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We have many joint clinical staff who are involved in paediatric teaching and research. They include:

Past research studies

  • Fluid bolus therapy in neonates
  • Lying Around: Neonatal positioning survey
  • NIPIRA Study
  • Paediatric cardiology for medical undergraduates
  • The paracetamol flavour dilemma
  • Transition Awareness in Rheumatology Services (TARS) Study: A qualitative and quantitative evaluation of current attitudes among families of adolescents affected by rheumatological diagnoses to transitional care in New Zealand

Current research

  • Babies born prematurely
  • Combat Cystic Fibrosis: Can azithromycin prevent bronchiectasis in infants with cystic fibrosis?
  • Establishment of a New Zealand cerebral palsy register
  • hPOD: Oral dextrose for prevention of neonatal hypoglycaemia
  • Intubation documentation in the NICU: A Clinical Practice Improvement (CPI) project
  • Paediatric experiences, pathways, and quality improvement strategies in the Otago Region
  • Participation in daily life situations as a key health outcome for children with neurodisability
  • Unplanned extubation (UPE) in the NICU: ETT care bundle. A CPI project


  • Kate Margetts BMedSc(Hons)
  • Marizanne Reyneke BMedSc(Hons)
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