A view down a long aisle of the Otago Zebrafish Facility.
The University of Otago Zebrafish Facility (OZF) offers researchers access to one of the most technically-advanced zebrafish facilities in Australasia. The 1200-tank facility was commissioned in May 2009 and completed March 2011.
The OZF services several high-profile teams—both within the University of Otago and externally—researching cancer, developmental disorders, sex determination, stem cell biology, oxidative stress, behaviour, epigenetics, and evolution.
Researchers have the option of either "renting" tank space in the facility or contracting OZF staff to undertake the hands-on laboratory work on their behalf.
The facility also provides on-site toxicology, pathology, microinjection, and imaging services.
Visit the Otago Zebrafish Facility website