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Proven clinical audit software that enhances patient care and promotes professional development

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Why audit?

DIVA logo (232 pixels wide)Surgeons are under more scrutiny than ever before. When consenting patients, surgeons should quote their personal complication rates. The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons now requires all surgeons to record their outcomes and undergo regular clinical audit and peer review. And 10% of surgeons should expect their CPD portfolios to be audited during their career.

As surgeons we all want the best outcomes for our patients, and we know that clinical audit is the best way achieve this.

“All surgeons in operative or clinical consulting practice are required to participate in audit each year and submit the audit for peer review.”

RACS Continuing Professional Development Guide 2016


Some surgeons collect their data in a personal logbook, but as an individual it is time-consuming and difficult to comprehensively record all complications. What is needed is a department-wide approach.

DIVA makes it easy to record every patient under your care, every operation, diagnosis and complication. Admissions are automatically pulled from the hospital systems. Operations, diagnoses and complications are entered prospectively by registrars. Completed records are signed off by the consultant.

DIVA makes it easy to conduct clinical audit and peer review. There are tools to create agendas for mortality and morbidity meetings, generate reports on case mix and outcomes, and download data for further audit, analysis and research. DIVA can even transmit data to international registries such as the Binational Colorectal Cancer Audit.

DIVA has been developed for over 30 years by surgeons for surgeons. Being a University of Otago offshoot, our costs to your DHB are very reasonable.

Why Otago Clinical Audit?

With DIVA you're not just getting a software solution for a tick box exercise. You also get a complete service from Otago Clinical Audit to support the processes you need in your department to make clinical audit deliver real benefits for your patients.

What can you do with DIVA?

  • Monitor and improve: Monitor your case mix, complications, and deaths, and improve your outcomes.
  • Teamwork: Get the whole department to collect your outcome data.
  • Professional development: Easily conduct surgical audit and peer review to comply with RACS annual CPD requirements.
  • Logbook: Automatically generate your operative logbook, works for trainees too.
  • Registry exports: Export your data to registries such as BCCA and ACHS .
  • Research: Collect prospective data for research.

How does DIVA work?

  • Automatic: Automatically pulls real-time admission data from your hospital systems.
  • Any device: Easily accessed through web browser on PC , tablet, and mobile.
  • Quick: Uses refined lightweight lists of procedures, diagnoses, and complications for surgeons.
  • Fully coded data: Stores data in full-coded format for easy statistical analysis.
  • Instant reports: Reports and data extracts at the click of a button to use in audit and morbidity and mortality meetings.


Up to 10 per cent discount available – terms and conditions apply.

 SilverGold Platinum
(most popular)
Price per admission $5.95 $5.45 $4.95
Contact term 1 year 3 years 5 years
Breakout after first year    
Installation and training    
Software support    
Regular updates and bug fixes    
Free custom data extracts   1 per year 5 per year

Optional extras

  • Custom data extracts: Provide custom data extracts to help you answer specific audit and research questions. $300 per extract.
  • Registry exports: Seamlessly export data to national registries such as BCCA and ACHS . Add 50¢ per admission.
  • User training: Set up and train your new users. Add $1.00 per admission.
  • Custom solutions: Custom software solutions for your other audit and research activity. Price on application.


“We have used Diva for almost a year. It was straightforward to implement with the IT setting up the direct population of DIVA from our patient management system. It had the benefit of instantly improving our reconciliation of pathology specimen results and follow up as part of entering the final audit diagnosis.

“It allows us to track long run outcomes in surgically important metrics; leaks, wound infections, readmissions, but also system issues; cancelled lists, delayed imaging etc. It saves the junior staff time in preparing the Mortality and Morbidity review and ensures the whole of work capture of data especially operative times.

“In short we have seen improvements in care and processes, already accruing not just from the Mortality and Morbidity activity but also from the collecting the data.”

– Glenn Farrant, Consultant General Surgeon

“I have been a user of this software in its various iterations for nearly 25 years.

“It has provided a reliable, versatile and user-friendly platform for conducting continuous prospective audit of surgical outcomes. The current user interface is easy to use and intuitive. The reporting functions facilitate production of Mortality and Morbidity reports and individual and unit caseload reports.

“I recently completed a longitudinal departmental practice audit of a particular procedure (oesophagectomy) over 25 years. DIVA proved invaluable in identifying the cases and providing outcome data as the basis of this study.

“In summary, I have no hesitation in recommending this software as a painless but rigorous method of obtaining continuous total practice audit.”

– Tom Elliott, Consultant General Surgeon

“I have been a user of the Otago Clinical Audit since its very beginning as the Surgical Audit in the Department of Surgery at Dunedin Hospital in 1984 when I was a surgical registrar. It has undergone many iterations and improvements since and is an easy‑to‑use, powerful tool for comprehensive data collection of surgical activity, complications and outcomes that form the basis of clinical audit activities.

“I have almost an entire practising lifetime record of my operative procedures as well as non-operative admissions which can be interrogated and analysed in a wide variety of ways.”

– Mike Hunter, Consultant General Surgeon and Intensivist

Contact us

Contact us if you want to find out more and see DIVA in action.

Otago Clinical Audit
Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Otago
Tel +64 3 470 9850 (Dunedin Hospital extension 59850)

One of our surgeons will be in touch soon.

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