If having a disability, impairment, or medical condition has affected your past academic performance, it is recommended that you complete a Disability Impact Statement which will assist the University of Otago with the decision-making process in regards to your eligibility to enrol in your chosen programme.

For additional information, School Liaison Officers are available to provide advice and help with course planning

Full-time or Part-time Study?

The decision whether to study full-time or part-time can be a hard one for any student.

If you're unable to undertake the workload of a full-time course you may still be able to get financial help under limited full-time status.  For more information;

Distance learning students

Disability Information and Support offers support and advice to students who are enrolled in distance learning or extramural courses.  The range and nature of support may differ according to the location of your study, but wherever possible we will attempt to fully meet your requirements.

It is important that you contact Disability Information and Support as soon as you enrol and make us aware of your particular situation and location.

Undergraduate and postgraduate students

The support we provide is varied and may include:

  • Advocacy
  • Specialised software and equipment
  • Quiet study rooms
  • Note-taking
  • Individual tutoring
  • Reformatting of course materials
  • Alternative arrangements for tests and examinations
  • Transcription

Our Student Advisors are available to discuss each student's requirements and work collaboratively to put together a support plan.

International or Exchange students

If you are an international student with a permanent, recurring or temporary impairment, Disability Information and Support may be able to help you.  We can provide you with learning support, advice, advocacy and information.

As with any other student enrolling at the University of Otago, it is important that you check to ensure the University is able to meet your individual needs, though students should be aware that the maximum amount of additional time for tests and exams is 10 minutes per hour.

Depending on your status there may be costs associated with some support services that you may need to self-fund, so it is extremely important that you make contact at the time you are applying for admission to the University of Otago. We would also encourage you to obtain a letter from your home institution outlining the accommodations you have received and/or supply supporting documentation from a relevant professional.

For more information contact Disability Information and Support

Contact the International Office


Disability contacts in departments

The University of Otago has a network of disability contacts within departments, colleges and services.

Find out who your disability contact is in your department

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