Early Learning in Medicine
Staff in the department are involved with undergraduate teaching in the Dunedin School of Medicine's Early Learning in Medicine (ELM) programme. ELM covers years two and three of the six-year MB ChB ('medical degree') programme. Our staff contribute to modules including Healthcare in the Community (HIC), Integrated Cases, and Clinical Skills.
Advanced Learning in Medicine
In the Dunedin School of Medicine's Advanced Learning in Medicine (ALM) course, the department is involved with student placements in outpatient clinics, urban and rural primary care, and in the wider community.
SECO clinic
In preparation for student placements, the department runs an in-house programme which includes authentic simulations of patient consultations in primary care called the Safe and Effective Clinical Outcomes (SECO) Clinic. It also contributes to the Professional Development Programme which forms a thread through the entire undergraduate medical course.
Rural Medical Immersion Programme
The Rural Medical Immersion Programme (RMIP) is a one-year long option for fifth-year medical students at the University of Otago which offers an exciting new generation of learning that integrates primary, secondary, and tertiary medical care through real-life experiential learning.