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The Section of Rural Health consists of the following three arms:

Visit Leaning on Fence Posts, the official blog of the Rural Health Section

Rural Medical Immersion Programme (RMIP)

RMIP students are placed in rural areas throughout New Zealand. Students live at one of these centres for the year. They are attached to local practices and hospitals, and travel to more remote localities.

Rural Postgraduate Programme

The Programme's aim is to improve healthcare and health outcomes for rural and remote communities in NZ and wider South Pacific through teaching and research excellence, and is based on the principle of social accountability and community engagement. This programme offers several postgraduate qualifications and CME activities to rural generalists doctors including GPs and rural hospital doctors:

Rural Health Research

The research interests of faculty include disparities in rural vs urban health outcomes and access to services, diagnostic services in rural areas and rural health professional education and vocational training.

Rural Health Research Network

Established in July 2022, the Rural Health Research Network (RHRN) is building an academic research community for interdisciplinary rural health academics and higher degree students living and working in rural communities across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Visit the Rural Health Research Network web page


Professor Garry Nixon, Head of Rural Health Section

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